
MDU Admission 2022 Application Form, Exam Date, Eligibility, Pattern & Admit Card

MDU Admission 2022MDU Admission 2022MDU Admission 2022: Maharshi Dayanand University (MDU) was established in the year 1977. It is a public state university located at Rohtak in the state of Haryana. MDU Rohtak University offers various undergraduate (UG), postgraduate (PG) and research level courses. The procedure of providing admission to candidates in the courses is by conducting a Common Entrance Test or on the basis of the Merit, as per the guidelines defined by the University. Candidates interested in seeking admission are required to fill up the Application Form available online on the official site of the university. The candidates applying for admission must go through all the Information for the form of the University before proceeding to submit the form. For complete details regarding the admissions, the procedure goes through the article below.

  • Name of the University: Maharshi Dayanand University (MDU), Rohtak
  • Type of University: Public State University
  • Admission Criteria: Entrance and Merit-based

MDU Admission 2022 Exam Date:

The schedules important dates related to MDU DDE Admissions 2022 are mentioned below. Candidates can check the schedule for the course which is applying from the table. 

Course Last date Apply
M.Sc. Mathematics (Hons.) 5-Year Integrated, LL.B (Hons.) 3-year and
LL.B (Hons.) 5 year (including MDUCPAS, Gurugram), M.Com (Hons.) 5-Year,
Fine Arts (Drawing & Painting), MA English (Hons.) 5-Year Integrated,
MFA-6 year integrated, B. Pharmacy
MBA-5 Year Integrated, Gurugram, MHM & CT (5-year),
Master of Hotel Management and CT (2-year), MBA-5 Year Integrated MDUCPAS,
BTTM, BHM & CT, Master of Tourism and Travel Management (2-Year),
M.A. Economics (Hons.) 5-Year Integrated, B. Pharmacy (LEET),
M.A. Public Administration (Hons.) 5-Year Integrated
P.G. Diploma in Yoga Science, Defence & Strategic Studies,
Sanskrit, Music (Vocal & Instrumental)], M.A. [Yoga Science, Education,
M.Tech. (Computer Science), M.Sc. (Computer Science, Statistics),
End of June
M.Tech in Computer Science & Engg., Software Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engg., Biotechnology and Mechanical
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing & Automation)
1st week of June
Master of Education (M.Ed) End of August

MDU Rohtak Admission 2022 Application Form:

To apply for the application form students will have to visit the Maharishi Dayanand University official website. The candidates will have to fill the details through online mode. The procedure to apply is mentioned below. Read the instructions properly before submitting the form.

  • Open the Official Website or
  • Candidates then will have to check the notifications on the official page.
  • Select the correct link of MDU Admission 2022 to Apply for an application form.
  • fill all the necessary details in the application form with correctly
  • Authentic details must be entered in the forms otherwise from will be rejected.
  • Upload the documents asked.
  • Make the Payment of the application fee through bank e-challan/debit/credit card.
  • After that submit the application form.

MDU Rohtak 2022 Eligibility Criteria for UG and PG Courses:

  • For B.A./B.Com (Part-II/Part-III): Candidates must have Pass in B.A./B.Com Part-I/Part-II examination, under 10+2+3 scheme of Maharshi Dayanand University or of another University which is recognized as equivalent to B.A./B.Com of this University, provided that the subjects offered by the candidate in B.A. or B.Com Part-I and Part-II are the same as are available in B.A./B.Com Part-I & II at this University and the candidate is otherwise eligible.
  • For M.A.: (English/ Hindi/ Sanskrit/ Economics/ History/ Political Science/ Public Administration), M.Sc. (Mathematics): Bachelor’s degree/Shastri examination (New Scheme) of three-year duration or any other examination recognized by Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak as equivalent thereto
  • For M.Sc. (Mathematics) (Previous): Bachelor’s degree or three years duration with Mathematics as one of the subjects in each year or any other examination recognized by Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak as equivalent thereto
  • For M.Com (Previous): B.Com (Hons/Pass)/BBA/BA with Economics/Commerce/Marketing/ Insurance as a subject or any other examination recognized by Maharshi Dayanand University as equivalent thereto
  • For M.A. (Final): (English/ Hindi/ Sanskrit/ Economics/ History/ Political Science/ Public Administration)/M.Sc. (Mathematics) (Final)/M.Com. (Final): The candidate shall be treated as promoted to the next class automatically unless detained from appearing in an examination on any genuine grounds
  • For Bachelor of Library & Information Science (B.L.I.Sc.): Bachelor Degree from recognized University or its equivalent
  • For Master of Library & Information Science (M.L.I.Sc.): L.I.Sc from Maharshi Dayanand University or from any other recognized University or any degree recognized or equivalent thereof

Admit Card:

The Admit card of the Entrance Exam will be released on the official website of the University. Eligible Candidates can download the Admit Card from the official site. It is important for every candidate appearing for the examination to carry the Admit card on the day of the exam. .The entries of candidates not consisting of Admit Card will be prohibited. To download Admit card Candidates will have to provide essential details or credentials on the website. The admit card consist of all the important details such as the name of the candidate, date, and timing of the exam, exam centre and other important instructions.

MDU Result:

The Result of MDU Admissions 2022 will be released on the official website of the University. The candidates can check their scores in the exam and whether they have passed the exam or not from there. To check the result candidates will have to provide the credentials asked. The cut-off marks of the result will be as per the guidelines prescribed by the University.

MDU Merit List:

After the declaration of the result, a Merit List will be released by Maharshi Dayanand University. The candidates with names on the list will get admission to the courses they applied for. The admission for these courses will be on the basis of the marks secured by the candidate in their qualifying examination. The Merit List will mention the details of the course for which the candidate appeared and the rank secured by them as per the marks in their qualifying examination. After that candidates will have to go through counseling procedures conducted by the University. Final admission will be given to candidates after this.


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