The initial step in the completion of any examination is applying for it. Here are the details regarding the application form MGM CET.
The application fee is different for BPT and MPT courses respectively.
For the BPT course, the fee is INR 1500 whereas, for the MPT course, the fee is INR 2500.
Now, when we know how to apply for MGM CET, its time for candidates to be aware of the eligibility criteria. It is necessary for the candidates to know the criteria so that they can apply for MGM CET with greater ease.
Events | Exam Dates |
Release the application form | April 2022 |
Deadline to submit the UG application form | June 2022 |
End to submit the PG application form | June 2022 |
End to submit the Ph.D. application form | June 2022 |
MGM CET 2022 Exam Date | June 2022 |
Result announced | June 2022 |
BPT Program:
MPT Program:
The exam pattern for MGM CET for this year will be the same as per the trends of last year. The questions will be conceptual and related to the subject candidates studied in class 12th.
BPT Course:
MPT Course:
The syllabus is an important factor for the preparation of the MGM CET exam.
Admit Card for MGM CET will be released on the official web portal of the conducting body. Aspirants must download the admit card to gain the authentication for the exam. It is a mandatory document that must be preserved by the candidate until the counseling process of MGM CET. The admit card contains information like Name, Roll, Schedule, Exam Center, etc. it must be produced at the examination center to the official when asked for. If a candidate failed to produce the admit card he/she will be barred from the examination.
Results are declared soon after the successful completion of the MGM CET exam. They just need to login on the website with their registration details and can check their results secured in the MGM CET exam. Candidates must score more than the cutoff marks to become eligible for the counseling process where seats will be allotted as per the ranking.
The answer key for the MGM CET exam will be flashed by the authority after the declaration of results. However, candidates can check their expected marks soon after the completion of the exam through various answer keys released by different institutes and websites for the convenience of the aspirants. You must know that the answer key provided by the apex body is supreme and you can bet on it.
Cut off list is the list of minimum marks required for attending the counseling process. The cutoff marks depend on the complexity of the question asked and also on the number of aspirants taking up the exam. It is aggregated on various other parameters.