MP SET 2022 Application Form, Exam Date, Syllabus, Eligibility, Pattern

MP SET 2022: The Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission or MPPSC conducts the Madhya Pradesh State Eligibility Test or MP SET every year to recruit for the post of Assistant Professor in numerous colleges of Madhya Pradesh. Willing candidates can apply for the MP SET or Madhya Pradesh State Eligibility Test to get recruited as Associate Professor or Lecturers. Aspirants can apply in this state-level examination by submitting the application form via the online method by going through the authorized website of Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission or MPPSC. Aspirant can avail of all requisite details regarding MP SET 2022 viz. Application Form, Application Fee, exam pattern, Eligibility Criteria and so on.

MP SET 2022 Eligibility Criteria:

  • Candidates should have scored a minimum score of 50% in master’s degree or corresponding examination from a renowned university.
  • Aspirants have to seat for the subjects they have in Post-Graduation.
  • Aspirants should have qualified in Social Science, Humanities, Computer Science, Earth Science, Education, Population Studies, etc.
  • Final year applicants in the overhead qualification or applicants whose final examinations have been overdue can also apply.
  • These applicants will be admitted temporarily.
  • The MP SET does not have any higher age bar for the deserving candidates.

MP SET 2022 Exam Date:

Events Exam Dates
MP SET 2022 Notification Released October
Application form available October
Application form last date submit November
Admit Card January 2022
MP SET 2022 Exam Date February 2022
Result February 2022

MP SET 2022 Application Form:

Those applicants who are willing to seat for the MP SET exam must check the authorised website or else they can acquire it or buy it from the office. Willing candidates can download the application form from MP PSC website Forms must be completed carefully before submission and no rectification will be entertained after the due date of submission. Students need to give different particulars like personal, educational details with valid address information while registering for IPMAT. After the online submission of form is done there is no such requirement to submit the hard copy.

MP SET Application Fee:

 The application fee for OBC/General /SBC applicants of Madhya Pradesh is Rs.1200/-. For OBC candidates the application fee is Rs.600/- and for ST or SC candidates residing in Madhya Pradesh the application fee is Rs 600 as well.

Exam Pattern:

Paper I deals with Teaching and Research Aptitude. There will be 60 questions for 100 marks. Candidates need to complete the paper within 75minutes.

Paper 2 deals with a specific course selected by the candidate. There will be 50 questions for 100 marks. Candidates need to complete the paper within 75minutes.

Paper 3 deals with the second specific course selected by the candidate. There will be 75 obligatory questions for 150 marks. Candidates need to answer the question paper within 120 minutes.

MP SET Syllabus 2022:

Paper I

  • General Paper on Teaching and Research Aptitude/ General Awareness: Research Aptitude, Administration, Teaching Aptitude, Reading Comprehension, Reasoning (Including Mathematical), Communication, Logical Reasoning, Information, and Communication Technology, Data Interpretation, People and the environment, Governance, Higher Education System and Polity


  • Chemical Sciences will comprise of Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Interdisciplinary Topics and so on.

Paper III

  • Commerce will comprise of Business Environment, Business Economics, Financial& Management Accounting, Business Management, Marketing Management, Business Statistics & Data Processing, Financial Management, Banking, and Financial Institution, Human Resources Management, International Business and so on.

Admit Card:

Candidates will get the HallPass before the exam initiates. The HallPass will only be delivered to the candidates who have accomplished the form effectively before the postulated due date. Applicants can download the Hall Pass after registering the official website and clicking the link to avail the same. In the new window, they have to provide their application id number or date of birth. Before downloading an applicant’s prime job will be going through all the details pertaining to the Hall Pass. For any inappropriate admittance in the Hall Pass candidates can instantly approach to the officials. Candidates have to carry the Hall Pass along with them to the entrance examination centre as lack of valid Admit Card will stop them from the seat or appear for the examination. MP SET 2021 Hall Pass will contain the candidate’s name, security code and Date of Birth.

Answer Key

MPPSC issues the transitory answer after the completion of the exam. Candidates can go through the interim answer key on the authorised website. Applicant’s answers sheet also issues along with the interim answer key. Applicants can use their Roll Number and Password in order to acquire their answer sheet.

Cut Off:

The features that influence the cut off are the number of applicants appearing for the entrance, availability of seats and level of difficulty of the test. Reserved categories will have different cut-off. The cut off score as observed in the MP SET is as follows:

  • For General candidates the cut off for the first two papers was 40% whereas for 3rd paper it was 50%.
  • For SBC/OBC candidates the cut off for the first two papers was 35% whereas for 3rd paper it was 45%.
  • For OBC / PwD / ST/ SC candidates the cut off for the first two papers was 35% whereas for 3rd paper it was 40%.

MP SET Result:

MP SET 2022 result will be announced online. The official website will publish the merit list where only the names of selected candidates will be there. Candidates need to login to the official website to check their online result. By clicking the MP SET RESULT button candidates can download the pdf format of the result. Candidates are advised to check their name, roll number and rank after they download the result. A merit list with a cut off list is also formed for the successful applicants. The successful candidates will get a chance to work as an Associate Professor under any of the colleges under MP Government.

Selection Process:

The selection process is carried on as mentioned below:

  • Applicants must try both the exam papers.
  • The passing marks for MP SET 2022 are 40% for General Category candidates and 35% for the Reserved Category candidates.
  • 6% of the overall number of applicants will pass for the exam.
  • All the successful applicants of MP SET 2022 will be granted a certificate which they can acquire via online mode from the authorized website.

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