NDA 2023: The wait for the exact date to participate in the NDA and NA exams is just over after UPSC announced the calendar schedule for the NDA and NA exams (I and II) in 2023. The national-level entrance exam is for the recruitment of candidates for posts in the reputed fields of the Indian Air Force, Indian Army, and Indian Navy. This exam is the best opportunity for obtaining the officer rank, and it is held twice a year as NDA 2023 Exams (I) and (II). To get the entire details, like notification, exam dates, eligibility, etc., read the below-mentioned information:
NDA 2023 Notification:
- NDA II 2023 Application Form has been released on 17th May 2022 and the last date to apply is 6th June 2023.
NDA 2023 Highlights:
Name of Exam | NDA 2023 |
Exam full form | National Defence Academy |
Types of exam | Board Level |
Level of exam | National Level |
Course Offered | UPSC Exams (Indian Army, Navy & Air Force) |
Exam Conduct By | Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) |
Mode of application form | Online |
Mode of exam | Offline |
Helpline Number | 011-23098543 / 23381125 / 23385271 / 23098591 |
Email Address | feedback-upsc@gov.in |
UPSC Calendar 2023 | Click here |
Official Website | http://www.upsc.gov.in/ |
NDA 2023 Exam Date:
The result of the exam will take out a month later after the commencement of the examination. One can check the results from the official website of UPSC.
Events | NDA 1 2023 Exam Date | NDA 2 2023 Exam Date |
Notification Date published: | 21st December 2022 | 17th May 2023 |
Application form submission date to start: | 21st December 2022 | 17th May 2023 |
Application Form Fill Last Date: | 12th January 2023 | 6th June 2023 |
The application form is withdrawn | February 2023 | June 2023 |
Date of Admit card announces: | August 2023 | August 2023 |
Examination date NDA 1 & NDA 2: | 16th April 2023 | 3rd September 2023 |
Announce the Result Date: | October 2023 | October 2023 |
NDA 2023 Application Form:
The application form to apply for the NDA & NA Exam is available online, which one can easily check on the UPSC official website.
- Once you fill the complete form before submitting recheck the application form after the submit. If any mistake in this it can reject.
- The NDA (I) Application form 2023 will release in December 2022 and NDA II Application Form 2023 will release in May 2023.
- There will be two parts of the NDA 2023 application form, Part first & Part Second.
- First Part candidates fill in the general details.
- Part II candidates choose the exam, Application fee submits (Online Mode), Upload the Jpg format scan photograph and Signature. Photograph and Signature size must be 3 to 40 KB.
- Before submitting the application form must be checked once more time because there is no option for correction.
How to apply for UPSC NDA/NA 2023 exam:
- Visit the official website of UPSC application website.
- Then click on the link to apply for the UPSC examination.
- The application and registration is a two-step process.
- Click on the link under the first registration, after which go through the second registration process.
- Apply and take a printout for future reference.
NDA II Exam 2023 Notification: Click here
Academy | Vacancies (NDA I) |
NDA | Army: 208 (including 10 females) Navy: 42 (including 3 females) Air Force: Flying- 92 (including 2 females) Ground Duties (Tech) -18 (including 2 females) Ground duties (Non-Tech)- 10 (including 2 females) |
Naval Academy (10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme) | 25 (for male candidates only) |
Total | 395 |
NDA 2023 Eligibility:
The person applying for the exam should be of Indian origin, Indian, or subject to Bhutan, Nepal, or Tibetan migrant who arrived in India before 1-1-1962 to settle in India. Unmarried marital status is compulsory to apply for NDA, and NA exams.
Age Limit/Gender:
Only unmarried male/female candidates born not earlier than 02nd July 2004 and not later than 1st July 2007 are eligible.
Educational Qualifications:
Educational qualification to apply for the exam varies, get through the below mentioned details:
- Indian Army wing: Applicants filling out forms for the Indian army must have does with class 12th class from a recognized university/ board or the others who are pursuing the 12th or some equivalent examination can also move on applying for the examination.
- Air force and Indian Navy: Applicants filling forms for Air Force or Indian Navy must have done with class 12th or pursuing class 12th with Mathematics and Physics from some recognized university or board.
UPSC NDA 2023 Exam Pattern:
The whole examination contains two papers such as Maths and General ability test
- Mathematics: This exam will be for 300 marks where the candidate needs to answer MCQs which are based on the syllabus for classes 10th and 11th. The exam duration will be 2 and a half hours. The pattern of the marks for the paper-based on negative marking, think twice before answering.
- General Ability: This exam is divided into two sections – Section A and Section B. Section ‘A’ consists of the questions in English and Section ‘B’ consists of the questions of General Knowledge. The exam will be 600 marks.
NDA 2023 Syllabus:
NDA 2023 Syllabus is divided into two parts first is General Awareness and the second is Mathematics. Both parts must qualify for the exam. The first section General Awareness has been divided into two parts which are English and General Knowledge.
- English – The syllabus covers various topics like Vocabulary, comprehension, Grammar, and usage, and their mental ability to remember and place the meaning of words in their proper places.
- General knowledge – The syllabus covers the subjects – Physics, Chemistry, General Science, Social Studies, Geography, and Current Events.
- Mathematics section candidates can prepare for these topics – Algebra, Integral Calculus Differential Calculus, & Differential equations, Vector Algebra, Trigonometry, Probability, Statistics, etc.
Selection Process:
The candidates will be chosen on the criteria of the rank acquired in the written exam followed by the SSB interview. This usually lasts four to five days. The candidates who have qualified for the written examination will be called for the SSB interview.
The candidates will be chosen on the criteria of the rank acquired in the written exam followed by the SSB interview. This usually lasts for four to five days and the candidates who have qualified for the written examination will be called for the SSB interview. Once the interview is cleared out, a final merit list will be processed. The selection process also includes medical tests and verification of the document.
Admit Card:
The admit card for NDA 1 & NDA 2 has been released on August 2023. The Admit card contains the details like candidate’s name, roll number, exam date, exam venue, etc. Visit the official admission link of the authority i.e. www.nda.nic.in/ to download the Admit card.
Steps to Download Admit Card:
- Visit the official website.
- Then click on the given link and a new page will be opened on the computer screen.
- Now, select any of the given options, i.e. “By Registration ID” & “By Roll Number”.
- After that fill in your “Registration ID/Roll Number”.
- Select your “Date of Birth”.
- Now, click on the submit button.
- The admit card will be displayed on the screen.
- Download it & take a print copy of it for further processing.
UPSC 2023 Related Exams:
- Civil Services Exam 2023 Application Form
- IES/ESE 2023 Application Form
- IFS Exam 2023 Application Form
- IES/ISS Exam 2023 Application Form
- CDS 2023 Application Form
- UPSC Combined GEO-Scientist 2023
- CAPF 2023 Application Form
- UPSC CMS 2023 Application Form
- CISF AC 2023 Application Form
- Candidates can check the written examination result Online.
- The result has been published on October 2023 for NDA I & NDA II.
- The result will be in PDF format
- Candidates can check their results through roll numbers.
NDA 1 & NDA 2 SSB Interview:
- Candidates will be shortlisted for the NDA SSB Interview to clear the entrance exam. Selection will be based on the Merit List.
- Candidates get the information about the SSB interview register email ID.
- Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) will be the first stage of the NDA 2023 SSB Interview.
- Group Discussion Tasks, conferences, and Psychology Tests will be the second stage of the Interview.
- After all, the rounds are complete, and selected candidates are informed on the spot about their selection.
- Candidates Submit all original certificates within the time.
Respected Sir,
I was born on 1st September 2004.
Can I apply NDA 2023
sir i am in class 10 may i will be able to give this exam by passing class tenth…
sir my date of birth is 2/6/2005
whitch books helps me for nda exam 2020
sir I want to study political science and defense study in NDA 72rc can I write the entrance exam without maths
hw can I aplly
Sir my dob is 9/01/2001 can I apply to NDA?
Respected sir
can i apply NDA(1st )
My D-O-B is 07-07-2002
At study 11th (Science)
Give the information sir
about (NDA)exam
Thank You sir..
Hello sir my recust please NDA I first apply form my dob.15/12/2000.. classes 10th to 12th biology subject
Hello sir,can i apply NDA(2nd)
My D-O-B is 16-10-1999
Please reply me sir……
Thank you sir,,,,,
Hello sir, can i apply (NDA II)
My D.O.B is 07-12-1998
Please Sir reply me…
Thank you
i am 12 passed so can i apply for NDA?
Respected Sir, i am in 12th & my dob is 12-02-1998 ,can i take part in NDA 2017 1st exam ?? Ans please…