University 2023

NMU MA MCJ 2023 Application Form, Eligibility, Exam Date, Pattern

NMU MA MCJ 2023: NMU stands for North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. This university is affiliated with 220 colleges and 4 Universities, Research Institutes/Centres under the jurisdiction of the University. Out of these four universities, one college is recognized as College of Excellence, five colleges as College with Potential for Excellence and one college has been granted autonomous status by the UGC, New Delhi Board and Government of Maharashtra. NMU aims at commencing the Examination for several courses comprised of Post Graduate Admission of Master of Art in Mass Communication and Journalism Admission (NMU MA MCJ).

About NMU Examination: North Maharashtra University commences the Common Entrance Test for providing admission into the course Masters in Mass Communication and Journalism (MA MCJ) 2023. This state-level examination commences in the offline mode every year and those who are interested to apply for the examination suggested to avail of eligibility criteria, application form, application fee, admit card and many more details:

Eligibility Criteria:

Candidates are requested to check the below-mentioned eligibility criteria to apply for MA MCJ 2023 examination:

  • Candidate must have successfully completed graduation from any discipline with at least 40% marks from some recognized University or must have acquired an equivalent degree from a foreign university.
  • There is no fixed age to apply.

NMU MA MCJ 2023 Exam Date:

Events Exam Dates
Application form available March 2023
End to submit the application form March 2023
Admit Card March 2023
NMU MA MCJ 2023 Exam Date April 2023
Merit List Declared May 2023
Start Admission June 2023

NMU MA MCJ 2023 Application Form:

Once it is confirmed that you are fit or eligible to apply for the examination then apply on the application form releasing date which most probably occurs in the month of May.  Steps to apply are as follows:

  1. Start with the Registration through online mode using the official website
  2. In order to fill the form, sign in to the official website at and create a new account.
  3. Avail the application form available at the official website and fill all the details carefully and correctly.
  4. After entering all the personal and academic details in the application form, upload the scanned images of the latest photograph and signature.
  5. The exam conducting Authority will then send a confirmation mail at the registered email ID for further formalities.
  6. It is important to keep the print of the application form for reference further.

Registration Fee:

The NMU MA MCJ 2023 registration fee for the examination will be Rs. 150/- (SC, ST, NT, VJNT) and for OBC & Open category applicants, it is Rs. 200/-.

  • Submit the registration fee via online modes such as Debit/Credit Card/Internet Banking.
  • The registration fee in non-refundable in nature.
  • If you are paying the registration fee in the offline mode then draw a Demand Draft (D.D.) on any Nationalized Bank.

Exam Pattern:

Candidates must check the exam pattern to give the best in the examination:

  • The exam will be commenced in offline mode.
  • Candidates can attempt in any of the languages – Marathi/English
  • Paper will be for 100 marks
  • The candidate needs to complete the paper in a duration of 120 minutes.
  • The Paper will consist of Multiple Choice Questions.

Marks Distribution:

  • Objective Questions for 40 marks
  • Essay writing and Short Note for 30 marks
  • Group Discussion and Personal Interview for 30 marks
  • Experience in Media Industry for 10 marks

Examination Center:

NMU MA MCJ 2023 is commenced in the Department of  Mass Communication & Journalism. School of Social Science Building, Phase 1, KBCNMU, Jalgaon.

Admit Card:

The admit card will be released via the official website a few days before the date of examination. Download the admit from the official website by using Login Credentials. Candidates are requested to keep the print of the admit card safely because this print needs to be carried by the applicant at the examination venue. After downloading the admit card/hall ticket, check all the details carefully. Along with the admit card, also carry a Government ID proof such as Aadhar Card/ PAN Card/ Driver’s License/ Voter Id, etc.

Exam Result:

The result for NMU MA MCJ 2023 will be released through the official website of the University. Check the results by log in to Portal in PDF format. The merit list will also be released along with comprises of candidate’s names and the breakup of their scores acquired in each section/stage of examination. Those who have qualified the examination will be further called for Interviews and Group discussions. Round.

Selection Process:

Candidates will be further selected after a performance in a Personal Interview and Group Discussion. These two rounds comprise 20 marks and added in evaluation for the admission process. Those who clear these two rounds will get admission to the course.


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