NTSE 2024

NTSE Bihar 2024 Application Form, Exam Date, Eligibility, Pattern, Admit Card, Result, Counselling

NTSE Bihar 2024: The National Talent Search Exam, or NTSE for short, is an annual all-India competitive exam held for students attending class 10. Stage I (State Level) and Stage II are the two levels of the NTSE (National level). To be eligible for the scholarship programme, applicants must pass both test phases. For their convenience, students can apply for the NTSE 2022 online or offline. Indian students as well as those pursuing their studies overseas are eligible to take the NTSE test. The purpose of the NTSE is to assess student’s competence in a variety of subjects, including science, mathematics, humanities, and logical reasoning.

The Mental Ability Test (MAT) and the Scholastic Aptitude Test are the two exams that make up the NTSE test format (SAT). Both the MAT and SAT exams last 2 hours each, and each has 100 questions. The top 2,000 students will be shortlisted and given scholarships each month.

NTSE Bihar 2024 Application Form:

Both online and offline applications for the NTSE are accepted by applicants. By contacting their relevant State/Union Territory Liaison Officer, students who want to take the NTSE test must fill out the Stage-I application forms.

State-to-state variations include the final date for application submission. The application forms are also made available on the official SCERT website for select states. Candidates do not need to apply for the Stage-II test because the application process is one step only.

How to Apply?

The following are the steps to fill out the NTSE application form:

  • Download the application form from the official SCERT website or pick one up from the appropriate State/UT Liaison Officer (if available).
  • Fill out the application form with your name, date of birth, caste, gender, postal address, information about your family’s financial situation, and academic information. If it’s offline, you should write it out by hand.
  • Upload a current passport-size picture and your signature in the designated area. If you’re submitting these papers online, upload a scan of them.
  • Pay the application fee by the state’s requirements (either online or offline). States may have different levies.
  • Obtain the Principal or Head of the appropriate school to certify the application forms.
  • Verify the information and deliver the forms—either physically or online—to the appropriate Los.
  • The respective SCERT authorities will either make the admit cards available online or mail them to the postal address you provided on the applications.

NTSE Bihar 2024 Exam Date:

Events Exam Date
Application Form Release Date To be announced
Last Date To Apply To be announced
Admit Card To be announced
Exam Date To be announced
Result To be announced

NTSE Bihar 2024 Eligibility Criteria

Before applying for the exam, aspirants must fulfill the NTSE Eligibility Criteria established by NCERT. Each stage’s NTSE eligibility requirements are different. Below are the specific NTSE qualifying requirements in detail.

Eligibility Criteria for Distance Learning Students

  • Under the following circumstances, students who have chosen Open Distance Learning (ODL) may also take the NTSE:
  • As of July 1, 2024, the applicants must be less than 18 years old.
  • The candidates must not be employed in any capacity.
  • Exams for Class 10th must be taken for the first time by the applicants.

Eligibility Criteria for Regular Students

  • The applicant must be younger than 18 as of July 1, 2024, as required by NCERT.
  • The candidate must be enrolled in a recognized government or private school in India for the class of 10. Students from any State or Union Territory may apply because there are no limits on domicile.

Eligibility Criteria for Students Abroad

The following requirements must be met for students who are pursuing their studies overseas to take the NTSE exam:

  • The student must be an Indian national who is studying abroad.
  • Candidates who are enrolled in class 10 or an equivalent class are excused from Stage I and may proceed directly to Stage II exams.
  • A passing grade on the class IX final exams of at least 60 percent is required for the candidate.
  • The candidate must select a testing location within India.
  • The candidate must submit a request to the Department of Educational Survey Division, NCERT, along with an authenticated copy of their class IX scorecard through the head of the institution they are attending.
  • After passing the exam, the candidate will only be given a scholarship if he or she chooses to continue their studies in India only.

Exam Pattern:

Stage I and Stage II of the NTSE Exam are held separately. Authorities from several states and union territories administer the Stage-I examination at the state level.

For Stage-I qualifiers and Indian citizens studying abroad who are exempt from the Stage-I test, NCERT conducts a national-level examination known as Stage-II. Both the Stage-I and Stage-II tests follow the same format.

The following are some key aspects of the NTSE Exam Pattern:

  • For both phases, the test method will be offline, or pen and paper.
  • Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are asked in the exam, which must be completed on the OMR sheets that are given in the examination hall.
  • The student may choose to take the Stage-I test in English or any regional language. Only Hindi or English will be used to administer the Stage-II test.
  • The NTSE test will be divided into two stages: the Mental Ability Test (MAT) and the Scholastic Ability Test (SAT).
  • These two exams will take place in two distinct timeslots on the same day.
  • While the SAT will be administered from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., the MAT is administered during the morning shift from 9:30 to 11:30.
  • The NTSE tests have a moderate degree of difficulty. In NTSE tests, each question is worth one mark, and there is no negative grading.


The MAT and SAT parts make up the NTSE Exam Syllabus. The purpose of the MAT exam is to assess a candidate’s knowledge and problem-solving skills in areas like logical reasoning, numeric ability, critical thinking, etc.

It has questions on hidden figures, block assembly, series, encoding-decoding, patterns, and soft skills. The SAT exam gauges a student’s proficiency in math, science, and social science. The SAT’s course requirements are the same as those set forth by NCERT for CBSE classes 9 and 10.

Mental Ability Test (MAT) Syllabus

Verbal & Non-Verbal Analogy Water & Mirror Images Coding-Decoding Word Problems Venn Diagram
Distance & Directions Cube & Dice Blood Relations Ranking Arrangements Calendar, Time & Clock Missing Characters

SAT Syllabus

There are three sections on the SAT: Science, Social Studies, and Mathematics. The SAT syllabus is as follows for several subjects:

Mathematics Physics Chemistry Biology
  • Arithmetic problems
  • Coordinate Geometry
  • Statistics and Probability
  • Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry
  • Arithmetic Progressions
  • Parallelogram
  • Polynomials
  • Number Systems
  • Quadratic Equations
  • Real Numbers
  • Square Roots and Cube Roots
  • Percentage
  • Mensuration
  • Direct and Inverse Variation
  • Circles
  • Magnetism and Electricity
  • Motion and Force
  • Measurements
  • Work and Energy
  • The Universe
  • Light and Sound
  • Source of Energy
  • Structure of Atom
  • Carbon and its Compounds
  • Physical and Chemical Changes
  • Fibers and Plastics
  • Acid, Bases, Salt
  • Metals and Non-metals
  • Periodic Classification of Elements
  • Human Body
  • Reproduction, Heredity, and Evolution
  • Food Production and Management
  • Air, Soil, and Water
  • Micro-organisms
  • Plant and Animal Nutrition
  • Life ProcessesDiversity in Living Organisms
  • Cellular Level of Organisation
  • Common Diseases
  • Our Environment

Admit Card:

Candidates who complete their application processes will receive their NTSE admit cards. Both offline and online access to the admission card will be possible.

SCERT and the appropriate State authorities shall issue the NTSE Stage-I Admit Card offline by a post addressed to the candidate’s postal address. The Chief Superintendent of the designated testing locations also can provide the applicant with their admission cards.

In a few states, admission card are also sent electronically, which candidates can download from the NCERT website and print out. NTSE Stage-II admit cards are made available online seven to ten days before the test.

The steps to download NTSE admit cards are as follows:

  • Go to the Program portal of the official NCERT website and click the NTSE option.
  • Click the Admit Card link
  • Enter your application number and birthdate
  • On the screen, the NTSE admit card will show up.
  • Verify the relevant information on the card, then print a copy of it.
  • If there are any errors on the admission card, immediately contact the school administration.
  • The candidate’s name and roll number, as well as the exam venue, date, and hour, will all be listed on a legitimate NTSE admit card. The applicant should contact the exam center if there are any errors in the admit card about their name, residence address, or exam location.


The responsible State authorities will make the NTSE 2022 Stage-I results public. The Stage-II test is only open to applicants who passed the Stage-I exam (national level). The combined SAT and MAT scores will be used to determine the Stage-II test results.

  • To view the NTSE 2022 Results, follow these steps:
  • Visit the state or union territory government’s official website.
  • Select the “NTSE 2022 Result” link.
  • Students will be moved to the next page after clicking the link.
  • Enter the necessary information, such as your roll number and birthdate.
  • Click on the submit button
  • The screen will show the NTSE results.
  • Save a copy of it for later use.

NTSE Scholarship & Benefits

After attempting all stages, the qualified and deserving students will get scholarships each month. Only the top 2000 students currently have a chance to receive this award, and NCERT creates the merit list. Following are the NTSE scholarship amounts for various educational levels:

  • Class 11th and 12th – INR 1,250 per month
  • Undergraduates and Postgraduates – INR 2,000 per month
  • Ph.D. students (for 4 years): As per UGC rules

The Government of India’s National Level Scholarship Program, or NTSE, can be very helpful for students throughout their academic careers. The exam is not just about academics; it is also a source of immense pleasure and honor for each student to be acknowledged as one of the country’s best talents.


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