NTSE Delhi 2024: National Talent Search Examination Delhi is commenced every year by NCERT for class X to identify the talent in students. It is a scholarship examination for the students studying in class X in Govt., Govt Aided, and Unaided recognized Pvt. schools such as KVS, JNV, NDMC, etc. under the jurisdiction of Delhi. It occurs in two stages Stage I (State Level) and Stage II (National Level). Only those who clear Stage I will move further to Stage II. Find out all about NTSE Delhi 2024 examination before appearing in the examination.
The Head of School will register the students on the Directorate of Education website i.e. edudel.nic.in by using their school login ID and Password. The school HoS will submit the given below documents in hard copy to the Science branch.
Events | Exam Date |
Application Form Release Date | To be announced |
Last Date To Apply | To be announced |
Admit Card | To be announced |
Exam Date | To be announced |
Result | To be announced |
Here are the eligibility conditions followed for NTSE Delhi 2024:
Here are the details of the examination pattern given below:
Applicants will get 120 minutes to complete the paper.
An incorrect answer will not deduct the marks in the test and for every correct answer, the applicant will receive 1 mark.
Note: EWS category applicants need to produce income & assets certificate issued by the competent authority as per the central list available on ncbe.nic.in for Disabled (within a category) as per norms of NCERT.
The admit card/hall ticket will be released along with the application form. Those who have submitted the application form may seek the admit card. To attain more information on this, contact the concerned school authority.
Reservation: At the National Level, Stage-I Exam the seat reservation is as follows:
The Answer Key is an important part for applicants. Once it is released on the official website, they can check it and calculate the estimated marks to be attained in the exam.
The result of Stage 1 Exam I will be released on the official website of the exam conducting authority. The candidate will find the result in PDF format with information such as Applicant’s Name, school name, and marks attained in MAT, and SAT. Those who clear Stage I will get a chance to appear in Stage II.