OSSC Recruitment 2022: OSSC stands for The Odisha Staff Selection Commission which was set up by the Government of Odisha as a constitutional body in 1994 for direct recruitment of candidates in Group-C posts in the State cadre. There are around 85 different cadres of posts/ services under several departments of Government and to which recruitment is made via the OSSC Commission. The Chairman and other members are responsible to look after the commission and the entire recruitment process.
OSSC Recruitment 2022 Eligibility Criteria:
OSSC Recruitment 2022means recruitment to immense of the candidates on various posts. Check the eligibility criteria mentioned below:
Assistant Scientific Officer:
- Those who have successfully completed a Master’s in Science (M Sc.)/M Tech/Master Degree in Psychology from some recognized University with at least 50% marks in aggregate in the subject may apply.
- The applicant must have studied Odia language as one of the subjects in Class XII or passed the examination in Odia equivalent to M. E. standard or passed in Odia as a language subject in the final examination or Class-VII or passed a test in Odia in M.E. School Standard commenced by education Department Government of Odisha on the date of applying.
Staff Nurse:
- To apply for the post of staff nurse, the candidate must have successfully completed class XII in the Science stream with GNM or B.Sc.
- This post of valid for female candidates only
- Those who have successfully completed class XII with Science and ANM may also apply.
Those who have successfully class XII Science with Diploma in Pharmacy or B.Pharm may also apply.
Candidate must have successfully finished off class XII and possessed with Diploma in Medical Radiation Technology
ECG: It is compulsory that the applicant must have completed class XII with Science with 2 years of experience
- If you are interested in applying for Staff Nurse, ANM, Pharmacist, X-Ray, and ECG then your age should be between 18 to 32 years. However, for the post of Assistant Scientific Officer, your age should be between 21 to 32 years.
OSSC Recruitment 2022 Application Form:
To apply for OSSC Recruitment 2022, candidate need to fill the application form. The steps for the same are mentioned below:
- First, click on the Odisha Staff Selection Commission official website www.ossc.gov.in
- Go to the home page and click on the “Recruitment News”
- Find the link for recruitment to the post and choose the link
- Read all the details mentioned in the official OSSC Recruitment 2022 notification
- Fill all the details in the OSSC Application form 2022
- Submit the form after filling personal and educational details
- Pay application fee
- Seek a print out of the application and keep the hard copy for further reference
Application Fee:
- Candidates belonging to General and OBC category will pay Rs. 200/- as application fee. However, candidates belonging to SC/ST/Female candidates/PWD/Ex-servicemen category will not pay any amount as application fee.
- The application fee can be paid online using different modes such as debit /credit card /net banking
OSSC Recruitment 2022 Highlights:
- Organization’s Name: Odisha Staff Selection Commission
- Job Type: State Government
- Job Name: Staff Nurse, Pharmacist, X-Ray Technician, ECG Technician, ANM & Assistant Scientific Officer
- Job Location: Odisha
- Official Website: www.orissassc.in
- Email Address: orissassc@gmail.com
Selection Procedure:
OSSC Recruitment 2022 is a three-phase process. Candidates have to go through three stages – Prelims Exam, Mains Exam, and Interview. Those who successfully complete the prelims exam will appear for the mains exam and those who qualify the mains examination will appear in the Interview.
Admit Card/Hall Ticket:
Admit card or hall ticket is an important document that the applicant should have with them while entering the examination hall. Those who have successfully submitted the application form will receive Admit Card from the exam conducting authorities. There are two ways to fetch admit card such as:
Admit Card for Offline Applicants:
- First Click ‘Online Application Form’ tab available on the home page of OSSC’s official website
- Then click the ‘Candidates Login’ tab available at the top on the right-hand side of the page.
- After this, click on the ‘Offline Applicant Login’ link.
- Choose the Advertisement Number with the corresponding post name from the dropdown menu. Enter the applicant’s name and date of birth according to the text box provided.
- Click ‘Submit’ to enter the applicant’s portal.
- Click the ‘Download Admit Card’ link to fetch the printable Admit Card.
- Make sure to seek the print of the admit card for further requirements.
Admit Card for Online Applicants:
Candidates can acquire Admit Card through the online mode too. The steps are mentioned below:
- Click on the ‘Online Application Form’ tab on the home page of the official website.
- Click on the ‘Candidates Login’ Tab placed Right-hand side.
- Enter User ID & Password you have received during the submission of Online Form to login the Portal.
- Click the ‘Download Admit Card’ tab to generate your printable Admit Card.
- Make sure to seek the print of the admit card for further requirements.
Exam Syllabus and Exam Pattern:
The examination pattern and syllabus varies from one post to another. Candidates also check the official website for OSSC Recruitment 2022 Syllabus & Exam Pattern:
Exam Result:
To check the result for OSSC Recruitment 2022, the candidate needs to go to the official website – www.orissassc.in.