PIM MAT 2022: PIM MAT stands for RA Poddar Institute of Management – Management Aptitude Test which is an entrance test conducts every year to select the applicable candidates. It provides an opportunity for candidates to seek admission in management courses in Rajasthan. Those who score well in the examination will be able to acquire admission in various MBA courses. It is always believed that beforehand information about PIM MAT 2022 will help applicants in preparing well for the examination. Here are the comprehensive details:
PIM-MAT 2022 Overview:
Exam Name: PIM-MAT (Poddar Institute of Management – Management Aptitude Test)
- Exam Type: PG Level
- Exam Level: National Level
- Course Offered: Management
- Exam Conducting Body: RA Poddar Institute of Management
- Application Mode: Online
- Exam Mode: Online
- Exam Duration: 02 Hours
- Official Website: http://www.rapim.ac.in/
- Helpline: 91-141-2710339, 2700819
- Email: info@rapim.ac.in
PIM MAT 2022 Application Form:
Those who are interested in seeking admission in PIM MAT 2022, first need to apply using appropriate steps. The application process is fully explained below:
- The application form will be released in the month of February.
- Fill the online form through the official portal
- To fill the application form, applicants first need to register themselves using the official website.
- After getting done with the registration, start filling the application form
- Fill in all the details in the application form correctly and accurately.
- Make sure to enter complete details rather than adding incomplete details as it may lead to rejection of the form.
- After successfully filling the application form, check the details mentioned in the application form.
- Once everything is checked, take a print of the duly filled application form for further use.
- While submitting the application form, attach some of the documents along with a passport size photographs in an envelope.
Application Fee:
The details about the application fee are given below:
- After filling the application form, submit the application fee Rs 1510.
- Fee can paid by submitting to the E-Mitra Kiosks/E-Mitra portal or CSC Centre.
- After paying the fee, take a print of the application form along with payment receipt.
- Submit the payment receipt in an envelope and send it to the address given below via speed post only.
Convener, PIM-MAT 2020, R A Podar Institute of Management
Courses offered by the University:
- MBA (Services Management)
- MBA-Executive Course
PIM MAT 2022 Exam Date:
Event | Tentative Dates |
Available the Application form | April 2022 |
Deadline to submit the application form online | April 2022 |
PIM-MAT Admit Card | May 2022 |
PIM-MAT 2022 written exam date | May 2022 |
PIM-MAT written exam answer key will be published | May 2022 |
PIM MAT 2022 revised answer key will be published on the official website | May 2022 |
PIM-MAT 2022 result including the schedule of Group Discussion/Personal Interview will be announced | May 2022 |
Group Discussion/Personal Interview will be held | May 2022 |
Final result announced | May 2022 |
Counselling and date for submission of admission fee | June 2022 |
Classes will commenced from | July 2022 |
PIM MAT 2022 Eligibility Criteria:
Before applying for PIM MAT 2022, check the eligibility criteria given below:
- The applicant must be a citizen of India.
- Applicant must be a graduate with any subjects or equivalent from a recognized university.
- Applicants must have attained at least 50% marks in the examination to apply in PIM MAT
- Those who are appearing in the final year of graduation may also apply for PIM MAT 2022
- There is no specific age limit to apply.
Exam Pattern:
Every candidate should have comprehensive knowledge about the exam patterns. Details about the same are as follows:
- Paper will be consisted of Multiple Choice Questions.
- There will be 200 questions in paper.
- The exam will be conducted in offline mode.
- The candidate will get 120 minutes to complete the paper.
- The Paper will be for 200 marks.
- The candidate will receive 1 mark for every correct answer
- There will be five subjects in the paper such as:
- Verbal Ability
- Current Affairs
- Data Interpretation
- Business Mathematics
- Logic
Each section will be consisted of 40 questions.
Exam Syllabus:
The syllabus will help entrants to clear the exam successfully. Prepare for PIM MAT 2022 using below-mentioned syllabus:
- Business Mathematics: Elementary Arithmetic, Elementary Algebra, Statistics and Probability, Calculus, Matrix Algebra, Percentage, Fractions, Decimals
- Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation: Family Tree, Course of Action, Arrangement, Strong Arguments, and Weak Arguments, Puzzles, Series, Multi-dimensional Arrangements, Visual Reasoning, Numeric Grid, Pie Chart, Calendars, Statement Conclusions, Blood Relations, Critical Reasoning, Coding & Decoding, Syllogisms, Column Graphs, Graphs representing Area
- Verbal Ability: Verbal Reasoning, Syllogisms, Fill In the Blanks, Contextual usage, Analogies & Idioms, Different usage of the same word, Antonyms & Synonyms, Sentence Completion, Jumbled paragraphs, Foreign language words used in English, Sentence correction, One-word substitution
- Current Affairs: General Knowledge, Economics, Business terminology, Business knowledge, Honours & Awards, Who’s who.
Admit Card:
The exam conducting authority takes responsibility for providing the admit card. Here are complete details:
- The admit card will be released through the official website. Download the admit card and take a printout for further reference.
- It is a mandatory document to be carried along while moving to the examination center.
- Check exam details and other information given in the admit card carefully.
- Those who fail to appear without admit card will not be permitted to appear in the examination.
PIM MAT 2022 Exam Center:
Exam venue will be clearly given on the admit card. The exam center has in the following cities:
- Jaipur
- Udaipur
- Delhi
- Kota
- Jodhpur
- Chandigarh
Exam Result:
PIM MAT 2022 result will be declared on the scheduled date. Use the official website to collect the result information. Utilize credentials and follow the instructions to fetch the result details.
After the result declaration, the merit list will also be released. The merit list will consist of the names of the candidates chosen for GD and PI rounds. Later these selected applicants will carry the following documents along with them:
- A Copy of the Application Form and payment acknowledgment slip
- PIM-MAT written exam result
- Class X mark sheet (Original and photocopy)
- Class XII mark sheet (Original and photocopy)
- Graduation mark sheet (Original and photocopy)
- Photo ID proof issued by the Government of India
- Caste/Category certificate (if applicable)
Counselling Details:
Selected applicants will go through the counseling round. The counseling procedure will not be commended for the MBA executive course. The counseling will begin after the final results are out. The details about the counseling such as counseling time/date/venue will be updated on the official website.
The counseling letter will be made available on the official website. In order to appear for counseling, carry the below-given documents with attested copies for verification:
- Demand Draft of the fee drawn in favor of Director, R A Poddar Institute of Management, Jaipur, payable at Jaipur
- SSC original mark sheet
- HSC original mark sheet
- Graduation mark sheet
- Caste or Category certificate
- Migration certificate