For Pinegrove School Admission 2022 candidates need to deposit a registration fee of Rs.5000/- andRs. 500/- for a prospectus. They need to submit the registration fee along with the application form via registered email/post/self. For classes, I to VI students have to go to the Dharampur Campus and for Classes, VII-IX and XI students has to go to the Subathu campus on the specified date mentioned by the school. After this orientation program results are announced within a week. Only after this, the admissions procedure of selected candidates takes place. Only by Boarding School Orientation process admission takes place for Indian nationals. For NRI applicants till class VII admissions are guaranteed. Donations of any kind are not accepted by the school.
Every year in December the school publishes a fee structure stating all the details regarding the fee for the following academic session. The Pinegrove School Solan Admission 2022 Fees is all-inclusive viz- tuition, lodging, boarding, books, laundry, stationery, and toiletries. The fee also includes other extra expenses of the school as well. Clothing, personal items, uniforms, medicines, excursions, and camps are not included within the fees.
For Boarding & Lodging, 10% discount will be given to the second sibling.15% discount will be given to Army Personnel. Special discounts for war widows, poor children and orphans will be provided. Entire fees for the first year need to be paid together. Fees once paid will not be refunded. Students can pay their subsequent fees in two or three installments after the first-year fees have been paid in a lump sum. Fees paid will be accepted in three quarters first one in December, the second in February or March, and the final one in June or July. Late fine will be charged for delayed payments. For overseas postage Rs.2000 needs to be paid. For admission in the next session, students need to make an advance fee payment in the month of December in order to confirm his or her seat for the next academic session. The school will not send any bills for the fee payment. More than Rs.10,000 cannot be paid in cash and in such cases, guardians can deposit the fees through DD/NEFT/RTG. For all DD/NEFT/RTG the fee payment should be done in favor of the Headmaster of the school.
DHARMAPURI School students’ needs to follow the below-mentioned details for fees payment:
SUBATHU School students needs to follow the below-mentioned details for fees payment:-
The proof of the deposited amount must be scanned and sent to the school via E-mail tofinance@pinegroveschool.com2.