Pharma 2023

PTU B.Pharmacy 2023 Application Form, Eligibility, Exam Date, Syllabus

PTU B.Pharmacy 2023: The I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University conducts the PTU B. Pharmacy 1st year for all those candidates who are interested in getting admission to the 1st year of the B. Pharmacy course. This is a course that is offered by different universities and institutions. The authority provides admission at different levels and these include the undergraduate, post-graduate, and Doctorate level. The different subjects include Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical courses, etc.

PTU B.Pharmacy 2023 Application Form:

  • You will first have to fill up a registration form ad you will be able to access it only online on the official website.
  • It is important to check out all the rules and regulations relating to the process of registration to the official website
  • At the time of the registration, the candidate will have to include the important details like the name of the student, the valid mobile number, the email address, and then create a password carefully and correctly.
  • Once the registration is completed the login credentials including the user id and the password will be sent to the registered mobile number and the email id.
  • Now using these credentials you will first have to log in to the website and then get access to the online application form
  • The candidate will have to include all the important details including the personal details that again include the name, the email id, the address, and also the contact details. Apart from this, the candidate will also have to include the educational details
  • Once the application form is filled up carefully, the candidate will also have to upload a scanned copy of the photographs and the signature
  • Take a print of the application form and then make the application fee payment

Application Fee:

  • The candidate will have to pay the application fee online using debit or the credit card or net banking.
  • Once this fee is paid, the authorities will not refund the application fee under any circumstances.

PTU B.Pharmacy 2023 Exam Date:

Events Exam Dates
Online Registration To Be Announced
End to submit the application form To Be Announced
Rank Preparation To Be Announced
Choice Filling To Be Announced
Last Date to Apply To Be Announced
Declaration of Counseling To Be Announced
Online Reporting To Be Announced
End Date To Be Announced

Eligibility Criteria:

If you are interested to know about the eligibility criteria for this examination, the candidate will have to follow the steps mentioned below:

  • The candidate will have to be an Indian citizen
  • There is no age limit for applying in this examination
  • It is necessary for the candidate to at least complete the HSC examination
  • The candidate has to pass the examination mentioned above in the Science stream
  • Physics and Chemistry are the mandatory subjects
  • Apart from the mandatory subjects, it is also necessary for the candidates to have one of the optional subjects from Biology, Biotechnology, Mathematics and Computer Science.
  • The candidate will have to pass the HSC examination from a recognized board or institution.
  • The candidates who are applying for the final year are also eligible to apply.


  • The result of this examination will be prepared by the authorities keeping some important things in mind.
  • The candidates will have to log in including certain credentials like the user id and password
  • The user id and the password will be generated at the time of registration
  • This examination result will be available online on the official website of the University

Merit List:

Once the result is out, there will also be a merit list that will be published by the university. This will have the names of the candidates based on the marks that they have achieved in the examination.


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