Punjab Police Recruitment 2022: Every state police has its responsibilities. They work under the law of the nation. Punjab Police is also responsible for maintaining law in Punjab. For smooth workflow, Punjab Police Recruitment 2022 gives the opportunity to many to apply for the posts of Constable, Head Constable, and Sub-Inspector. This is a state-level examination where recruitment happens for Female and Male candidates both. Before you apply, it is a Must to collect complete information so that you face no troubles later.
Punjab Police Recruitment 2022 Application Form:
- Collect the application from the official website punjabpolice.gov.in/ in the month of January 2022.
- The application form will be available in the online mode only.
- Fill all the details in the form – personal and academic details. Ensure that everything entered correctly and accurately.
- Attach the documents with the application form such as the latest passport size photograph, signature in JPEG format.
- It is essential to take print of the application form for further reference.
Punjab Police 2022 Application Fee:
Make a payment of the application fee via offline or online mode. Pay the Application Fee by modes such as debit & credit card or Bank/Post Office Challan. The application fee for General Category will be Rs. 400/- and for SC/ST Category, it will be Rs. 200/-
Punjab Police 2022 Exam Date:
Events | Exam Dates |
Notification Released date | September 2022 |
Online application form available | September 2022 |
End to submit Online form | September 2022 |
Admit Card | October 2022 |
Punjab Police 2022 Exam Date | Soon Update |
Result date | Soon Update |
Eligibility Criteria:
Candidate must be a citizen of India.
- Candidates must be successfully completed class XII or equivalent from some recognized Board.
- To apply for the posts such as Constable and SI candidate’s age should be between 18 to 25 years.
- There will be the provision of age relaxation for the SC/ST/OBC candidates as per the government of Punjab state.
- If you are applying for the post of Constable, then you must have successfully completed class XII from some recognized Board / Institute of Punjab state.
Physical Efficiency Test:
- A male candidate’s height should not be less than 167.7 cms, chest should be 86.3 cms, expandable 5 cms
- A Female candidate’s height should be 157.5 cms at least and Weight should be 47 Kgs
- Candidate must be fit enough to complete 100 Meters race in 15 Seconds, 800 Meters in 170 Seconds, High Jump 1.20 Meters, Long Jump 3.80 Meters, and Shot put ( 7.26 Kgs) 5.60 Meters
- Distance Vision for a right eye should be 6/6 and left eye 6/6.
- Near vision for a right eye should be 0/5 and for left eye 0/5.
Punjab Police 2022 Selection Process:
The selection process for Punjab Police Recruitment 2022 will be based on the following mentioned stages such as
- Physical Efficiency Test
- Physical Measurement Test
- Written Exam
- Medical Exam
- Personal Interview
Exam Pattern:
- Paper will appear in Objective Type Questions
- There will be 3 sections in the paper – General knowledge, Numerical Ability, and Reasoning.
- There will be 100 questions
- General Knowledge will consist of 30 questions for 30 marks
- Numerical Ability will consist of 30 questions for 30 marks
- The reasoning will consist of 40 questions for 40 marks
- Time Duration will be 120 minutes.
- There will be a deduction of 0.25 marks for every incorrect answer.
Exam Syllabus:
Topics to be covered in Punjab Police Recruitment 2022 given below:
- Reasoning Syllabus: Arrangements, Analogies, Syllogisms, Coding-Decoding, Analytical Reasoning, Directions, Number Series, Nonverbal Reasoning, Data Sufficiency, Classification, Symbols, and Notations, Visual Ability, Blood Relationships, Symmetry, Similarities, and Differences.
- Numerical Ability: Problems on Ages, HCF & LCM, Number System, Ratio and Proportions, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Profit and Loss, Decimal & Fractions, Simple & Compound Interest, Data Interpretation, Mixtures & Allegations.
- General Awareness: News About Technology & Research, Indian Defense, Sports, Monetary & Credit Policies, History, Summits, Current Affairs, Books and Authors, Important days, News About India and Its Neighboring Countries, Indian Constitution, Awards, Government Schemes, International Organizations, Financial Institutions.
Admit Card:
- The Admit Card will be released 10 to 15 days prior to the date of examination.
- Use the official website to avail of the admit card using online mode.
- Use your registration number and Date of Birth to download the Admit Card.
- Make sure to carry the admit card to the Exam centre as it is a compulsory document to carry along.
- It contains information such as the name of the candidate, day, date and Exam timings, etc.
- The result will be released via the official website.
- The Punjab Police examination board will declare the Exam result after 2 or 3 months of the written exam.
- Use your roll number to check the Exam result.
- The Physical test result will be declared and those who clear the Physical test will move for the written examination.
- The merit list will be created on the basis of various stages of the selection procedure.
12th pass