Rashtriya Military School Bangalore Admission 2023 offers admission to students by providing education without compromising on quality. Rashtriya Military School has five branches (Bangalore, Belgaum, Ajmer, Dholpur, Chail). The school functions under the Ministry of Defence and affiliated by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). It is important for parents to have complete information about the admission process for classes VI to XII through an entrance test. The admission to class XI will be based on the marks attained in class X.
RMS Bangalore Admission 2023 Highlights:
- School’s Name: Rashtriya Military School, Bangalore
- Date of Establishment: 1st August 1946
- Regulating Authority: Ministry of Defence, Government of India
- Affiliated to: Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
- Mode of Application: Offline Mode
- Selection Procedure: Written Test, Interview and Medical Test
- School Website: www.rashtriyamilitaryschools.in/bangalore
- Email ID: [email protected]
- Phone Number: +91 8025554972
Eligibility Criteria:
Find below the Eligibility Criteria for Rashtriya Military School Bangalore 2023 Class VI & IX Admission:
For Class VI Admission
- Admission will be provided to only male students.
- Student’s age should be between 10 to 12 years as on 31st March 2023.
- Students must have successfully completed V standard from any government or recognized school for admission in Rashtriya Military School Bangalore.
For Class IX Admission:
- Admission will be provided to only male students.
- Student’s age should be between 13 to 15 years as on 31st March 2023.
- Students must have successfully completed VIII standards from any government or recognized school for admission in Rashtriya Military School Bangalore.
Important to Note: Students must have studied English.
Rashtriya Military School Bangalore 2023 Exam Date:
Events | Dates (Tentative) |
Military School Bangalore Application Form Available | September 2022 |
RMS Bangalore application form last date to submit | October 2022 |
Admit card | December 2022 |
Common Entrance Test of RMS Bangalore | December 2022 |
Result | February 2023 |
Interview date | March 2023 |
Medical Test Date | April 2023 |
Commencement of academic session | July 2023 |
RMS Bangalore Admission 2023 Application Form:
- Parents can buy the application form from any of the Rashtriya Military School as per the comfort level.
- The application fee will be Rs.600/- (Rs.300 for SC/ST category students) and need to deposit in cash /DD.
- Candidates can also acquire the application form through post by paying the application fee and send DD of Rs.650/- (Rs.350/- for SC/ST category students).
- The Demand Draft should be in favour of ‘Principal, Rashtriya Military School’.
- Make sure to fill the application form carefully and correctly. There should be no overwriting in the form. No field should be left blank.
- After filling the application form, paste the latest passport size photograph in the space provided in the admission form.
- Check all the details carefully and put the signature in the form.
- Submit the duly filled application form to the Rashtriya Military School Bangalore prior the last date.
- Take the print of the application form for further reference if needed.
RMS Exam Pattern & Syllabus:
Exam Pattern for Class VI:
- The exam will be conducted in the offline mode i.e. pen and paper-based tests.
- Paper will appear in two languages – Hindi and English.
- Paper will have Multiple Choice Questions.
- There will be 200 questions in the exam.
- The candidate needs to complete the paper in a duration of 150 minutes.
- Students must acquire a minimum of 35% in English and 40% in other subjects.
- English will have 50 questions for 50 marks. Candidate must obtain 35% marks.
- Mathematics will have 50 questions for 50 marks. Candidate must obtain 40% marks.
- General Knowledge & Current Affairs will have 50 questions for 50 marks. Candidate must obtain 40% marks.
- Intelligence Test will have 50 questions for 50 marks. Candidate must obtain 40% marks.
- The interview will be for 20 marks.
Exam Pattern for Class IX:
- The exam will be conducted on the offline exam.
- There will be two papers – Paper I and Paper-II.
- Paper will have 200 questions to solve.
- Every question carries 1 mark.
- Paper will appear in two languages – Hindi and English.
- Candidate must acquire at least 50% marks for qualifying the exam.
- Paper-I will be English which will have 50 questions for 50 marks. Candidate must attain 50% marks.
- Hindi will have 20 questions for 20 marks.
- Social Science will have 30 questions for 30 marks.
- Paper-II will be English which will have 50 questions for 50 marks. Candidate must attain50% marks.
- The science which will have 50 questions for 50 marks
- The interview will be for 50 marks.
Admit Card:
- Students need to acquire admit cards from the official website www.rashtriyamilitaryschools.in/bangalore.
- Enter your registration number and date of birth in the space provided and then click on the submit button.
- A new page consisted of the admit card will appear which can be downloaded easily.
- Download the admit card hall ticket and seek the print of the same for further reference.
- Make sure to carry the admit card for appearing in the exam.
- The admit card will consist of information such as name, father’s name, correspondence address, test date and exam venue, etc.
- No child can enter the examination hall without admit card.
Exam Result:
To check the exam result, visit the official website www.rashtriyamilitaryschools.in/bangalore. Steps to check result mentioned below:
- First visit the official website and search for the result link.
- Click on the result link.
- Enter your roll number and date of birth in the given field and click ‘submit’ ‘.
- A new page with the result will appear on the screen.
- Download the result and seek the printout of the result.
- Those who clear the exam successfully will move for the interview round and medical tests.
Selection Process:
The selection process will consist of three stages
- Entrance Exam: For seeking admission in class VI and IX, the candidate will move for common entrance test.
- Interview: After qualifying CET (Common Entrance Test), the candidate will receive a call letter for the interview. The interview will be held separately. Those who qualify for the interview round will move for medical tests.
- Medical Test: Those who successfully clear entrance exams and interviews will go through the medical tests at authorized military hospitals as per the choice.