RPSC RAS 2022: RPSC or Rajasthan Public Service Commission is conducted every year for the state of Rajasthan. To apply for the Rajasthan Administrative Services or RAS, aspirants need to complete their graduation degree from any renowned university. Through RPSC, candidates are selected for innumerable administrative posts in Rajasthan. Applicants need to qualify the eligibility norms provided by RPSC in order to apply for different administrative posts.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Only Indian citizens are eligible to apply.
- Candidates must possess a graduation degree from any reputed institution or university in order to be eligible for RPSC RAS 2022.
- The lower age limits for the applicants are 21 years and the upper age limit is 40 years.
- The reserved category candidates will have relaxation in the upper age limit.
- The relaxation on the upper age limit for the SC, ST, SBC, and BC male candidates will be 5 years.
- For the PWD category, there will be of 10 years age relaxation for general candidates.
- For BC and SBC category candidates 13 years is the relaxation given in the upper age limit.
- For ST, SC, BC, and SBC female candidates 10 years of relaxation is given in the upper age limit.
- SC and ST candidates of the PwD category age relaxation of 15 years is given for the upper age limit.
- Divorcee and widow applicants will have no age limit.
Rajasthan RAS 2022 Application Form:
The official website of RPSC, ‘rpsconline.rajasthan.gov.in.’ will display the application form for Rajasthan RAS 2022. Candidates must go through the instructions properly before filling the application form. Name, age, address, phone number, and email ID with all educational qualifications need to be filled in the application form. After depositing the application fee candidates can submit the form. The registered application form must be stored in the pdf format for future procedures leading to the admission.
Application Fee:
- By using online mode candidates can pay their application fee.
- By credit card, debit card, or net banking the application fee can be submitted.
- Rs. 50 is the application fee for SC and ST candidates.
- OBC category candidates have to pay Rs.150 as an application fee.
- For general category candidates, the application fee is Rs. 250.
RPSC RAS 2022 Exam Date:
Online Registration start | June 2022 |
Deadline for online registration | June 2022 |
Application form correction date start | June 2022 |
The final date for application form correction | June 2022 |
Admit card for pre-exam | July 2022 |
Preliminary Examination on | August 2022 |
Releasing of Answer keys | To be announced |
Declaration of Preliminary result | October 2022 |
Declaration of Prelims Examination Marks | November 2022 |
Main Admit card download starts from | To be announced |
Conduction of the main exam | December 2022 |
RPSC RAS 2022 Exam Pattern:
There will be 3 segments for RPSC RAS selection process viz Preliminary examination, Main examination and the final is the interview round.
- 2 question papers will be there for the prelims.
- The question paper will have objective type questions.
- 3 hours will be the time duration for each paper.
- 200 will be the total marks for the question paper.
Main examination:
- 4 question papers will be there in the main examination.
- General Study will have 3 question papers each of 200 marks.
- 3 hours is the time limit for each question paper.
- 200 marks question paper on General Hindi will be there.
- The topics of general Hindi and English will be of 10+ 2 standard
- The main examination will have General English for 200 marks.
Rajasthan RAS 2022 Admit Card:
For preliminary and main examination there are distinct admit cards. By providing the registration id and the date of birth candidates can acquire their admit cards. The official website will issue the admit cards to the candidates. It is mandatory to carry the Admit Card while attending the examination. All details regarding the examination viz. the examination date, timing and the place of the examination will be stated in the admit card. Without a valid admit card candidates will not be permitted in the examination centre.
The official website will announce the Rajasthan RAS (PCS) Result. Candidates can view their scores there. After preliminary examination, the result is issued candidates with qualifying scores will get a chance to seat for the main examination. The final result will be announced only after the main and interview round is over.
Answer Key:
The RPSC Answer Key will enable the candidates to assess their score in the exam. They can make a fair guess of their score before their final results are out.
Cut Off:
The minimum qualifying score of Rajasthan RAS 2022 is its cut off. The cut off will be announced distinctly after every round. The cut off will be declared on the official website. Category wise the cut off will be declared. For Prelims, the cutoff is decided on 200 marks and for mains, the cut off is out of 800 marks.