School 2023

RTE Rajasthan Admission 2023 Application Form, Exam Date, Eligibility

RTE Rajasthan Admission 2023: The Right to Education Act 2009 was brought into effect to make education a fundamental right of every child as provided for as the fundamental right of The Indian Constitution. The Act seeks to provide education to every child between the ages of 6 and 14. Under the RTE Act 2009, The Directorate of Elementary Education, Rajasthan is the provider of free education to underprivileged children in the state of Rajasthan. Only those parents who are permanent residents of Rajasthan and also fall under the category of being the weaker section of society in Rajasthan are eligible to apply for free school admission for their children. The economically deprived students are admitted to schools listed under the RTE Rajasthan through the Rajasthan Right to Compulsory Child Education Scheme.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The income from all sources of the family to which the child belongs should not be more than one Lakh rupees.
  • The child should be a resident of the enclosure area around the non-governmental school.
  • The child belongs to the weaker section and backward community of society.
  • The child belongs to a disadvantaged group of society. The child could be an orphan or an HIV affected or an HIV Infected Child or a Transgender or a child with special needs or a migrant or a street child.
  • The child whose parents are certified as BPL. The BPL list is prepared by the State Government’s Rural Development Department or Urban Development Department.

RTE Rajasthan 2023 Exam Date:

Events Exam Dates
Application Form available March 2023
End to submit the application form March 2023
Online lottery to determine the order of priority of the children March 2023
Reporting by parents in the desired school for admission after the lottery March 2023
Childres Entry in School April 2023
Physical verification work in schools August 2023
Schools upload physical verification reports on RTE portal September 2023

RTE Rajasthan Admission 2023 Application Form:

  • Go to the official website of RTE and register yourself
  • Obtain an application number registered on the system and register your mobile number.
  • Check your mobile as the application number and password will be communicated on your registered mobile.
  • Check the school list and get a list of schools under RTE Rajasthan.
  • Find the name and address details of schools within a range of 1 kilometer and also schools within 3 kilometers from your place of residence.
  • Log in your account and enter child details, parent details etc, select school and required standard or class.
  • Carefully upload all required documents.
  • Confirm the application.
  • Remember to take a printed application along with all required documents.

Here is a list of the Documents Required.

  • The income certificate of parents mentioning that annual income below is Rs. 1.00 Lakh.
  • 2.A Child or guardian’s either a Domicile or residence certificate from an appropriate authority of the state.
  • 3.A valid birth certificate of the child issued by government authority.If a  birth certificate issued under the rules made under the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969 (Central Act No. 18 of 1969) cannot be produced, then either a hospital or Auxiliary Nurse and Midwife (ANM) register or record or an Anganwadi record or a declaration of the age of the child by the parent or guardian will have to be produced before the competent authority.
  • BPL Card which is based on Central list or State list

Here is a list of the documents required for admission for people from the non-facilitated section

  • SC or ST certificate or an HIV or  cancer report if applicable
  • Residential proof
  • Age proof of the student

The extended period of admission shall be only up to six months from the date of the start of the academic year of a School. There is also a provision in the RTE Act for specialized training to be provided to students who have dropped out of schools to enable them to be at the same level as other students of their age. If a child is admitted to a school after an extended period, he shall be eligible to complete studies with the help of special training, as determined by the Head Master of the School. The schools which have more vacancies than the number of applications received allot the seats to all the applicants. The schools which receive more applications than the number of vacancies they have to use the lottery system. Priority will be given to those students who live within 1 to 3 kilometers from the school.

Admit Card:

The list is made available online. It can be accessed with the login id and password. The admit card is available in a printable format.

The Right to free and compulsory education came into force on the 1st of April in the year 2010. In the year 2011, an important decision was taken to extend the right to education till Class 10 and up to age 16 was taken. The CABE or Central Advisory Board of Education is in charge of putting the processes in place to implement these changes. The state of Rajasthan is one of the only states to propose two amendments in the RTE Act. The Government of Rajasthan asked for the policy of not detaining a student in the class to be repealed and The Parliament approved a bill to amend the law to abolish the policy of no detention till Class VIII by allowing the state governments to schools to fail students in case they do not perform to requisite standards. The Rajya Sabha also passed an amendment to better monitor the performance of a teacher by the respective school authorities


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