
RTE Rajasthan Admission 2022 Online Apply, Exam Date, Eligibility, Pattern

RTE Rajasthan Admission 2022RTE Rajasthan Admission 2022RTE Rajasthan Admission 2022: India is a country where the population is huge. It is difficult for underprivileged people to attain basic needs. Amongst basic needs, education is also an important need. Our Indian Constitution has made it compulsory for the child till the age of 14 to acquire free education. Following the same footsteps, Rajasthan state offers RTE Rajasthan Admission 2022 so that children can avail education and make up their future in the right direction. RTE Act 2009, The Directorate of Elementary Education, Rajasthan provides free education to the underprivileged children in Rajasthan.

RTE Rajasthan Eligibility Criteria:

For RTE Rajasthan Admission 2022, the basic eligibility criteria mentioned below:

  • The income of the child’s family should be one Lakh rupees annually or less than this amount.
  • The child should reside near the non-governmental school.
  • The child should belong to the weaker section or backward community of society.
  • The child should belong to the disadvantaged group of society such as an orphan or HIV infected or HIV affected or Transgender or with a special needs or a migrant or a street child then also it is possible to apply for RTE Rajasthan Admission 2022.
  • Child’s parents should be certified as BPL by the State Government’s Rural Development Department or Urban Development Department.

RTE Rajasthan 2022 Exam Date:

Events Exam Dates
Application Form available March 2022
End to submit the application form March 2022
Online lottery to determine the order of priority of the children March 2022
Reporting by parents in the desired school for admission after the lottery March 2022
Childres Entry in School April 2022
Physical verification work in schools August 2022
Schools upload physical verification report on RTE portal September 2022

RTE Rajasthan Admission 2022 Application Form:

  • In order to apply for RTE Rajasthan Admission 2022, go to the official website of RTE and get registered.
  • Get an application number registered and register your mobile number.
  • Go through the school list and avail the list of schools under the RTE Rajasthan category.
  • Now, check the name and address details of schools in the range of a kilometer and 3 kilometers from your place of residence.
  • Sign in your account and enter the child’s and parents’ details, choose the school, and required standard or class.
  • Upload all the required documents.
  • Take a confirmation of the application.
  • Make sure to avail of the print of the application form and all the required documents.

List of Documents Needed:

  1. The income certificate of parents exhibiting an annual income of less than one lakh.
  2. A Child’s guardian’s a domicile certificate or residence certificate from the state authority. A birth certificate of the child issued by the government authority.
  3. BPL Card based on Central list or State list

Documents Needed for people from the non-facilitated section:

  • SC or ST certificate
  • HIV Positive or HIV affected certificate
  • Cancer report if needed
  • Residential proof
  • Child’s Age proof

The extended period of admission can be only 6 months from the date of the beginning of the academic year of a School. There is also a facility in the RTE Act for specialized training to be given to the students who have dropped out of schools to enable them to be at the same level as other students of their age. If a child is admitted to the school after an extended period, then the child needs to complete studies with the help of special training. The schools will follow the lottery system for a seamless flow of admission to underprivileged children. However, priority will be given to those who stay within 1 to 3 kilometer from the school.

Admit Card:

Admit card will be provided via online mode. Use registered login ID and password to fetch the admit card. Get the print form of the admit card.


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