Notification | Application Form | Exam Date | Eligibility | Pattern & Syllabus |
Sainik School Admission 2023 (AISSEE): Sainik Schools Society (SSS) is an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Defence, Govt of India. The Society runs Sainik Schools. Sainik Schools are English medium residential schools affiliated with CBSE. Sainik Schools prepare Cadets to join the National Defence Academy (NDA), Khadakwasla (Pune), Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, and other Training Academies for officers. At present, there are a total of 33 Sainik Schools across the country. Sainik School Admission Registration is possible only when the candidate goes through the entrance test. Before registering for Sainik School Admission, make sure that you have all of the necessary information.
Sainik School 2023 Notification:
- AISSEE 2023 Application Form has been released on 21st October 2022 and the last date to apply is 30th November 2022.
AISSEE 2023: Highlights
Exam Name | All India Sainik School Entrance Examination (AISSEE) 2023 |
organization Name | Sainik School Society |
Affiliated to | Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE) |
Conducted By | National Testing Agency (NTA) |
Class | Class VI and Class IX |
Application Mode | Online |
Website | |
Sainik School Exam Date 2023:
Candidates can find the Sainik School Entrance Exam 2023. Get all details here for the exam or Official Notification from Sainik School.
Exam Date | |
Start the online registration | 21st October 2022 |
Last date for Receipt of Application | 30th November 2022 |
Correction of details filled in the application Form on the Website only | 2nd to 12th December 2022 |
Admit card Release Date | December 2022 |
Sainik School Entrance Exam Date | 8th January 2023 |
Answer Key Release Date | January 2023 |
Merit list released date | February 2023 |
AISSEE 2023 Result Announced | January 2023 |
Medical Exam & Issue of Call Letters | March 2023 |
Publication of Final Merit List including | March 2023 |
Sainik School Admission 2023 Application Form:
The Sainik School Admission 2023 Entrance Examination has commenced all over India for those seeking admission to various classes. Make sure to use the official website to obtain exam notification:
Go to the recommended website and download the Sainik School Form. Fill in the information asked for in the application form, and if you feel that all the details are correctly filled in, then submit the application. Along with the application form, upload your latest photograph and signature.
Sainik School Admission Form Fee:
The Sainik School Form Registration Fee includes the cost of the prospectus and Sainik School Application Form. Those who belong to the General and Defence Category are required to make a payment of Rs.650/- and those who belong to SC/ST category are required to spend Rs.500/-. Payment can be made via demand draft mode.
Procedure to Apply for Sainik School Admission Form 2023:
- Visit the Official website i.e,
- On the Homepage, page click on ‘Apply for AISSEE 2022’
- Register online using a unique Email ID and Mobile No.
- Fill in the Online Application Form and note down the system generated Application No. Upload the following documents.
- Pay the fee using SBI/ICICI Bank Payment Gateway through Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking/UPI and keep proof of fee paid.
Sainik School Admission 2023 Application Form: Click here
Sainik School Admission 2023 Eligibility Criteria:
Age limit:
- For class 6th, the age should be between 10 to 12 years
- For class 9th, the age should be between 13 to 15 years
There will be Sainik School Admission Entrance Test for admission to classes VI as well as IX. Boys, those who are between the age of 10 to 12 years and 13 to 15 years respectively on 31st March of the year are fit enough to give the entrance test. For those who are looking for attaining admission to class IX, their boys are required to study in Class VIII from some recognized school. Admission is based on merit only for classes VI and IX. Important to remember point is that only boys aspirants are eligible enough to attain admission to Sainik School all over the nation.
Sainik School Lucknow Admission 2023: Click here
Sainik School Admission 2023 Exam Test Details:
The Sainik School Admission 2023 written test will take place in the month of January. Other details can be acquired from the exam conducting schools. Because of the change in the format, the total number of questions in classes VI and IX may get changed. For class VI, the language will be English/ Hindi/ Local Language of the State and for class XI, the question paper will appear in the English language only.
AISSEE 2023 Reservation:
- 15% of the seats are reserved for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and 7½% seats are reserved for candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribes.
- 67% of seats are reserved for boys from the State in which Sainik School is situated and the rest of the 33% seats are for boys from other States and Union Territories in the ratio of their male population.
- In case, if the seats are left / unused then they will be merged with home states followed by the order of merit.
- 25% of seats will be reserved for children belonging to service personnel such as Ex-servicemen
AISSEE 2023 Exam Pattern:
Find below the step where we mention Sainik School Admission 2023 Exam Pattern for 6th and 9th Class.
- Class 6th OMR based exam will be held in Hindi & English.
- Class 9th exam will be in English, Student will give the answer in English.
- The total number of questions will be 125 for Class 6th, and the number of Marks will be 300.
- For the class 6th, Mathematics will be 50 Questions, 25 questions will be GK, 25 questions will be for Language, and Intelligence will have 25 questions.
- The question paper will be 400 marks for class 9th, Mathematics will be 50 Marks, Language will be 25 Questions, 25 questions for General Science, and 25 questions for Social Studies.
Exam Pattern for 6th Class:
Subjects | Question | Marks | Exam Duration |
Maths | 50 | 150 | 1 Hour |
General Knowledge | 25 | 50 | 30 Minutes |
Language | 25 | 30 | 30 Minutes |
Intelligence | 25 | 50 | 30 Minutes |
Total | 125 | 300 | 150 Minutes |
Exam Pattern for 9th Class:
Subjects | Total Question | Marks | Exam Duration |
Maths | 50 | 200 | 1 Hour |
English | 25 | 50 | 30 Minutes |
Intelligence | 25 | 50 | 30 Minutes |
General Science | 25 | 50 | 30 Minutes |
Social Studies | 25 | 50 | 30 Minutes |
Total | 150 | 400 | 3 Hours |
For Class 6th
Syllabus for Mathematics:
- Natural Numbers
- LCM and HCF
- Unitary Method
- Fractions
- Ratio and Proportion
- Profit and Loss
- Simplification
- Average
- Percentage
- Area and Perimeter
- Simple Interest
- Lines and Angles
- Temperature
- Conversion of Units
- Roman Numerals
- Types of Angles
- Circle
- Volume of Cube and Cuboids
- Prime and Composite Numbers
- Plane Figures
- Decimal Numbers
- Speed and Time
- Operation on Numbers
- Complementary Angles
- Supplementary Angles
- Arranging of Fractions
- Comprehension Passage
- Preposition
- Article
- Vocabulary
- Verbs and Type
- Confusing Words
- Question Tags
- Tense forms
- Kinds of Nouns
- Kinds of Pronouns
- Correct Spelling
- Lines and Angles
- Ordering of words
- Sentence Formation
- Antonyms
- Synonyms
- Adjectives
- Interjection
- Idiom and Phrases
- Collective Nouns
- Number
- Gender
- Adverbs
- Rhyming Words
- Singular / Plural
Syllabus for Hindi:
- गद्यांश
- विशेषण की पहचान
- संज्ञा के भेदों की पहचान
- मुहावरे
- विलोम शब्द
- पर्यायवाची शब्द
- संधि
- समास
- क्रिया
- उपसर्ग
- अशुद्धिशोधन (वाक्य)
- श्रुतिसमभिन्नार्थक शब्द
- क्रिया विशेषण की पहचान
- वचन बदलना
- काल
- अर्थ के आधार पर वाक्य भेद
- वाच्य परिवर्तन
- सर्वनाम की पहचान
- लिंग बदलना
- वर्ण विचार
- वाक्य विचार
- लोकोक्तियाँ
- वर्तनी शुद्धि
- प्रत्यय
- Analogies (Mathematical & Verbal)
- Logical
- Classification
- Visual
- Pattern (Spatial and Mathematical)
- Reasoning
Syllabus for General Knowlege:
- Different Types of Scientific Devices Used in Daily Life
- Icons and Symbols of India: National Insignia, National Emblem, Sports,
Animal etc. (Elementary awareness of such symbols) - Major Religions of India (Elementary awareness about the founder, place of origin, religious books, and important ideas)
- Defense (Equivalent Ranks in three services, Weapons, Aircraft, Missiles &Warships (Elementary awareness)
- Art and Culture (Music, Classical and Folk Dance); Renowned Personalities, Instrumental and Vocal Music, Major Dance Forms Defence (Equivalent Ranks in three services, Weapons, Aircraft, Missiles &Warships (Elementary awareness)
- Sports and Games (India & World), Renowned personalities, major competitions and trophies associated with various games Super Senses (How do plants and animals sense their surroundings)
- Relationship between Animals and Human Beings
- Taste and Digestion (Basic concepts) 23 Indian Literary and Cultural Personalities: Names and fields of achievements
- Cooking and Preserving Techniques 24 Indian Literary and Cultural Awards. (Names of the awards and recent recipients)
- Germination and Seed Dispersal 25 Natural Calamities (Flood and Earthquake)
- Traditional Water Harvesting Techniques 26 Evaporation, Condensation and Water Cycle (Basic concepts)
- Experiment with Water on Everyday Life 27 Life of Farmers (Farming techniques)
- Water Pollution and Microbial Diseases 28 Tribal Communities and Forest Produce
- Concepts on Mountain Terrain and Lifestyle
- Historical Monuments
- The shape of Earth and Gravitation (Basic concepts)
- Non-Renewable Energy Sources (Fossil Fuels)
- Food, Culture, Habitat, Languages, etc of various regions (Basic concepts)
- Names of young ones of different animals
- Functions of Body Parts of Plants and Animals
- International Organizations: Basic knowledge about the structure, functioning, and objectives of the United Nations, World Bank, etc.
- Indian Literary and Cultural Personalities: Names and fields of achievement
- Indian Literary and Cultural Awards. (Names of the awards and recent recipients)
- Natural Calamities (Flood and Earthquake)
- Life of Farmers (Farming techniques)
- Tribal Communities and Forest Produce
- Evaporation, Condensation, and Water Cycle (Basic concepts)
Regional Language:
- Questions in the language (regional) section will be based on topics dealt till Class V.
For Class 9th
Syllabus for Social Science:
- Revolt of 1857
- Freedom Fighters
- Important Freedom Movements
- Social and Caste Reforms
- Resources and sustainable development
- Rock cycle of the water cycle
- Pressure and Wind System
- Land Soil and Water Resources
- Minerals and Power Resources
- Indian Constitution and Secularism
- Importance of Parliament
- Types of Agriculture
- Types of Government and different tiers of Government
- Understanding Markets
- Elections
- Role of Government in Health
- Delhi Sultanate 36 Industries
- Mughals
- Bhakti and Sufi Movement
- Interior of Earth
- Climate Change
- Earthquakes and Major Land Forms
- Types of Rainfall
- Major Grasslands
- Types of Forests
- Means of Transport
- Communication
- Life in deserts
- Panchayat System
- Local Self Government
- Law and Social Justice
- Judiciary and Criminal Justice System
- Marginalization
- Public Facilities
- Natural Vegetation and Wildlife
- Industries
- Human Resources
- Changes in the Arts
- Spotting Errors
- Comprehension Passage
- Antonyms
- Synonyms
- Prepositions
- Articles
- Types of Verbs
- Tense form
- Narration
- Voices
- Modals
- Confusing Words
- Subject-Verb Agreement
- Correct Spellings
- Order of words in a sentence
- Idioms and Phrases
- Sentence Improvement
- Sentence Formation
- Change of sentence as directed
- Types of Sentences
- Phrase and Clauses
- Idiom and Phrases
- Kinds of Noun
- Adjectives
- Interjection
- Question Tags
- Adverbs
- Conjunctions
- Conditions
- Comparison of Adjectives
- Personal Pronoun
- Change of Gender and Number
Syllabus for General Science:
- Fossil Fuel: Coal and Petroleum
- Combustion and Flame
- Cell Structure and Function
- Reproduction in Plants and Animals
- Force, Friction, and Pressure
- Sound and its basics
- Reflection and Dispersion of Light
- Metals and Non-Metals
- Synthetic Fibres and Plastics
- Chemical Effects of Electric Current
- Stars and Solar Systems
- Pollution of Air and Water
- Global Warming
- Micro-Organisms
- Some Natural Phenomenon
- How to find the calorific value of fuel
- Electroplating and Artificial Jewellery
- Relation between types of friction
- Cropping Seasons
- Agricultural Practices
- Conservation of Plants and Animals
- Biosphere Reserves, National Parks and Sanctuaries
- Reaching the age of Adolescence
- Changes during Puberty
- Endocrine Glands and Hormones
- Rational Numbers
- Linear Equations in One Variable
- Understanding Quadrilaterals
- Data Handling (Bar Graph and Line Graph)
- Squares and Square Roots
- Cubes and Cube Roots
- Comparing Quantities (Percentage, Profit and Loss)
- Algebraic Expressions and Identities
- Area and Perimeters
- Volumes and Surface Areas
- Exponents and Powers
- Playing with Numbers
- Visualizing Solid Shapes
- Triangles ( Pythagoras Theorem)
- Euler‟s Formula
- Average, Median, Mode
- Probability
- Pie Chart
- Direct & Inverse Proportions
- Factorizations
- Introduction to Graph
- Unitary Method
- Divisibility Exam
- Triangles (Angle Sum Property)
- Parallel Lines
- Simple Interest and Compound Interest
- Time and Work
- Area and Perimeter of Circles
- Algebraic Expression (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division)
- Analogies (Mathematical & Verbal)
- Logical
- Classification
- Visual
- Pattern (Spatial and Mathematical)
- Reasoning
Admit Card:
- For the AISSEE 2023, Admit Card candidates visit the official Website the link to the Sainik School Official Website is: –
- You will see the link on the Home page – Download the Admit Card
- Fill in all details over there.
- You will see there submit button – Click On.
- You will see the admit card on the screen.
- Printout and Download it.
List of Sainik Schools:
School where the exam will be commenced, they will make arrangements of their own. Some of the Sainik schools are as follows. Candidates can fill out below Sainik School Online Form:
Name of Sainik School | Official Website | Contact Details |
Sainik School Korukonda | | +91 8922 246168 |
Sainik School Kalikiri | | +91 8772500270 |
Sainik School Goalpara | | Headmaster: 03663 – 287118 Registrar: 03663 – 287119 |
Sainik School Nalanda | | 8340218798 |
Sainik School Gopalganj | | 06150- 231681, 231373 |
Sainik School Ambikapur | | 07774-261609 |
Sainik School Balachadi | | 02893-246226 |
Sainik School Kunjpura | | Col VD Chandola, 0184-2384551 (Principal) |
Sainik School Rewari | | – – – – |
Sainik School, Sujanpur Tira | | Principal (Off.) 01972 – 272024 |
Sainik School Nagrota | | Capt(IN) A Muthuraman, 0191-2673060 Principal |
Sainik School Tiliaya | | 06534 235048 |
Sainik School Kodagu | | 08276-278963 |
Sainik Schools Kozhakootam | | 0471-2418247,2781400 |
Sainik School Rewa | | 07662-254803, 257109 |
Sainik School Satara | | (02162) 235860, 238122 |
Sainik School Chhingchhip | | 7630010072 |
Sainik School Punglwa | | Lt Col M Kiran Meitei: 03839-262002 |
Sainik School Bhubaneswar | | Principal- 7077729901 |
Sainik School Kapurthala | | Principal: 01822-232532 |
Sainik School, Chittorgarh (Rajasthan) | | 01472 – 248695 |
Sainik School Amaravathinagar | | 04252 256246 |
Sainik School Ghorakhal | | – – – – |
Sainik School Purulia | | 8944811209/7908165552/9007217813 |
Sainik School Jhunjhunu | | +91 9468539002 |
Sainik School Admission 2023 Result:
The result of the AISSEE 2023 will be released online on the web portal of Sainik school. The result will also be published on the website of the respective schools. Candidates will be informed through email and SMS about it.
Steps To Check NTA Sainik School Entrance Exam Result 2023:
- Visit the official website of AISSEE –
- On the Homepage, Find the AISSEE result 2023 link.
- Enter the application number and date of birth.
- Submit the details.
- Now, Download the NTA Sainik School entrance exam result 2022.
- Take a printout of the same for future reference
Dear sir ,
My sun studied 4th call .he is eligible for to exam . When the notice release ple.tell me
I am interested school
My son DOB is 30th December 2009 is he is eligible for entry into 9th class korukunda sainki school he is studying 7th class .is he eligible for 9th class in year 2022 sir
My son DOB 1. 08.2010.,plz plz reply how to get Admission in odisha
Sir, I my son DOB is 16/01/2011.i beg you to please kindly guide me for online admission