Sainik School E-Book For Class 9th: We are living in the E-World where everything happens in clicks. Gone are the days when you are dependent on the stationery shops to buy the books. Today, e-books are in high trend and besides, it is safe and can be stored anywhere in your PC. You need not worry about anything as by simply clicking the book, you can read the pages. You can access your book anytime through your mobile or your PC rather than carrying it physically.
If you want to apply for class IX and looking for help, then Sainik School E-Book For Class 9th will surely lend a helping hand in preparation for the test. Sainik Schools are the reputed schools located all over India. The admission is provided to students through an entrance test. AISSE is the name of the exam commenced every year within the entire nation to select the applicable students. AISSEE is shortened for the All India Sainik Schools Entrance Exam. This exam is conducted for classes VI and IX. The entrance written test consisted of two papers:
- Paper-I: Mathematics, Science, English, Social Science
- Paper-II: Intelligence Test
Sainik School Entrance Exam E-Book For Class 9th – Buy Now
The latest version ‘Sainik School E-Book For Class 9th’as per the latest syllabus. The book aims at providing apt study material for both papers. The book consisted of previous years’ solved papers and practice tests to get aware of the types of questions that may appear in the exam. Students will get comprehensive study material that will help young boys to prepare for the AISSEE exam.
Table of Content in E-Book For Class 9th:
- Solved Paper 2020 (Paper I& II)
- Solved Paper 2019 (Paper I & II)
- Solved Paper 2018 (Paper I)
- Solved Paper 2018 (Paper I) Mathematics, English, General Science, Social Science, Intelligence Test
- Practice Sets 1-3 for Paper I & II.
The book is available at an affordable price. You can buy it anytime you are comfortable with it.
About the E-Book For Class 9th:
The book is created by knowledgeable persons with the motive to let children achieve excellent results in the test. The team of editors, content, proofreaders, etc used their wide experience in designing this book. And most importantly, the book is shaped keeping in mind the latest syllabus of class IX so that every child can get the best output.
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