Sainik School Lucknow Admission 2023 Application Form, Exam Date, Syllabus

Sainik School Lucknow AdmissionSainik School Lucknow Admission 2023 (AISSEE): The concept of Sainik School once originated in the minds of the late V K Krishna Menon who served as Indian Defence Minister in the early 1960s. The aim of setting up these establishments was once to furnish exceptional offerings to the most dynamic minds of young boys in India, especially from the backward rural areas of the country. The goal was to nurture the younger generation by providing excellent in-class infrastructural offerings for induction into Indian Armed Forces as Commissioned Officers.

The students in these schools are developed on three fronts

  • Mental
  • Physical
  • Intellectual

The basic process is strictly formulated to enhance them as responsible and unbiased citizens. The institution alongside the authorities no longer solely presents them with a platform to strengthen their bodily power but additionally provides possibilities to structure their social attitudes and ideologies to make a better Indian.

The founding Principal of Military School Lucknow was Lt.Col. Daniel. Sainik School Lucknow offers admission for the session 2023. School offers admission for the class in the 7th and 9th classes. For the 9th Class admission, only female candidates are eligible while for 7th class admission only boys are eligible. Sainik School Lucknow Admission will be based on the performance in the written test, Interview, and medical examination. The candidate must check all the eligibility before applying.

Sainik School Lucknow Admission (AISSEE) 2023 Notification:

  • AISSEE 2023 Application form has been released on 15th October 2022.

UP Sainik School Lucknow 2023 Exam Date:

Event Exam Date
Application Form Started 15th October 2022
Final Date to Submit Sainik School Form 25th November 2022
Last Date to apply with Late Fee 5th December 2022
Admit Card Released To be announced
Date of Entrance Exam To be announced
Result To be announced

Sainik School Lucknow Admission 2023 Procedure:

  • Admission to the school is made once a year in April to classes 6th and 9th. Application form are to be filled out online through the school website
  • The online application form can be filled up on the school website
  • The offline application can be collected from the school counter after paying the requisite amount. Application duly filled should reach the school with the original copy of the cash receipt. The candidate must mention the name of the candidate/father’s name at the reserve of the cash receipt.
  • The offline application form can also be obtained from this school by sending DD for Rs.800.
  • Applicants can submit the application fee by E-Challan or by I-Collect (SBI).
  • The school will not be responsible for delays by postal authorities or in case of your incomplete/wrong address.
  • Candidates submitting the offline application have to use the only original application form. Photocopy of forms downloaded from the internet will not be accepted.
  • Children applying for admission to class 9th must be studying in class 8th in a recognized school.
  • No courier service is available for this school. The school will not be responsible for any postal delay or courier service.
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Sainik School Lucknow Admission 2023 Fee:

  • General and Defence Category Rs.1000/-
  • SC/ST Rs.400/-

Sainik School Lucknow Admission 2023 Application Form: Click here

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The father of the candidate must be a citizen of Uttar Pradesh state.
  • For class 7th only male candidates are eligible
  • For class 9th only Female candidates are eligible.
  • Candidate must have passed class 6th and 8th from a recognized school.

Exam Pattern:

The written test will be conducted on the first Sunday of January every year. The student should know about the exam pattern before going to attend the exam. They should know about the question pattern, duration, and marks allotted for each question in the entrance examination.

The Exam syllabus and question time are changing from time to time. So, the students should advisable to visit and refer to the official website of AISSEE to check the syllabus and exam pattern for the academic year. The findings of the Military Medical Board are final and binding.

For Class 6th:

Subjects No Of Question Total Marks Exam Duration
Maths 50 150 60 Minutes
General Knowledge 25 50 30 Minutes
Language 25 50 30 Minutes
Intelligence 25 50 30 Minutes
Total 125 300 150

Military Schools Class IX AISSEE entrance exam will consist of 2 papers. Paper-I will be consists of Mathematics and Science. Mathematics will hold 200 marks. English will hold 50 marks. Paper II will be consists of English and Social studies. Here, English will hold 50 marks and Social Studies will contain 50 marks. General Science Contains 50 marks. The question paper for class IX will be asked in English only.

For Class 9th:

Subjects No. of Question Total Marks Duration
Maths 50 200 60 minutes
English 25 50 30 minutes
Intelligence 25 50 30 minutes
General Science 25 50 30 minutes
Total 150 400 180 Minutes

Age Limit:

Only boys’ candidates are eligible to take admission to Sainik School all over India.  Age Limit standards for admission in Sainik School as on 31 March 2023

Class 6 – 10 to 12 years
Class 9 – 13 to 15 years

Sainik School Lucknow Admission 2023 Reservation:

Sainik School Lucknow Admission 2023 Reservation is provided as per the govt. orders on the subject. Existing reservations is followed:

  • OBC-27%
  • SC-21%
  • ST-2%


Syllabus for English (class 6th)

  • Composition/ Paragraph Writing
  • Comprehension Passages
  • Make Meaningful Sentences from Jumbled Words
  • Spelling
  • Singular and Plural Forms
  • Affirmative and Interrogative
  • Antonyms and Synonyms
  • Homonyms
  • Prepositions
  • One Word Answers/ Fill in the Blanks
  • Articles
  • Framing Questions
  • Sentence Types (Interrogative, Positive, Negative, Exclamatory)
  • Constructing Sentences with Words, etc
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Mathematics Syllabus (class 6th):

  • Number System: (Place Value and Face Value of Numbers, Comparison of Numbers, Writing Greatest and Smallest numbers, Rounding off numbers, Fundamental Operations on numbers including BODMAS rule, Number Patterns, and Series, LCM and HCF, Prime Factorisation, Squares, and square roots, etc. )
  • Fractional and Decimals: ( Simplifications, Fundamental Operations Including BODMAS Rule, Lowest form and equivalent fractions, comparisons, squares and square roots, Conversion of fractions to decimals or percentages and vice versa, applications including word problems, etc)
  • Commercial Mathematics: (Time and work, Ration and Proportion, unitary method, percentages, profit and loss including percentages, simple interest, arithmetic mean, degree Fahrenheit, preparation of cash bills, time and distance including conversion of units, measurement of temperature in degree Celsius, etc.)
  • Mensuration: (Conversion of Units of Area and Volume, Perimeter and areas, and of the triangle – rectangle – square including given diagrams, circumference, and area of the circle, volumes of solids such as cube and cuboid, etc.)
  • Geometry: (Basic Geometry concepts such as line, point, line segment, ray, etc, triangles, classification of angles, Circle and its parts, quadrilaterals and polygons, interior and exterior of given figures, quadrilaterals, angle sum property of triangles, angles, triangles, circles, construction of line segments, etc)

Science Syllabus (class 6th)

  • Living Things, Characteristics of Living Things, Plants and Animals, Interdependence of living things and non-living things, human body, Food, Rocks and Minerals, Diseases, Air, Water and Weather, Natural satellite, simple machines, Environment, Natural calamities, etc.

Social Studies Syllabus (Class 6th)

  • Maps Planets, Solar System, Satellites, Continents, Oceans, Motion of Earth, Latitudes and Longitudes, Climate.
  • Freedom Fighters and great reformers, our freedom struggle.
  • Structure of Government, Fundamental rights and duties, united nation, and its functions.

Syllabus of History, Geography & Civics (Class 9th):

  • History:  Modern History of India and World History. India in the 18th Century, The Rise and growth of British Rule in India, Policies and Impact of British Rule, Administrative Structure, Revolt Against British Rule, Changes in Economic Life, British Policies and administration in India After 1857, Religion and Social Reform movement, Struggle for Swaraj, Cultural Awakening, Achievements of Independence, Nationalist Movement from 1923 – 1939, etc.
  • Geography: Resources, Types and developments, Agriculture, Human Resources, World Geography, Indian Geography, Natural Resources – Land, Water, Soil, Minerals, Energy, Plants, and wildlife., Manufacturing Industries, etc NCERT – Social Science Text Book Class VIII Part I and Part II.
  • Civics: About United Nations, Natural Disasters – Earthquake, Cyclone, Volcanoes, Floods, Environmental Degradation, Development Issues, Globalisation, United Nations – International Agencies, Human Rights, India and the United Nations, Foreign Policy of India, India and its Neighbours.
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English Syllabus:

Tenses, Letter Writing: Formal and Informal; Comprehension/ Paragraph/ Passage Writing (150 words); Constructing a story from the outlines, Comprehension Passage, Types of Sentences, Antonyms and Synonyms, Spelling, Clauses, Sentence Types, Spotting Errors, Reported Speech, Active and Passive Voice, Prepositions, One Word Substitutes, Adjective Forms, Adverb Forms, Comparative and Superlative Degrees, Question Tags and forming sentences with words, etc.

Science Syllabus:

Air, Soil, The Universe, Structure of Atom, Carbon, Transformation of Substances, Micro-Organisms, Metals and Non-Metals, Cell Structure of Function, Common Diseases, Refraction of light, Food Production and Management – Basic Practices, Source of Energy, Electricity and Magnetism. Syllabus as per the NCERT Textbook for Science and Technology for 8th standard.

Mathematics Syllabus:

Squares and square roots of large numbers, Rational Exponents and radicals including negative powers, Cubes and Cube roots, Compound Interest, Division of Polynomials, Profit, loss, and discount with percentages, Algebraic Identities, Factorization of Algebraic Expressions, Parallel lines, and its properties, Circle, Quadrilaterals, Linear equations in one variable including word problems, Perimeter and areas of the triangle, Circumference of Circle, Areas of Plane Figures: Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Circle, Statistics, Surface areas and volumes of the cube, cone, cylinder, cuboid, sphere, and hemisphere, etc

Examination Centres:

The written examination is held at the following centers in Uttar Pradesh:

  • Agra
  • Faizabad
  • Meerut
  • Allahabad
  • Gorakhpur
  • Varanasi
  • Jhansi
  • Lucknow

The school has all right reserved for allotment of exam centers and can increase or decrease as and when required.

Sainik School Lucknow Admission 2023 Interview:

Candidates qualified in the written exam are interviewed at the Captain Manoj Kumar Pandey Lucknow Military School by a selection board consisting of the Principal, an army officer not below the rank of Major deputed by the local formation headquarters, a senior psychologist from the Education department of U.P.

Medical Fitness:

Candidates who qualify at the interview are required to appear before a military medical board on payment of Rs.100 for Gen and OBC candidates and Rs 50 for SC/ST candidates.

Admit Card:

NTA has released the AISSEE 2023 Admit Card on the official website. The admit card won’t be sent to the candidate by post. The candidate has to download it from the official site. The Admit card contains the details about the exam center and the exam date.


The Sainik School Lucknow Admission 2023 results would be declared on the website and you would be informed and called for an interview when you have cleared the examination.

2 thoughts on “Sainik School Lucknow Admission 2023 Application Form, Exam Date, Syllabus”

  1. Please date extend kardijie please 20 February Kar dijie please My son is working very hard please 20 January kardijie , Namaste


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