D.Ed 2023

SCERT Assam D.El.Ed PET 2023, Application Form, Exam Dates, Eligibility, Pattern

SCERT Assam D.El.Ed PET 2023: SCERT Assam D.El.Ed PET 2023 also known as  State Council of Education Research & Training Center Diploma in Elementary Education course Pre-Entry-Test is conducted by SCERT. The notification has not been released yet. The exam is conducted yearly at State Level for the candidates who wish to take admission into TwoYear Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed.) Course. The course will be conducted in the NCTE recognized Teacher Education Institutes (DIET/CTE/Normal School/BTC/Pvt. TEIs) of the Assam state. The candidates must go through the complete article to get complete information about SCERT Assam D.El.Ed 2023 PET Entrance Exam.

Assam D.EL.ED 2023 Highlights:

Assam D.EL.ED PET 2023 Basic Information

  • Exam Name: Assam DEL.ED PET
  • Exam Full Name: Assam Diploma Elementry Education Pre-Entrance Test
  • Conducting Body: State Council of Education Research and Training Center (SCERT)
  • Exam Types: U.G Level
  • Exam Level: State Level
  • Exam Duration: 3 Hours
  • Official Website: https://www.scertassam.co.in/

About SCERT Assam

SCERT Assam is the conducting authority focusing on the improvement of quality school education and teacher education of the state. SCERT, Assam is also responsible for designing textbooks for the elementary stage of Assam with the help of the National Curriculum Framework and also helps in the selection of candidates for elementary education in Assam. SCERT Assam helps in the coordination of activities amongst the existing institutions working in the field of educational research and training.

SCERT Assam D.El.Ed PET 2023 Exam Dates:

Candidates can check the SCERT Assam D.El.Ed PET 2023 exam status from the below table:

Events Exam Date
Application Form Release Date To be announced
Last Date To Apply To be announced
Admit Card To be announced
Exam Date To be announced
Result To be announced

SCERT Assam D.El.Ed PET 2023 Application Form

Authority has released SCERT Assam DElEd 2023 PET Application Form in May 2023. Also, they need to first ensure their eligibility for the exam and then only apply for SCERT Assam DElEd 2023 admission.

The following are the details about the online SCERT Assam DElEd 2023 PET Application Form:

  • Applicants can apply for SCERT Assam online form 2023 on the official website of SCERT, Assam.
  • They can start filling out the application form from May 2023.
  • While the last date to fill out the application form will be May 2023.
  • Also, applicants need to provide their personal, educational, and contact details while filling out the SCERT online form.
  • Furthermore, applicants will also have to select the test center of their choice while filling out their applications.
  • Besides this, the application form will be accepted only after the application fee has been paid.

Application Fee

  • The Application Fee will be Rs. 400 for all categories.
  • Application Fee must be paid online through any of the below-given modes: Internet Banking/Credit Card/Debit Card/Wallet

Test Centres

Candidates can check the following test centers for Assam DElEd 2023 Pre-Entry-Test.

  • Barpeta
  • Hailakandi
  • Bongaigaon
  • Tinsukia
  • Cachar
  • Jorhat
  • Darrang
  • Kamrup
  • Dhemaji
  • Karbi Anglong
  • Dhubri
  • Karimganj
  • Dibrugarh
  • Kokrajhar
  • Dima Hasao
  • Lakhimpur
  • Goalpara
  • Majuli
  • Morigaon
  • Nagaon
  • Nalbari
  • Sivasagar
  • Sonitpur

SCERT Assam D.El.Ed PET 2023 Eligibility Criteria

The candidates must go through this section to know about all the information regarding SCERT Assam DElEd 2023 PET Eligibility Criteria.

Following is the detailed information about D.El.Ed PET Eligibility Criteria:

For Lower primary batch:

  • The candidate must be a native of Assam State.
  • Their age must be between 18 to 34 years while for the applicants belonging to  SC/ST categories the upper age limit is 36 years (as of 01 July 2020).
  • Applicants should have passed their Higher Secondary or any other equivalent exam from a recognized Boards/Council having an aggregate of at least 50% marks (excluding marks secured in extra optional). While candidates belonging to SC/category must have an aggregate of atleast45% marks.
  • Furthermore, candidates must know how to read, write, and speak fluently in the regional language.

For Upper primary batch:

  • The applying candidate must be a native of Assam State.
  • Their age must be between 18 to 34 years while for the applicants belonging to  SC/ST categories the upper age limit is 36 years (as of 01 July 2020).
  • Applicants should have done BA/BSc from a recognized University and must have scored at least 50% marks. Whereas, those belonging to SC/ST category must have 45% marks.
  • Besides this, applying candidates must be able to read, write, and speak fluently in the regional language.

Seat Details

The admission in Upper primary course will be in the ratio of 30% for candidates who have graduated in Science and 70% for other Arts/Commerce graduates. Out of the total seats for the Science graduates, minimum of 50% will be for graduates with physical sciences and the rest with biological science.

SCERT Assam D.EL.ED PET 2023 Exam Pattern

The exam will be divided into two sections. Check the brief description for the exam pattern from the below table:

  • Duration of exam: 120 Minutes
  • Mode of exam: The exam is a pen-paper based test(offline)
  • Several questions: 100 questions in the exam.
  • Type of questions: All the questions are Multiple-choice (MCQ)
  • Sections: There are two (2) sections in PET 2023.
  • Marking Scheme: 0.25 marks will be deducted for each wrong attempt.
  • The candidate will be awarded 1 mark for each right attempt
  • If in case an examinee tick more than one answer for a particular question, It would be considered wrong and no marks will be given.

Assam D.EL.ED PET 2023 Section 1 Pattern

  • General English: 10
  • General Knowledge: 10
  • Reasoning: 10
  • Education: 10

Assam D.EL.ED PET 2023 Section 2 Pattern

  • General Mathematics: 15
  • General Science and EVS: 15
  • Social science: 15
  • Language (Assamese/Bangla): 15

SCERT Assam D.EL.ED Syllabus 2023

Syllabus for the D.EL.ED PET Assam includes several topics and subtopics.  For better preparation for the entrance test, the candidate must touch each topic and subtopics. There are two sections for the test, see the details of the topics asked for D.El.Ed Assam Admission 2023:

Section 1 has the following number of subjects and topics mentioned below:

  • General English: Vocabulary, tenses, preposition, comprehension, voice change, narrations, adverbs, synonyms, and antonyms
  • General knowledge: Current affairs, abbreviations, Constitution of India, History of Assam, Inventions, and history, sports, art, and culture, everyday science, world organization, Geography of India, Educational commissions and committees, New educational initiatives, Educational organization.
  • Reasoning: Logical and analytical reasoning, pattern, etc.
  • Education: Teaching-learning process, Individual differences, Learning assessment/evaluation, role, functions, and quality of the teacher, principles, and maxims of teaching, Educational philosophy, and laws, the purpose of education, the role of the agencies in the management, Concept of the TLM and its importance, Leadership quality of teacher

Section 2 has the following subjects and the topics mentioned below:

  • Mathematics: Number, Fractions, percentage, Money, Geometry, Measurement, Data handling, square and square root
  • Science and EVS: Natural and social environment, factors influencing the environment, causes of environmental degradation, Biodiversity, Environmental issues, Environmental protection, Chemical reaction, Microororganism, Light and reflection, Weather, and climate
  • Social Science: Natural and human resources, Atmosphere and its layer, Freedom movement of India, Constitution of India, Democracy, Ancient civilization, Earth and its structure, Consumer protection, Transport and communication, Agriculture and industrial development, Contribution of medieval administrators on socio-economic development in Assam.
  • Language: Objective language learning, Application of phrases and idioms, Method of language teaching, Skills of language, Differences in home language and mother tongue, Verb number, suffix, and prefix, Gender.

Admit Card:

Admit card for the D.EL.ED PET Assam will be available at the SCERT Assam online website, Candidates are required to download the hall ticket before the exam. check all the important details of the Assam DElEd 2023 pre-entrance test (PET) Admit card mentioned below:

Assam SCERT admits card/Hall Ticket will be released on the official website.

  • Those candidates who have successfully applied will be able to access and download it.
  • Candidates are required to download the hall ticket before the deadline.
  • In case of loss of the admit card, a candidate will not be allowed to appear for the test.
  • SCERT Assam Admit card is an essential document and needs to be preserved till all the admission process.
  • All the important information related to the exam will be published on the hall ticket (Admit card).
  • If in case the appearing candidates find any discrepancy or mismatch of the information they have filled in the application, it must be reported to the exam authority immediately.
  • To access the SCERT Assam DElEd 2023 admit card, candidates have to visit the official website and click on the link for the admit card.
  • Login credentials such as application number, password/date of birth will be required to access the hall ticket.
  • The candidate must download it and take the number of printouts for future purposes.


SCERT Assam will publish the Assam D.EL.ED Result on its official website after the commencement of the exam. All the information related to the scorecard of D.EL.ED Assam Pre-test is mentioned below:

  • Assam D.EL.ED Pre-entrance test (PET) Scorecard will be published after the Assam D.EL.ED Entrance test.
  • A candidate who will appear for the exam can check their result on the official website.
  • The merit list will be prepared based on the D.EL.ED result.
  • Application number and password/date of birth will be required to access the scorecard.
  • Scorecard will be available in pdf format, a candidate has to download it and take the printout for future references.

Merit list:

SECRET Assam will publish a merit list for the selected candidate. The candidate must go through the following sections to find all the details of the Merit list for D.El.Ed Assam admission 2023.

  • Merit List for the Assam Elementary Education Pre-Entrance Test (D.EL.ET PET) will be released twice on the official website
  • A provisional merit list will be released for the first time in August (tentative) and a final merit list will be released in September (tentative)
  • The allotment of the seat through merit list will be announced by the state-level committee of teacher’s education institutes in the district as per merits
  • The candidate will be called for counseling after the release of the merit list.

Selection Criteria

For admission in D.El.Ed course, candidates must have to appear and qualify Pre-entry test (PET). The final selection is based on the candidate’s merit in the entrance exam and marks secured in HSSLC/Bachelor degree examination


Counseling is an important and final part of admission. check the D.EL.ED PET Counseling Assam in details from the below-mentioned points

  • Assam D.EL.ED PET 2023 Counselling will be held after the declaration of result and the merit list
  • A qualified candidate will be eligible for the counseling process which is conducted online at the official website
  • Eligible candidates will fill the choice for the institution during counseling for the D.EL.ED Course.
  • Number of documents would be required at the time of admission
  • If in any case, a candidate failed to verify the document or missed any of the steps of counseling, their admission and candidature will be canceled.
  • PET Admit Card, Marksheet, And admit card of HHCL, Proof for the citizen of Assam, Passport size photo, Cast certificate (for OBC, SC/ST) are required at the time of Admission.

Assam D.EL.ED PET 2023 Preparation Tips

  • Candidates can read the below-mentioned points to understand “how to prepare for Assam D.El.Ed PET 2023”.
  • Candidates should know the syllabus in-depth to get an idea of the topics covered.
  • Read English newspapers to improve general knowledge and vocabulary.
  • Practice as many as possible logical reasoning questions & previous year’s question paper.
  • Solve mock tests and previous year question papers to gain confidence and increase time efficiency.
  • Start mathematics from the basics and focus more on the sections in which one is weak.

Course Fee Details:

The conducting authority has not released any Information regarding D.El.Ed course yet. Candidates can check the 2019 fee details to have a rough idea of D.El.Ed fee structure.

Assam D.El.Ed Course Fee

  • Admission fee: Rs.50/- (at the time of admission)
  • Monthly fee: Rs.50/- (to be paid monthly till 10th of each month)
  • Examination fee: Rs.800/- per semester. To be paid at the beginning of each of the 4 (four) semesters.

Electricity charges & others

  • Rs.35/- per month for the hostel candidates
  • Rs.25/- per month for the candidates living outside

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