Please note that the registrations for the academic year 2023-2024 are open from Classes III to VIII for boys and girls. Those who are interested to seek admission to this reputed college must register themselves via online mode. Go to the official website and collect all details about the registration. The registration process starts from the month of September every year and will finish off by the 4th of December.
Sherwood College offers various facilities in sports such as cricket, football, hockey, Swimming, Gymnastics, Kayaking, Boxing, Skating, Shooting, Squash, Snooker, Billiards, Wind Surfing, Athletics, etc. In addition to several sports activities, there are co-curricular activities such as cricket Elocution, cricket Quiz, Debates, Declamation, Dramatics, Workshops – Indoor and outdoor, Photography Art, Craft, Indian and Western Music, Robotics various clubs and societies.
Contact Number:- 05942-(239711/10)/05942-236361, +919359741890;
School Office Email Address:- Email id)
Official Website:-