The enormous, aired schoolrooms with sufficient playgrounds provide ample amenity to build an ultimate environment for the complete development of a young girl in academics as well as other extracurricular activities. Students are provided with world-class indoor and outdoor sports facilities and other amenities like Science labs, music, computer labs, and libraries.
Aspirants have a great chance for admission if they fulfill the basic requirement. The student must be conversant with the English language and marks of the previous examination are sternly followed while admitting candidates in Shigally Hill International Academy Dehradun. Interpersonal interviews with the Director and Principal of the school will be the final step towards the admission of the aspirant.
Without satisfying the registration formalities no students will be enrolled in Shigally Hill International Academy, Dehradun. At the time of registration, the following documents of the candidate need to be produced.
Candidates looking for admission in Class XI have to provide board results of ClassX from any renowned boards. They have to meet the Principal for a personal interview round or for counselling session if it requires.
65% marks are the qualifying mark in Science and Engineering stream for entry in Class XI and for Commerce and Humanities stream the final cut off is 60%.
From the official website, “” details about the fee structure can be known
All teachers contribute to the all-round development of the student with their successful teaching. Their responsibility and concern towards student’s future distinguish them as top-notch mentors of the state. In spite of diverse socio-political and economic backgrounds, all students study together without any hurdles of discrimination. There develop a strong trust and understanding between teachers and students.
The boarding facility provided by SIA is to the level of paramount satisfaction to the students. The positive vibe prevailing in the hostel enables the guardians to have complete gratification that their wards are enjoying a good and safe life in the pleasing valleys of Dehradun. Each dormitory floor is highly cleaned and sanitized by the caretakers and has a common room to view the television and play indoor games. Girls learn to be independent and develop a mutual support system with a stress-free environment.
Shigley plays a significant role in arts and culture by adopting the substantive activities in academics ie Art & painting, drawing, pottery, handicraft, digital filming, etc towards student’s emotional development. It also enables them to express a sense of goodness and happiness. Art & craft activities make the path of Social growth to society.
Professional counsellors are arranged by the authority with a view to explain the process to the candidates to follow the right path for acquiring a perfect career suitable for them. They give stress on the importance of self-contemplation with several other practices in order to consider a rewarding career.