Bachelor Degree 2023

SRCC GBO 2023 Application Form, Exam Date, Eligibility, Pattern

To begin with, SRCC GBO 2023, what the acronym stands for is important to understand. This is shortened for Shri Ram College of Commerce Global Business Operations. Here, Shri Ram College of Commerce implies one of the prestigious colleges amongst the University of Delhi. The college offers a course named GBO. The institute commences an entrance exam every year to select the candidates for providing admission to a two-year international business management course. If you are looking forward to applying for the course, then avail details such as eligibility criteria, exam registration, exam pattern, syllabus, admit card, and result.

Eligibility Criteria:

Those who are interested to apply for the examination are requested to go through the mentioned below eligibility criteria first:

  • Applicant must have successfully completed graduation in any discipline from some recognized university with minimum of 50% marks and 45% for those belonging to SC, ST, CW, EWS, and PwD Category.
  • Those who are appearing in their final year/semester examination may also apply for the test.
  • Candidates must have a relevant passport or citizenship card of the other country if belonging to the Foreign National Category and on the basis of the following percentage criteria.
  • High School Marks: 10%
  • Senior Secondary Marks: 25%
  • Graduation Marks: 60%
  • a) Statement of Purpose (About 500 Characters)       05%
  • b) An essay on “Globalization in Business Context” (for about 2000 characters)

SRCC GBO 2023 Exam Date:

Events Exam Dates
Application form available December
Last date application form January
SRCC GBO 2023 Exam Date February
Result To Be Announced
Online Admission Process To Be Announced

SRCC GBO 2023 Application Form:

If you are eligible to apply for SRCC GBO 2023 then start with the application procedure. The application form will be available in the month of January on the official website of Shri Ram College of Commerce. Fill the application form correctly and accurately.

Steps to apply: Here are the steps to apply for the examination:

  1. Go to the Official webpage of Shri Ram College of Commerce.
  2. Register yourself by submitting the details such as E-Mail ID, Password, Mobile Number, Captcha for primary registration.
  3. A new user ID and password will be generated and by using it, applicants can fill the application form with details such as Educational Qualifications, Date of Birth, etc.
  4. Upload the scanned required documents such as photographs and signatures.
  5. After submitting the application form, take the printout for further reference.
  6. Submit the application fee through modes such as Debit Card/ Credit Card/Net Banking, etc.

Documents to be uploaded in application form (foreign candidates):

  • High School Marksheet
  • Senior Secondary Marksheet
  • Graduation Marksheet
  • Statement of Purpose

Candidates belonging to the General/OBC category must submit Rs 2500/- as an application fee and SC/ST candidates will pay Rs 1500/-

Exam Pattern and Marks Distribution:

Candidates are required to check the examination pattern and syllabus for making a better preparation.

  • The exam will be computer-based consist of objective-type questions.
  • The exam duration will be 120 minutes
  • Every correct answer will be awarded 4 marks
  • Every incorrect answer denotes the deduction of 1mark.

Each section including English Comprehension & Language Ability, Quantitative Ability, Logical Ability, and Data Interpretation will consist of 40 questions each.

Admit Card:

After successfully submitting the application form, the candidate will receive the admit card from the official website. Download the admit card and keep a print of the same for further reference. It is important to carry the print of the admit card and ID proof at the examination center. Candidates must check the details before appearing for the examination.

Test Center:

The entrance examination will be conducted in prominent cities of India such as Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Coimbatore, Dehradun, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kochi, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Nagpur, Ranchi, Shillong, and Varanasi.

Answer Key:

After the test gets over, the exam conducting authority will release the answer key on the official website. To check the answer key, use the login credentials. The answer key will help you to get idea about the answers written in the paper. You will also able to calculate the scores.

Course’s Fee Structure:

  • Indian Nationals (per semester) Rs. 80,000
  • Foreign National (per semester) USD 250 per

Examination Result:

The result for SRCC GBO 2023 will be released a few days after the commencement of the examination. Those who clear the examination successfully will find their name in the online released list. The process doesn’t end here, further selection rounds will also conduct.


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