On the basis of the Joint Entrance Test (JET) with rounds of orientation and interview admission process continues. Courses are classified as Animation and Design, Management and Business Administration, Media-Mass communication and Journalism, etc. SRFT offers Postgraduate Diploma& some postgraduate certificate courses in cinema and television with a duration of 3 years and2 years respectively. The application will be received from online mode and the examination process will be conducted via the offline method. The official website is https://srfti.ac.in/
The application will be collected in online mode from the official website. Candidates need to follow the below-mentioned steps before filling the application form.
Self-Registration Process:
In the official website in the respective tag candidate need to provide the name of their desired course with personal details like email id, contact information that will be required for registration. A valid mail id should be given as all communication will be conveyed in this registered mail id. by the authority in the future.
Filling of Application:
As soon as the account (Registration) is activated on the official web site candidate will proceed to fill the application form. Essential details of the candidate ie personal, academic, parents name, contact no, course types, etc are to be filled up very properly. For any false declaration it will cause rejection of the application form by the official authority. No blank space in the application form will be allowed.
After filling the form with the required information as asked by the authority candidates need to transfer scanned passport size photograph and signature of the candidate as per the format mentioned in the authorized website.
Review before submission:
After the form has been properly filled and documents are uploaded candidates need to further verify the information before submission. One copy of the submitted form should always be kept for future reference.
Events | Exam Dates |
Online application form available | December |
End to submit the application form | February 2022 |
Admit Card issues | February 2022 |
SRFTI 2022 Exam Date | February 2022 |
Result Data announced | To be Announced |
OC & interview data | To be Announced |
Session start | To be Announced |
University has framed some eligibility criteria for the convenience of the candidate.
The entrance examination will have 100 marks question paper with a duration of 3 hours in order to answer the question paper in offline mode. There will be MCQ as well as descriptive type questions. For each correct answer one mark will be added.
For Television course:
The 100 marks paper will be divided into three sections. Section A will have 30 marks, 20 marks will be from section B and the remaining 50 marks from section C.
In Section A or general aptitude there will be 15 marks on General Awareness on national and international level comprising topics related to art, culture, folk art, etc. Candidates need to answer on topics based on digital media and electronic media for 15 marks.
Section B will have broad descriptive type questions for 20 marks. Section C or Special Aptitude Test with 50 marks will comprise a special aptitude test.
For Film course:
The FTII JET 2022 Syllabus varies for all its different sections. Candidates are requested to go through the official website for the topics and chapters regarding the program subject wise.
From the official website admit cards can be downloaded using the credentials. Candidates must keep some identical copies for future use. This admit card is the part and parcel of the examination and in the absence of this card no one will be allowed to seat for the examination.
The result of the entrance examination will be announced on the website. Using login details candidate can transfer their result. By the third week of April, 2022 results will be declared. The authority will issue a distinct merit list for all the applicants scored differently in the entrance examination.
Candidates qualifying the entrance will be called for the counselling session. The qualifying candidates need to pay a visit to the University in order to complete the final admission procedure. Only the selected ones will be enrolled in numerous full-time programs for the academic year 2022.