SSC JE 2023: The staff Selection Commission gives notification for the Junior Engineer examination every year. Through the notification, the exam conducting authority will recruit the candidates for the Post of Junior Engineer in Various Departments of government. Before applying for the SSC JE 2023 examination, one needs to collect complete and important info such as Application Form, Exam Dates, Eligibility Criteria, Exam Pattern, Exam Mode, Counseling, Cut Off Marks, etc.
SSC JE Notification 2023:
- SSC JE 2023 Notification will be released on 26th July 2023.
SSC JE 2023 Highlights:
Name of the Examination | SSC JE (Staff Selection Commission Junior Engineer) |
Exam Conducting Authority | SSC (Staff Selection Commission) |
Level of the Exam | National |
Exam Frequency | Once a year |
Vacancies | 887 |
Exam Purpose | Selection of candidates for the post of Junior Engineer in ministries/departments/organizations of the Government of India |
Application Mode | Online Mode |
Exam Mode | Paper:1 Online Mode Paper:2 Offline Mode |
SSC Calendar | Click here |
Exam Helpdesk No. | 011-69999845 |
Official Website | |
SSC JE 2023 Exam Date:
Find Below SSC JE 2023 Exam Date Related information such as Notification, Exam Dates, Admit Card Release Date, and Result.
Events | Exam Dates |
Application Form Release Date | 26th July 2023 |
JE 2023 Application Form submission last date | 16th August 2023 |
Last date and time for receipt of applications | —- |
Deadline to submit Online Fee | —– |
Last date and time for generation of offline Challan | —- |
Last date for payment through Challan (during working hours of Bank) | —– |
Admit Card Release date (Paper-I) | —— |
SSC JE 2023 Exam Date (Paper-I) | October 2023 |
Result for Examination | To be notified later |
Admit Card date Release (Paper-II) | To be notified later |
JE 2023 Exam Date (Paper-II) | To be notified later |
The final date for Result Declaration | To be notified later |
SSC JE 2023 Application Form:
You can also visit the Official Website of SSC ( or Fill the Online Application Form of SSC JE 2023 and upload all required documentation on the website.
- Make sure for using the SSC JE 2023 Apply Online facility while applying for the SSC JE examination. Fill the parts such as Apply Part and Registration Part both completely and accurately
- Candidates are required to make the payment of Rs 100/- via offline or online mode. However, SC, PH, ST, and Ex-Servicemen need not make payment of the application fee.
- Those who are paying the fee via online mode can make ultimate use of facilities such as Debit card, Credit card, and net banking
- Those who are applying using offline mode, make use of SBI e-challan which needs to be deposited into any branch of State Bank of India
Eligibility Criteria:
Before the SSC JE 2023 Apply Online must read below steps that is Eligibility Criteria for SSC JE:
Educational Qualification:
- Candidate must have done Junior Engineer (Civil), CPWD – B.Tech. / B.E. / Diploma in Civil Engineering from some recognized Institute or University
- Junior Engineer (Electrical), CPWD –B.Tech. / B.E. / Diploma in Electrical Engineering from some recognized Institute or University
- JE (Civil), Department of Posts – B.Tech. / B.E. / 3 years Diploma in Civil Engineering some recognized Institute or University
- Junior Engineer (Electrical), Department of Posts – B.E. / B.Tech. / 3 years Diploma in Electrical Engineering from some recognized Institute or University
- SSC Junior Engineer (Civil), MES – B. Tech/ B.E. in Civil Engineering OR else 3 years Diploma in Civil Engineering from some recognized Institute or University as well as must have at least 2 years of work experience in Civil Engineering works
- Junior Engineer (Mechanical & Electrical), MES – B.Tech./B.E. in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering OR must have three years Diploma in Mechanical/Electrical Engineering from some recognized Institute/ University and must have with 2 years work experience in Electrical or Mechanical engineering works.
- Junior Engineer (QS&C), MES – B.Tech. / B.E. / or else 3 years Diploma in Civil engineering from some recognized University or Institute OR must have passed the Intermediate examination in Building and Quantity Surveying (Sub Divisional-II) from the Institute of Surveyors (India).
- Junior Engineer (Civil & Mechanical), Central Water Commission –B.Tech. / B.E. Diploma in Mechanical/Civil Engineering from some recognized University/Institute.
Age Limit:
- The age must not go beyond 32 years if applying for Junior Engineer (Civil, Electrical & Mechanical), Central Water Commission and CPWD
- Age must be between 18 to 27 years, if applying for Junior Engineer (Civil & Electrical), Department of Post and Junior Engineer (Surveying and Contract), MES
- Age must not go beyond 30 years while applying for Junior Engineer (Civil, Electrical & Mechanical), MES
- Ensure for age relaxation in the upper age limit in the reserved category according to the Government rules.
SSC JE Posts & Salary:
Below information, we assume the previous year. In this year not released Salary & Number of vacancy:
- Central Water Commission Department, Junior Engineer (Civil) group, Grade ‘B’, Gross salary ( 4,200, 32,667 – 37,119), In hand salary, (29,455 – 33,907)
- Central Water Commission Department, Junior Engineer (Mechanical) group, Grade “B”, Gross salary (4,200, 32,667 – 37,119), In hand salary (29,455 – 33,907)
- CPWD Junior Engineer (Civil) Department, Grade “B”, Gross salary (4,200, 32,667 – 37,119), In hand Salary(29,455 – 33,907)
- CPWD Junior Engineer (Electrical) Department, Grade “B”, Gross salary (4,200, 32,667 – 37,119), In hand Salary(29,455 – 33,907)
- Junior Engineer (Civil) Department, Grade “B”, Gross salary (4,200, 32,667 – 37,119), In hand Salary(29,455 – 33,907)
- Junior Engineer (Electrical) Department, Grade “B”, Gross salary (4,200, 32,667 – 37,119), In hand Salary(29,455 – 33,907)
- MES Junior Engineer(Civil) Department, Grade “B”, Gross salary (4,200, 32,667 – 37,119), In hand Salary(29,455 – 33,907)
- MES Junior Engineer(Electrical and Mechanical) Department, Grade “B”, Gross salary (4,200, 32,667 – 37,119), In hand Salary(29,455 – 33,907)
- MES Junior Engineer (Quantity Surveying & Contract) Department, Grade “B”, Gross salary (4,200, 32,667 – 37,119), In hand Salary(29,455 – 33,907)
Details of vacancies:
Name of Organization | Name of Post | Vacancies |
Border Road Organisation (Only Male candidates) | Junior Engineer (Electrical and Mechanical) | 80 |
Border Road Organization (Only Male candidates) | Junior Engineer (Civil) | 417 |
Central Water Commission | Junior Engineer (Mechanical) | 4 |
Central Water Commission | Junior Engineer (Civil) | 50 |
Central Public Works Department (CPWD) | Junior Engineer (Electrical) | 52 |
Central Public Works Department (CPWD) | Junior Engineer(Civil) | 273 |
M/o Defence (DGQA-NAVAL) | Junior Engineer (Electrical) | 3 |
M/o Defence (DGQA-NAVAL) | Junior Engineer (Mechanical) | 5 |
National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO) | Junior Engineer (Civil) | 3 |
Total | 887 |
Exam Pattern:
- The exam will consist of 2 phases i.e, Paper-I & Paper-II.
- Paper-I conducted by online mode & Paper-II by Offline mode.
- Paper 1 will be of 200 marks and paper 2 will be of 300 marks.
- The duration of the Papers will be 2 hours.
- The questions in the exam will be asked in the MCQ form.
- 0.25 marks will be deducted for every wrong answer.
- General Intelligence & Reasoning
- General Awareness
- Part- A General Engineering (Civil & Structural)
- Part- B General Engineering (Electrical)
- Part- C General Engineering (Mechanical)
- Part- A General Engineering (Civil & Structural)
- Part- B General Engineering (Electrical)
- Part- C General Engineering (Mechanical)
SSC JE Syllabus:
SSC JE 2023 Syllabus will get over in two different stages such as Paper I and Paper II:
About Paper I in Detail:
General Intelligence and Reasoning:
It consists of topics: analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem-solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series, abstract ideas and symbols, and their relationships, arithmetical computations, and other analytical functions.
General Awareness:
- History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Polity, and Scientific Research,
General Engineering:
- Part A – Civil Engineering: Building Materials, Estimating, Costing and Valuation, Surveying, Soil Mechanics, Hydraulics, Irrigation Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Environmental Engineering.
- Structural Engineering: Theory of Structures, Concrete Technology, RCC Design, Steel Design.
- Part B – Electrical Engineering: Basic concepts, Circuit law, Magnetic Circuit, AC Fundamentals, Measurement and Measuring instruments, Electrical Machines, Fractional Kilowatt Motors, and single-phase induction Motors, Synchronous Machines, Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Estimation and Costing, Utilization and Electrical Energy, Basic Electronics.
- Part C Mechanical Engineering: Theory of Machines and Machine Design, Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials, Properties of Pure Substances, 1st Law of Thermodynamics, 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, Air standard Cycles for IC Engines, IC Engine Performance, IC Engines Combustion, IC Engine Cooling & Lubrication, Rankine cycle of System, Boilers, Classification, Specification, Fitting & Accessories, Air Compressors & their cycles, Refrigeration cycles, Principle of Refrigeration Plant, Nozzles & Steam Turbines. Properties & Classification of Fluids, Fluid Statics, Measurement of Fluid Pressure, Fluid kinematics, Dynamics of Ideal fluids, Measurement of Flow rate, basic principles, Hydraulic Turbines, Centrifugal Pumps, Classification of steel.
About Paper II in Detail:
Mechanical Engineering:
Theory of Machines and Machine Design | Fitting & Accessories |
Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials | Air Compressors & their cycles |
Properties of Pure Substances | Refrigeration cycles |
1st Law of Thermodynamics | The principle of the Refrigeration Plant |
2nd Law of Thermodynamics | Nozzles & Steam Turbines |
IC Engines Combustion | Properties & Classification of Fluids |
Air standard Cycles for IC Engines | Fluid Statics, Measurement of Fluid Pressure |
IC Engine Performance | Fluid kinematics |
IC Engine Cooling & Lubrication | Dynamics of Ideal fluids |
Rankine cycle of System | Measurement of Flow Rate |
Boilers | Basic principles |
Classification | Hydraulic Turbines |
Specification | Centrifugal Pumps |
Classification of steels | – |
Electrical Engineering:
Basic concepts | Synchronous Machines |
Circuit law | Generation |
Magnetic Circuit | Transmission and Distribution |
AC Fundamentals | Estimation and Costing |
Measurement and Measuring Instruments | Utilization and Electrical Energy |
Electrical Machines | Basic Electronics |
Fractional Kilowatt Motors | Single-phase Induction Motors |
Civil Engineering:
Building Materials | Hydraulics |
Estimating, Costing, and Valuation | Irrigation Engineering |
Surveying | Transportation Engineering |
Soil Mechanics | Environmental Engineering |
Theory of Structures | Concrete Technology |
RCC Design | Steel Design |
Selection Process:
- The first step includes written examination or Paper I which is Objective Type. This is done in online mode and comprises of 200 marks
- The second step includes written an examination or Paper-II which is a conventional type for 300 marks. This exam will appear in offline mode.
- There will be no interview round. Selection will be done according to the marks obtained in these two papers
- If it is the case of Tie then, the following methods will be followed:
1) Marks acquired in Paper-2
2) Marks acquired in Paper-1
3) Senior as pet the date of birth.
4) Alphabetical order in the first names of the candidates.
Admit Card:
SSC JE 2023 Admit Card has been released in October 2023. The exam conducting authority will not send hall ticket by post thus download the admit card from online mode. Download the admit card from the regional website of SSC. It is mandatory to bring the admit card while moving to the examination center.
Process to download SSC JE Paper 1 Hall Ticket 2023:
- Go to the Official site of the Staff Selection Commission i.e
- On the homepage at the top click on Admit Card.
- A new page will open, then search the Admit card regional wise.
- Now search for the Scrolling link of SSC Junior Engineer Admit Card 2019 and click on it.
- Then enter the details such as Registration Number, Password, Date Of Birth, Captcha.
- Finally, SSC JE Admit Card appears on the screen.
- Download the Hall Ticket and make a hard copy of it for future use.
SSC 2023 Related Exams:
Answer Key:
The answer key will be published on the official website. The exam commission will release the answer key for Paper I including all the sets. Via the answer key, one can analyze the performance in the examination. The answer key will be published a few days after examination thus make use of this opportunity
SSC JE 2023 Cut Off:
Cut off implies the least attained marks for clearing the examination. Applicants are required to score equal or more than cut off marks for clearing SSC JE 2023 examination. The exam conducting body will publish the cut-off for both the papers one after the other.
The results of SSC JE will release one by one. The first result for SSC JE Paper I and then the Result for Paper-II. The results will appear on the official website and candidates can check the results via the website.
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सबको मेरा नमस्ते
में एक नियमित छात्र हूं अभी में पॉलीटेक्निक कर रहा हूं।
मेंने अपने घर बोलो से बोल दिया है की में 2023 में ssc je civil की एग्जाम होगी तो में भी 2023 में उसको पास करुगा लेकिन दुख इस बात का है । की एग्जाम मार्च में होगा और मेरा डिप्लोमा जुलाई में पूरा होगा अफसोस इस बात है की में एग्जाम दे नहीं पाऊंगा । मेरा ssc bord से निवेदन है की ssc je का tier -1 जुलाई के बाद करें ताकि में भी दे सकूं तो आपकी अति कृपा होगी
sir, i am BTECH final year student in INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY can i apply for ssc je?
Sir I am 31 years old. So I am eligible for this exam.
i am currently in 6th sem in mechanical diploma am i eligible
Sir, Iam in the final year of Btech , civil engineering . Can I apply for this job????...
i am final year student ,so i can apply. ssc je form
hii..... sir ,i am amit kumar in final year student .
i can apply the ssc je form ?....
please talk me sir...
Sir, I'm BE ,EEE graduate...... I need details about paper 2
Sir I am in 5th semester! Can I apply for ssc exam ...or I need to complete last semester? ?
hello sir
sir i m final year in diploma with civil engineering from INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND RURAL TECHNOLOGY ALLAHABAD .
can i apply for ssc je 2018-2019??
am i eligible for this opportunity??
please sir answer me..