SSC 2023

SSC SI CAPF 2023 Application Form, Exam Dates, Eligibility, Syllabus

SSC SI CAPF 2023SSC SI CAPF 2023SSC SI CAPF 2023: Staff Selection Commission (SSC) organizes All India Examination for the recruitment of Sub Inspector in Delhi Police, ASI in CISF, and SI in CAPF. Candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria may apply online or offline for the post of SI and ASI through the Commission’s website until July 2023 (Part-I Registration) and July 2023 (for part-II Registration). In this Artice candidates can get detailed information about SSC SI CAPF:

SSC SI CAPF 2023 Exam Date:

Events Exam Dates
Application Form start to submit June
Registration form Closing date July
Last date and time for making online fee payment July
Last date and time for generation of offline Challan July
Paper-1 Admit card Issue Date October
Exam Date of Paper-1 SSC SI CAPF November
Paper (I) Result November
Test of PST/PET & Medical Test for SSC, SI CAPF December
PET/PST and Medical Test Result January
Paper-2 Admit card Issue date announced February
Exam of Paper-2 March
Final Date of Result April

SSC SI CAPF 2023 Application Form:

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) releases the Recruitment ADVO of SI in Delhi Police & CAPFs and Assistant SI in CISF every year. This is to find eligible candidates for the posts of SI in CAPFs and Delhi Police and Assistant SI in CISF and IO in NCB. The commission conducts an open exam for recruitment. The written exam is conducted in November 2023. Eligible applicants are expected to apply until May 2023. Candidates can find the details of the Staff Selection Commission SI Notification & they can also apply at the SSC website.

SSC SI CAPF 2023 Eligibility:

Eligibility criteria for Staff Selection Commission Sub-Inspectors in CAPFs & Delhi Police and also Assistant Sub-Inspector in CISF Examination are given below:

Eligibility Conditions :

  • Nationality/ Citizenship: A candidate has to be either an Indian Citizen or a refugee from Nepal, Bhutan, or Tibetan who has come to India, before the January 1st, 1962 and is settled here in India, or a person of Indian origin who had migrated from Burma, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, East African Countries of Uganda, Zambia, Kenya, Tanzania, Zaire, Malawi, Ethiopia, and Vietnam and has come here with intentions of permanently settling here in India.
  • Educational Qualifications: Candidates must have done graduation in any discipline can apply for the Posts. Male candidates applying for the post of sub-inspector in Delhi Police must have a Driving License for light motor vehicle and they have to bring that on the day of the Physical Test.
  • Age Limits and Relaxations: The minimum & Maximum age should be between 20 & 25 years as of Jan 2023. For SC / ST, there is a relaxation in the upper age limit for 5 years, and OBC it is 3 years.
  • Application fee: Candidates in the General and OBC category have to pay Rs. 100/- that is payable through the challan at the SBI Bank. Candidates that are belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribe, Women candidates and Ex-Servicemen who are eligible for reservation do not have to pay any fee for appearing in the exams.

Selection Process:

Those candidates who want to become Sub-Inspector (SI), Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI), and IO in NCB may apply for these posts. This process will have Physical Standard Test, Physical-Efficiency Tests, Written Exam, Medical Exam & Interview.

  • Written Examination: The written exam will have two papers for each paper. Each paper will have 200 questions with a total of 200 marks. The total duration for each paper is two hours. These will have Objective Multiple Choice Questions. Language for the question paper will be Hindi and English in Parts A, B, and C of Paper I. There will be negative marking for incorrect answers of 0.25 marks each. Marks that the candidates will get in this paper will be used as the screening criteria for the candidates for appearing for PET/ Medical Examination.
  • Physical Endurance Test (PET): Candidates who secure qualifying marks in the Paper I are shortlisted for Physical Endurance Test (PET) and medical test. Only those candidates who qualify in PST/PET will have their Paper-II evaluated.

Physical Efficiency For Male Candidates:

  • Running: 100 meters race in 16 seconds
  • Running: 1.6 km race in 6.5 minutes
  • High Jump: at least 1.2 meters in 3 chances
  • Shot put (16 Lbs): 4.5 meters in 3 chances
  • Long Jump: 3.65M in three chances

Physical Efficiency for  Female Candidates:

  • Running of 100M race in 18 seconds or less
  • Running of 800M in 4 minutes
  • High Jump : 3 feet in 3 chances
  • Long Jump: 9 feet in 3 chances.

SSC SI CAPF 2023 Personality Test/ Interview:

All the candidates who qualify in Paper I, PET, and Paper-II written examination are called for Personality Test/ Interview.

SSC SI CAPF 2023 Medical Examination:

Candidates qualifying in the PET are medically examined by the Medical Officer or Assistant Surgeon who is a to Grade I of any Central/State Govt. Hospital. Those candidates who are found fit in the medical exam & qualify in written exams also are be required to appear in the Interview of 100 marks. After these tests, Commission draws up a Merit List and, those candidates who qualify in the Examination are recommended for appointment based on the vacancies available. The selected candidates for the posts of SI and ASI have to pass 7 obstacle events as mentioned below. If they fail, they might not be retained in the Force:

  • Jumping over the Vertical Board;
  • Hold the rope and jump from the Board.
  • Monkey Crawl;
  • Jumping on the Horizontal Board;
  • Parallel Rope;
  • The Tarzan Swing;
  • Vertical Rope.

SSC SI CAPF Syllabus:

Syllabus for Paper-I:

  • General Intelligence & Reasoning: Questions for verbal & non-verbal type. This Component may include, space visualization, spatial orientation, questions on analogies, analysis, judgment, problem-solving, similarities and differences, discrimination, decision-making observation, relationship concepts, visual memory, arithmetical reasoning, arithmetic number series, and figural classification, etc.
  • General Awareness: Questions tests candidates’ general awareness of the environment around him, and its Application to the society. Also, test knowledge of, current events. The test will include questions related to India and neighboring countries, especially about – History;
  • Numerical Aptitude: Questions were made to test, number sense of the Candidate and the Ability of appropriate use of numbers, Computation of whole numbers, decimals, Profit and Loss, fractions, Square roots, Percentage. Partnership Ratio & Proportion, Averages, Discount, Mixture and Allegation, Interest, Time and distance, Time & Work, etc.
  • English Comprehension: Ability to understand English, basic comprehension, writing ability, etc. would need to be tested.

Syllabus for Paper-II:

English Language & Comprehension: Questions are designed to test candidate’s understanding & knowledge of the English language, and will have spotted the error type questions, antonyms, synonyms, spelling, fill in the blanks, detecting misspelled words, etc.

Salary Details

Post Pay Scale
Sub-Inspector (GD) in CAPFs: (Central Armed Police Forces) Level-6 (Rs.35400-112400/-)
Sub Inspector (Executive) – (Male/ Female) in Delhi Police Leve-6 (Rs.35400-112400/-)
Assistant Sub-Inspector (Executive) in CISF Level-5 (Rs.29200-92300)

Admit Card:

The Admit card will publish on the official website of SSC. It will release individually for Phase-I and Phase-II. There will be no other method to send the admit card. The candidate must download the Admit Card and take a print out of it. Every candidate must bring this admit card to the exam center.


The SSC SI CAPF 2023 Result will announce for Paper 1 in November 2023 and Paper 2 in April. It will release on the official website. To check the result the candidate has to enter the name as well as the roll number.


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