To get into St. George’s College one has to follow the certain admission procedure set by the authority. Candidates need to register themselves in order to commence the application and admission procedure. This registration initiates from the month of August which is followed by an entrance exam. In the month of October, the entrance test is conducted. The admission test is basically taken on English and Mathematics for classes IV to VII. The submission of fees for tuition and boarding of the selected students is collected from March to February and March to November. For classes IV, V, VI the Entrance Test will be conducted on English and Mathematics. Candidates appearing for the Classes VII-IX admission test will have English, Mathematics, and Science as their subjects. For Class XI the registration starts from November to February.
All students irrespective of caste, community, religion or colour get a fair chance for admission in St. George College, Mussoorie. All desiring students need to seat for the admission test. A student will be enrolled only after succeeding in the entrance test set by the authority. Appearing in the admission test does not support admission. Admission depends on the performance of the candidate in the admission test. The registration process requires following essentials from the candidate:
All candidates need to send a Demand Draft of Rs.1000/- as registration fee in favour of St. George’s College, Mussoorie, payable at Mussoorie. Candidates can also go for RTGS. The details for RTGS are given below:
SBI, ACCOUNT NO: 10437445699
The school is against any donations. No reference admission is also entertained by the school authority. Admission totally depends on the merit of a candidate. A candidate will be disqualified if any unfair measures or unnecessary influence is entrusted to the school. No outside Agencies are allowed to work for admission of the students. The school has the complete authority to accept or reject a candidate. For any further queries, candidates can call the school office: Ph. 7060311770 | 7060311771, or can drop a mail to The Principal in this mail ID: