BEd 2023

Tamil Nadu B.Ed 2023 Admission, Application Form, Exam Date, Pattern, Eligibility, Admit Card & Result

Tamil Nadu B.Ed 2023Tamil Nadu B.Ed 2023Tamil Nadu B.Ed 2023: To choose the profession of a teacher is full of challenges. However, still, people would like to go for it because of benefits like you get the chance to mold someone’s career. Tamil Nadu B.Ed 2023 examination conducts by Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University is a state level examination that brings specialization in teachers. This university provides an opportunity to seek admission in 700+ Affiliated colleges comprised of Government-Aided/ Government/ Self-Financing Colleges of Education.

Different Programmes Available in Most of the Affiliated Colleges:

  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
  • Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)
  • Master of Education (M.Ed.)
  • Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.)

Tamil Nadu B.Ed 2023 Application Form:

Collect the application form from the official website and fill in all the details carefully. It is recommended to go through the instructions mentioned and then proceed with the filling of the form. Once the form is filled, take a print out of the application form. Next comes, paying the money for the exam i.e. application. The cost of the application fee includes Rs. 300/- which candidate can send via post. In case, if the candidate belongs to the category such as SC/ST then the fee would be Rs. 175/- and along with the fee attach the attested copy of the Community certificate. The application fee needs to be paid in cash or via demand draft (DD) drawn in favor of “The Secretary, Tamil Nadu B.Ed. Admission 2023” and payable at Chennai.

TNOU B.Ed 2023 Eligibility Criteria:

B.Ed course is offered under immense of optional subjects. Candidates, those who are seeking admission need to fulfill the criteria which include the following conditions:

Candidate must have attained 10+2 High School Certificate examination, the degree of graduation, and degree of postgraduate. Those who fulfill these conditions can seek admission by filling the applications released for Tamil Nadu B.Ed 2023. If the candidate is eligible to apply on the conditions mentioned, then fill the application form and apply.

Eligibility for subjects 1-10:

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Candidate must have passed 10+2 examination commenced by respective State Board or CBSE or some other recognized board of Education or Examination.

Eligibility for Subjects 1-10:

Those who have cleared Under Graduation Degree Examination of UGC programme from some recognized university into various subjects provided by Directorate of School Education at the Secondary/ Higher Secondary Education level can apply for the examination.

For Subjects 1-10:

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Those who have attained mentioned below the minimum aggregate of marks can apply for admission into B.Ed. programme:

  • OC 50%
  • BCM/BC 45%
  • DNC/MBC 43%
  • ST/SC/ SCA 40%

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Tamil Nadu B.Ed Admission 2023 Eligibility for Subjects 11-19:

Those who have attained the Post-Graduate degree in subjects such as Economics/ Indian Culture/Commerce/ Home Science/ Commerce/ Sociology/ Political Science/Psychology/Logic/Philosophy with at minimum 50% marks can seek admission to the course such as Tamil Nadu B.Ed 2023. In this situation, the subjects in PG, as well as UG degrees, will be similar.

TNOU B.Ed 2023 For Subjects 1-19:

Those who attain a post-graduate degree (5-year course under 10+2+5 or 11+1+5 pattern) can also apply for the examination. The university proffers B.Ed. The degree programme in the below mentioned optional subjects:

  • Physical Science (Chemistry)
  • Biological Science (Zoology)
  • Computer Science
  • Home Science
  • Economics
  • History
  • Biological Science (Botany)
  • Physical Science (Physics)
  • Indian Culture
  • Philosophy
  • Political Science
  • Mathematics
  • Tamil / Urdu
  • English
  • Geography
  • Commerce
  • Psychology
  • Logic
  • Sociology

TNOU B.Ed 2023 Admit Card:

To appear in the examination, every candidate is required to carry their respective TNOU B.Ed 2023 Admit Cards or hall ticket. To seek the admit card, enter the roll number and registration number at the official site. Once you attain this card, ensure for taking a printout of this card for further reference. Also, carry this card on the exam day as it is mandatory to carry it otherwise, you will not be permitted into the examination hall.

Note: Candidates are required to show original certificates during the time of counseling for verification as well as TNOU B.Ed Admission 2023.

Reservation Criteria:

There are reserved seats for candidates from DNC, SC BC, MBC and ST communities according to the various rules by the Government of Tamil Nadu. Given below are the details:

  • Amongst 18% of seats reserved for SC candidates, 3% of the seats will be offered to Arunthathiyars
  • 1% of the total seats are fixed for ST
  • 20% of the total seats are fixed for MBC and DNC category candidates.
  • Amongst 30% seats are reserved for candidates from the BC category, and the rest of the 3.5% of the seats are allotted to Muslim candidates
  • 31% of seats belong to General category candidates for Open Competition (OC)
  • One seat in every College of Education are allotted for the children of Ex-Serviceman of Tamil Nadu origin
  • 3% of seats are reserved Differently-Abled students (Physically and visually challenged) in every college of Education

Tamil Nadu B.Ed Result:

The examination TNOU B.Ed 2023 result details are available on the official website which you can seek. If you clear the examination, you are called further for different formalities.

Tamil Nadu B.Ed Admission Procedure Followed:

Selection of the candidates is done based on the marks acquired in qualifying Under Graduate/Post Graduate Degree examination. Candidates will be informed further about counseling based on the rank attained. The college and course will be allotted at the time of counseling which is completely based on communal reservations as well as rank attained.

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