The candidates who qualify for the special reservation category may have to apply to the DOTE directly instead of applying to each individual institute. The marks obtained in the qualifying examinations are used as a measure to admit a candidate in any of the Government, Government aided, Self Financing, and Affiliated polytechnic colleges. The communal reservation of the candidate also plays an important role in securing admission to a Polytechnic college.
The Tamil Nadu Polytechnic 2024 Application Form and instruction files are available online along with the notification much earlier than the due date for application submission. The application forms are to be downloaded by the students. The candidate must apply to each institute using a separate application form. The notification will carry the updated list of Polytechnic colleges in the districts. The candidate must choose the institutes of his/her choice and take as many applications to apply for the same. The candidate must refer to the institute code given in the notification properly when applying for that institute. The other details like caste, marks, and residential information of the candidate must be given correctly. It is important that the candidate must attest to the xerox copies of the required supporting documents for residence, caste, and marks certificates. A candidate must ensure that the application form with all attested copies of the certificates reaches the institute before June 2024 (tentatively).
The notification for the Polytechnic applications is published in all leading dailies and on the official website of the TNDTE. The candidate should download the application form from the website and apply to each institute personally. The rulebook and instruction leaflet must be referred to while filling the application form.
Here are the eligibility conditions for Tamil Nadu 2024 mentioned below:
The selection criteria for admission into Polytechnic courses is, based on the total marks obtained in the qualifying examination. The total marks obtained by the candidate are normalized for the base of 500 and he/she has ranked accordingly.