Bachelor Degree 2023

TISS BAT 2023 Application Form, Syllabus, Exam Date, Pattern, Eligibility

TISS BAT 2023: The TISS or the TATA Institute of Social Sciences conducts the BAT examination which is referred to as the Bachelor Admission Test. This is a National Level Entrance Test which is conducted in around 22 cities throughout India. This examination is conducted in offline mode and the official dates of the examination are announced by the authorities very soon.

TISS BAT 2023 Application Form:

You will be able to get access to the application form through the official website of the TISS. The candidates will be able to apply for the test any time before the due date. You can fill up the application form of TISS online:

  • The candidate will have to first visit the official website of the institute.
  • After that, the candidates have to click on the link, ” Admission Link”.
  • On this new page, you will also get a notification for all the programs in front of you. Candidates will need to find a heading that says, ” Bachelor’s Programs and Integrated Bachelor’s and Master’s Program”.
  • Click on the link that says, “BA admissions” and then click on the “Apply Online” option as well.
  • You will now get the application form in front of the screen.
  • Now, you will have to fill in all the details and upload the documents that are needed.
  • You will then have to make the payment of the application fee.
  • Candidates can take a print of the application form.
  • If the candidates have to fill in the application form at the concessional rates, then it is necessary to upload the caste certificate as well as the income certificate.

Application Fee:

  • You can make the payment online or can also make the payment through the SBI bank challan.
  • The application fee for the candidates who have a yearly income of less than Rs. 2.5 lacs and the NC-OBC candidates with an annual income less than Rs. 1 lac will have to pay Rs. 275/-.
  • The application fee for the other candidates will be Rs. 1025/-.
  • Candidates belonging to the SC/ST category, who have a yearly income of more than Rs. 2.5 lacs will have to pay Rs. 500/-.

TISS BAT 2023 Exam Date:

Events Exam Dates
Application form available October
End to submit the application form March
Admit Card April
TISS BAT 2023 Exam Date April
Result June
Counselling To be announced
Announcement of First waiting list To be announced
Waitlisted candidates counselling To be announced
Classes start To be announced

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Candidates who have cleared the class XII examination in any of the streams from a recognized university or board are fulfilling the eligibility criteria of TISS BAT. Candidates who are waiting for the results for their class XII examinations can also apply. Other than this, the candidates who have studied in the International Baccalaureate Diploma and are awaiting results for the class XII examination by the month of June 2023 are also eligible for the examination.
  • The candidate who appears for the TISS BAT should be less than 23 years old.


The syllabus includes certain subjects like General Awareness, Data Interpretation, Mathematics, English Proficiency and Logical Reasoning in Paper 1 and Essay Writing in Paper 2.

Admit Card:

In order to download the admit card, you will have to follow the steps mentioned below:

  • The candidate will have to first visit the official website.
  • After that, the candidate will have to click on the option that says, ” Download TISS BAT admit Card.”
  • Now, you will have to enter the login ID and the password of the candidate.
  • Then click on the “submit” option.
  • The admit card will be displayed on the screen.
  • Check out to see if there is any discrepancy.
  • For future references take out a number of printouts.


  • You will first have to visit the official website of the institute.
  • After that, the candidate will have to click on the “Admissions Link”.
  • Now, you will get a Flash Link for the TISS BAT Result will be available. You will have to click on it.
  • Enter the User ID and the Password and after that click on the “Login” option.
  • After you log in, you will be able to see the result displayed on the computer screen.
  • Take a print of the result for future reference.

Cut Off:

The Cut Off score for the TISS changes every year it is because of the following reasons:

  • A number of candidates who are applying for the test.
  • The level of difficulty of the examination.
  • Availability of the seats and the increase or the decrease of those.
  • Change in the policy of the admission or the procedure.

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