Engineering 2023

TNEA 2023 Application Form, Exam Date, Syllabus, Eligibility Criteria

TNEA 2023: Anna University conducts the Tamil Nadu Engineering Admissions (TNEA 2023). TNEA invites the candidates to take admission into B.E./B.Tech degree courses, that are offered by government colleges, government-aided colleges, and self-financing colleges in the state. There will be no entrance exam for TNEA. The admissions will be done based on the merit list prepared considering class 12th scores. Find here the details about TNEA 2023 Application Form, Exam Dates, Eligibility & Criteria.

TNEA 2023 Notification:

  • TNEA 2023 Application form will be released in May 2023.

Course Duration Details:

  • E./B.Tech course will consume 4 Academic years consisted of 8 semesters
  • E. (Sandwich) course will consume 5 Academic years consisted of 10 semesters

TNEA 2023: Highlights

Exam Name Tamilnadu engineering admissions (TNEA 2023)
Conducted By Anna University
Exam Types UG
Courses (B.E./ B.Tech.)
Application Mode Online Mode
Category Engineering Entrance Exam
Official Website

TNEA 2023 Exam Date:

Events Dates 2023 (Tentative)
TNEA 2023 Notification May 2023
Application Form availability To be announced
Last date to apply To be announced
Last date to submit the application To be announced
Random numbers allotment To be announced
Release of rank list/ merit list To be announced
Counseling starts from To be announced

TNEA 2023 Application Form:

TNEA 2023 Application form via three different modes. There are two ways for availing application form:

  • In-Person: Those who are availing application form hand to hand can acquire from any of the centers amongst 60 centres. They are required to make payment of Rs 500/- for those who belong to the general category and Rs.250/- for those who belong to SC, SCA/, and ST categories belonging to Tamilnadu by producing the photocopy of the Permanent community card or digitally signed e-Certificate or else electronic form. Pay the application fee via DD or one can opt for cash payment.
  • By Post: One can also look for fetching application form via post at the suggested address by sending the DD of Rs 700/- those who belong to General category and Rs 450/- for those who belong to SC, SCA/, and ST categories by showing the photocopy of the Permanent community card or digitally signed e-Certificate or else the electronic form and an address label in the capital letter to which application form is to be posted at.
  • Via Website: Those who have registered via the internet can login the website Get the procedure for registration from the website itself

If making payment for the application via Demand Draft then it should be drawn in the favor of The Secretary, Tamil Nadu Engineering Admissions and payable at Chennai and drawn on any of the Nationalised Bank. Ensure for the mentioned name as well as an address at the reverse side of Demand Draft

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Those who belong to the state of Tamilnadu and have passed VIII, IX, X, XI, and XII Std in Tamilnadu can apply for the TNEA examination
  • Children of central government employees can apply for the entrance test irrespective of native, facilitated their parents, guardians only in the case if both parents are not alive serving Tamilnadu state for the duration of five years during the time of application submission, supported by enclosing a certificate from the employer of the parent or the guardian
  • The Children of All India Service Tamil Nadu cadre Officers otherwise not native of Tamil Nadu can also apply for the examination
  • Children of the employees serving the Public sector or any of the government institutions at the time of application form submission work in Tamilnadu for the span of five years also apply for the entrance test
  • There is the requirement to provide the certificate from the employer and the application that states about the person as a permanent employee of the firm or institution connected with the evidence such as PF slips, income tax returns, etc are working in the Tamilnadu working for the past 5 years.
  • Those who belong to the Tamilnadu state and have qualified any of the classes such as VIII, IX, X, XI, and XII Std. or have completed the equivalent exam from the schools situated outside Tamil Nadu can also apply for the examination
  • Those who have passed HSC exam HSC (Academic) or its equivalent with the average percentage in subjects like Physics, Maths, and Chemistry for General Category with 50%; for Backward Muslim Class with 45% for, MBC & DNC with 40% and for SC/SCA/ST, it is 40%
  • Those who have passed any one of the HSC Vocational subjects with subjects such as Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry with at least the average percentage as 50% for General Category, 45% for Backward Muslim Class, 40% for MBC and DNC, and 40% for SC, ST, and SCA.

Process for Selection:

  • Process for General Category: Marks will decide the selection process like for Maths it is 100 and for Physics and Chemistry, it is 100 in the qualifying examination
  • As per Tamilnadu, the marks obtained by the students in the subjects in the qualifying examination commenced by various authorities and boards will be equated with those who which are obtained by the student in the same subject in the qualifying examination commenced by the State Board of Tamilnadu by using the normalization method
  • In case, if the student has secured the highest marks of the State Board of Tamilnadu in Physics in 100 and the highest marks attained in any other board in a similar subject are 90 then both the highest marks will be considered as 100
  • In case the student has acquired 60 marks in Physics subject when the first mark in Physics in a similar board is 90, then 60 marks will be considered as equal to 66.66 marks
  • If a candidate has qualified from National boards like ISCE and CBSE then the highest obtained marks in the relevant subject at the National level will be considered on the priority basis
  • The merit list will be created based on the total marks from 200
  • For the admission of the vocational streams candidates required to avail with overall 100 seats in category I and 4% of the seats will be considered valid in category II
  • The academic marks within the prescribed subjects will be deducted to 200 (Related subject 100 marks, the vocational subject comprises of theory as well as practical 100 marks)
  • Admission to the Sandwich Courses in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical as well as Production Engineering and Electronics Engineering offered at PSG College of Technology which comes under a self-financing scheme.

TNEA 2023 Exam Pattern:

Please refer below for the Exam pattern of the TNEA exam

Subject Name Total Questions/ Total Marks Time Allowed
Mathematics 150 Questions/ 150 Marks 2 Hrs 30 Minutes


Find below the TNEA 2023 Syllabus:

  • Mathematics: Statistics, Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, Trigonometry
  • Physics: Thermodynamics, Oscillations and Waves, Current Electricity, Kinematics, Work, Energy and Power, Atoms and Nuclei, The behavior of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory, The motion of System of Particles and Rigid body, Properties of Bulk Matter, Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents, Electrostatics, Physical World & measurement, Laws of Motion, Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation, Optics, Electronic Devices, Gravitation, Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism, Electromagnetic Waves
  • Chemistry: Hydrogen, Some p-Block Elements, d and f Block Elements, Organic Chemistry – Some Basic Principles and Techniques, Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties, States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, Equilibrium, Environmental Chemistry, Solutions, S-Block Element (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals), P- Block Elements, Coordination Compounds, Hydrocarbons, Structure of Atom, Chemical Kinetics, Chemical Bonding & Molecular Structure, Thermodynamics, Redox Reactions, Biomolecules, Chemistry in Everyday Life, General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements, Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers, Solid State, Electrochemistry, Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen, Polymers, Surface Chemistry, Haloalkanes and Haloarenes, Aldehydes, Ketones & Carboxylic Acids

Admit Card:

  • Scholars can download admit cards from the official website
  • Click on the “Admit card” link and fill in the details.
  • Take a print of the same for the future.


The result will be announced within a month.

  • Open the official portal.
  • Search for result link
  • The result page would be opened on the computer screen.
  • Enter your login credentials
  • Click on the “Submit” button.
  • The result will display on your screen.
  • You can print it for your reference in the future.


  • Cut off released on the basis of the following points:
  • Number of Aspirants Appeared in the Exam
  • Level of the Exam
  • Total number of posts available
  • Marks obtained by Aspirants in different sections

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