TNPSC Recruitment 2022: The Madras Service Commission came into existence under the Madras Legislature act of 1929. The Madras presidency received the honor of being the first to establish a service commission in India. It started with a total of three members including the chairman. Once the states got re-constituted in the year 1957, then several commissions were established. The Madras Service Commission became the Madras Public service commission and they had their headquarters in Madras in the year 1957. The name of the state got changed to Tamil Nadu in the year 1970. It was then that the name of the Madras Public service commission got changed to Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission or the TNPSC.
Eligibility Criteria in Group 2 Examination:
- The candidate will have to complete the graduation examination with a specialization in any of the streams from a recognized board with a minimum aggregate mark as specified
- The candidate will have to be a citizen of India
- The candidate will have to be at least 21 years old and the maximum age limit is 36 years. For all the positions except the Sub-registrar grade 2, the social defense department, and the probation officer in the grade II department, the minimum age of the candidate is 18 years.
- In order to apply for the position of the sub-registrar grade II, the candidate will have to be a minimum of 20 years.
- The minimum age required for the position of the probation officer in the prison department is 22 years
- In order to apply for the position of the probation officer in the Social Defense department, the minimum age will have to be 26 years.
TNPSC Recruitment 2022 Application Form:
- The candidate will be able to apply online
- In order to apply, it is necessary for the candidate to complete a one-time registration on the official website of TNPSC.
- This one-time registration will stay valid for a period of 5 years starting from the day of the registration.
- Candidates who have already completed their registration will need their user id and password to log in.
- The registration id can be created just once.
- In order to sign in the official website of TNPSC, the candidate will have to use the one-time registration user id and password
- The candidate will then have to click on the “Apply” link that is there against the recruitment notice available on the official website of TNPSC.
- The candidate will then have to fill in all the necessary details
- Choose the name of the position/positions you want to apply for
- You will then have to upload the photograph along with the signature
- After completing all these steps, the candidate will have to submit the application form and then take a print of the form for references in the future.
Exam Pattern for Group 2 TNPC Recruitment
The examination will take place in three parts:
- The Preliminary examination
- The Main
- Interview
Preliminary Exam:
- The examination will have a total of 200 questions and the total marks allotted will be 300.
- The candidate will have to complete the paper in 3 hours
- There will be a total of two sections – The General Studies and the Language Section. The General studies will appear in 2 languages – Tamil and English. The language section will be either Tamil or English. It will depend on the language that the candidate has selected in the application form.
The section-wise distribution is mentioned below:
- General Studies will consist of a total of 75 questions and the total marks will be 150
- The Mental Ability and the Aptitude test will consist of a total of 25 marks
- The General English/ General Tamil will consist of a total of 100 questions and the total marks allotted will be 150
- You will have to complete the entire question paper in 180 minutes ( 3 hours)
Main Examination:
- The main examination will have a total of 4 sections
Section A – There will be a total of 30 questions having 3 marks each. The total marks allotted will be 90. The candidate will have to attempt a total of 30 questions from a total of 35 questions.
Section B – This section will consist of a total of 15 questions and each of the questions will be allotted 8 marks. The total marks, therefore, is 120 marks. The candidate will have to attempt 15 questions out of a total of 18 questions.
Section C – This section will have a total of 2 questions of 15 marks each. There will be a total of 3 questions in this section and the candidate will have to attempt 2 questions out of a total of 3 questions.
Section D – This section will consist of a total of 2 questions and each of the questions will carry 30 marks. There will be a total of 4 questions, out of which the candidate will have to attempt 2.
TNPSC Recruitment Syllabus 2022:
Unit 1: General Science:
- Political Science
- Economics
- History
- Science
- Geography
Unit 2: Current Events:
- Chemistry
- Botany
- History and Culture of India
- Zoology
- Physics
- Indian Economy
- Aptitude and Mental Ability test
- Indian Polity
- Indian National Movement
TNPSC Recruitment:
The TNPSC recruitment notification will be released in the official website, which is “” Here you will get job alerts for both freshers as well as experienced Tamil Nadu state residents who have passed the class X, class XII, ITI, Diploma, etc.