TNSET 2022: Mother Teresa University commences Tamil Nadu State Eligibility Test (TNSET) with the purpose to recruit Assistant Professor in various institutes and universities of Tamil Nadu. This state-level examination helps the candidate to attain a reputed job. However, there is certain eligibility to apply. a specific process to apply and many other things that you should read before applying.
Eligibility Criteria
- Candidate must have the nationality of India.
- There is no specific age limit to apply.
- Candidates must have attained the degree of post-graduation from any college/ institute recognized by UGC New Delhi.
- Candidate must have acquired 55% marks (50% marks for reserved category candidates) in the qualifying examination.
- Candidates must have successfully completed with Science, Humanities (including languages), Electronic Sciences, Computer Science and applications, Social science.
- Those who are appearing in their final year of master’s degree may also apply.
TNSET 2022 Application Form:
Candidates can find below the steps for TNSET 2022 Application form. Must follow before apply it will help to submit the application form:
- To apply for TNSET 2022 visiting the official website is a must.
- The application form to apply for TNSET 2022 is available on the official website.
- First, begin with the registration process and then fill the application form.
- Then upload the scanned copy of documents like photograph and signature in the prescribed format.
- Pay the application fee, It is important to note that applicable taxes & convenience fee, etc, will also be charged along with the application fee.
- Ensure seeking the print of the application form before making the final submission.
Application Fee:
- General and OBC category applicants will pay Rs 1500/- as application fee, OBC applicants will pay Rs 1250/-
- SC/ST/PWD-VI, HI, PH category applicants will pay Rs.500/-
- The application fee can be paid via various modes such as Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking
TNSET 2021 Exam Date:
Events | Dates (Tentative) |
Notification Released | December |
Registration commences | December |
Deadline for registration | February |
Available the admit card | February |
TNSET 2022 exam date | March |
Release of answer key | March |
Result | April |
Counselling | April |
List of TNSET Exam Centre:
- Chennai
- Coimbatore
- Madurai
- Tiruchirapalli
- Salem
- Tirunelveli
- Villupuram
- Karaikudi
- Vellore
- Erode
- Thanjavur
TNSET 2022 Exam Pattern:
- The exam will be conducted in Pen and Paper mode.
- The medium of language will be English and Tamil
- Paper will have Multiple Choice Questions
- The candidate will receive 2 marks for every correct answer
- Paper 1 will be for the duration of 75 Minutes, Total questions in the paper will be 100 for 50 marks.
- Paper 2 will be for the duration of 75 Minutes, Total questions in the paper will be 100 for 50 marks.
- Paper 2 will be for the duration of 2 hours, there will be 75 questions for 150 marks.
Candidate has to appear in the following subjects:
Chemical Sciences, Commerce, Computer Science & Application, Economics, Hindi, History, Mathematical Science, Tamil, Telugu, Home Science, Journalism, and Mass Communication, Law, Education, Sanskrit, Life Sciences, Management, Physical Sciences, Electronics, English, Geography, Political Sciences, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology, Earth Sciences, and Library & Information Science
Exam Syllabus:
- Paper 1- The paper is to test the reasoning ability, comprehension, divergent thinking, and general awareness of the candidates, This paper will help to access the teaching/research aptitude of the candidate.
- Paper 2 and 3wil help to investigate the candidate’s knowledge of the subject chosen by the candidate. This paper will be objective type.
- General and Aptitude will be consisted of topics such as Reading Comprehension, Teaching & Research Aptitude, Communication, Logical Reasoning Ability, Information & Communication Technology, Data Interpretation, People & Environment, Higher Education System: Governance, Polity & Administration
- Economics (Paper-I) will be consisted of topics such as Micro & Macro Economic Analysis, Public Finance, Development & Planning, International Economics, Statistical Methods, and Indian Economy,
- Economics (Paper-III) will be consisted of topics such as Collusive & Non-Collusive Oligopolies Theory of Demand,, Production, Accelerator & Investment, Taxation, Different approaches to the money supply, Monetary Approach & Adjustment, Optimum Currency Areas, RBI policies, and commercial & co-operative banks, etc,
- Political Science (Paper-II) will be consisted of various topics like Comparative Politics & Political Analysis, Political Theory & Thought, Public Administration, Indian Government & Policies, and International Relations
- Political Science (Paper-III) will be consisted of topics like Modernization, Power & Authority, Political Socialization & Culture, Political Development, Supreme Court, Judicial Activism, Political Elite, Bureaucracy & Challenges of development, and End of the Cold War, etc,
- Psychology (Paper-II) will have topics like Learning Process, Perceptual Processes, Memory & Forgetting, Motivation & Emotion, Thinking & Problem-Solving, Human Abilities, and Personality
- Psychology (Paper-III) will be consisted of several topics such as Neurophysiology of Learning, Signal Detection, Learning, Intelligence, Existential & Humanistic Theories, Models of memory, Cognitive strategies, Creative thinking & Problem-Solving, Research Designs, ANOVA, Psychological Scaling, etc,
- Sociology (Paper-II) will be consisted of topics such as Sociological Theory, The Sociological concepts, Sociological Methodology,
- Sociology (Paper-III) will be consisted of topics such as Neo-functionalism & Neo-Marxism, Phenomenology & Ethnomethodology, Structuration & Post-Modernism, Contemporary Issues, Theoretical Perspectives, Current Debates, Challenges of Globalization, etc
- History (Paper-II) will be from topics such as Ancient Indian History, The concept, ideas, and terms, Medieval, Modern Indian History,
- History (Paper-III) will have topics like 4th-century to12th century BC-AD Indian History, Indus valley civilization to Mahajanapadas, India from 1206 to 1526, Foundation of British Rule, Economic & Social Policies, National Movement & Post Independent India, and Socio-economic & culture life under Mughals
- Commerce (Paper-II & III) will have topics like Financial & Management Accounting, Business Environment, Economics, Statistics & Data Processing, Management, Marketing, Financial Management, Banking & Financial Institution, International Business, and Income Tax Law & Planning
- Education (Paper-II) will be consisted of several topics like the methodology of Educational Research, Philosophical, Sociological, and Psychological Foundations of Education.
- Education (Paper-III) will be consisted of topics such as The process of Growth & Development, Western Schools of Philosophy, Intelligence Theories & Measurement, Concept & Principles of guidance and counseling, Personality and its types, Descriptive, Experimental, Qualitative Research, Universalization of Elementary Education, etc,
- Social Work (Paper-II & III) will have topics like Philosophy & Principles of Social Work, Evaluation of Social Work Profession, Theories of Social change & Disorganization, Social Work Education, Human motivation & problems of Human behavior and coping mechanisms, Principles & Objectives of Community Organization, The process, Labor Welfare & HR management, Approaches, Techniques of Social Case Work, etc
- Home Science (Paper-II & III) will be consisted of topics like Nutrition Science, Food Science, Clothing, Textiles, Institutional Management, Resource Management, Non-formal & Extension Education, Human Development, Developmental & Educational Communication, Methods of Research, etc.
- English (Paper-II) will be consisted of topics like Jacobean to Restoration Periods, Chaucer to Shakespeare, Augustan Age, Romantic, Victorian, Modern, Contemporary Period, America and other non-British Literature, etc,
- English (Paper-III) will be consisted of topics like Criticism & Literary Theory, British Literature from Chaucer to the present day, History of English language, etc.
- Sanskrit (Paper-II) will be consisted of topics like Darsana, Vedic Literature, Grammar & Linguistics, Sanskrit Literature, and Poetics.
- Sanskrit (Paper-III) will be consisted of topics like Brahmans &Aranyakas, Samhitas, Vedangas, Grammer & Schools of Vedic Interpretation, Linguistics, Mahabhasya, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Poetry, and Prose, etc.
- Tamil (Paper-II) will be consisted of topics like Authors & Books, History of Tamil Language up to a 20th century, etc.
- Tamil (Paper-III) will be consisted of topics like Dramas, Poetry, Stories, Grammar, etc
- Law (Paper-II) will have topics like Legal Theory, Constitutional Law of India, Public International Law, Family Law, Law of Contracts, Torts, Crimes, and Labour Law, etc.
Admit Card:
- The admit card for the examination will also be released via the official website, This card will be consisted of all the important information such as exam venue, candidate’s personal details, date and time of examination, etc.
- It is compulsory to carry the hall ticket to the examination hall as no candidate will be permitted to enter the examination hall without an admit card.
- Keep a copy of the admit card for further use.
Answer Key:
The answer key will be released on the official website by the exam conducting authority. This will be released just after the written exams are over. This will help candidates to check the correct answers and they will be able to tally with their own. Candidate can raise an objection against the Answer key, Make sure to submit objection via online mode within 15 days because, after this time amount, no grievance regarding the Answer Key will be entertained. Submit Rs. 1000 via Demand Draft to challenge the Answer key. There will be a release of separate answer keys for all papers.
Exam Result:
After the answer key exam results will be announced via the official website. The following are the steps to check the exam result:
- Those who successfully clear the entrance exam will be informed via SMS on the registered mobile number.
- The top 6% candidates of the total appearing candidates will be declared qualified for the post of Assistant Professor.
- Use login credentials such as Date of Birth and Roll Number to check the exam result.
- The result will appear in PDF format.
- Download the scorecard for further reference.
Cut off will be based on the following mentioned criteria:
- a) Availability of seats
- b) The difficulty level of the examination
- c) Previous Year cut-offs
- d) Number of Participants in the examination
- General/ OBC must receive a minimum 40% marks in TNSET 2022entrnace test,
- OBC category applicants must receive at least 35% marks
- Reserved category such as SC/ ST/ PWD applicants must have received at least 35% marks
- The counselling will begin just after the announcement of the result,
- During counseling applicants will be provided with the colleges/universities as per the choice mentioned in the application form.
- Document verification will also take place during counselling process,
Nice notification