Articles 2023

TOEFL Exam 2023 Registration, Syllabus, Eligibility, Exam Date, Pattern

TOEFL ExamTOEFL ExamTOEFL Exam 2023: TOEFL is shortened for the Test of English as a Foreign Language. This test is commenced to check the standardized English proficiency which helps in measuring the ability of non-native English speakers. The scores attained in TOEFL are easily acceptable at many universities and also for using the screening of the fluency of English for potential job applicants and for immigration visas all over the world. There are certain universities where the TOEFL Test 2023 is considered compulsory for the sake of the admission process.

Universities situated in Canada, Australia, the United States of America, New Zealand, The United Kingdom, etc consider the TOEFL Exam 2023.

TOEFL Exam 2023 Info:

  • Examination Name: Test of English as a Foreign Language
  • Official Website:
  • Exam Mode: Online /Paper-Based
  • Number of Sections in Exam: Four
  • Time Duration: 3 hours 20 minutes /4 hours 20 minutes
  • Fee: INR 12,750

Types of TOEFL: TOEFL examination is commenced in two different modes – iBT and PBT. You can select any of the modes as per your preference.

All About TOEFL iBT:

iBT is shortened for the Internet-based test. This test is commenced via online mode which is purely for evaluating English fluency skills. The test aims at estimating the individual’s English fluency skills in Writing, Reading, Listening, and Speaking. The candidate will get 4 hours to complete this test. Make a payment of USD 140 – USD 185 to appear in the test.

All About TOEFL PBT:

PBT is shortened for the Paper-based test. As the name suggests, this test is commenced on paper, aims at examining fluency in the English language in Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. The candidate will get 3 hours to complete this test. Make a payment of USD 140 to appear in the test.

TOEFL Exam 2023 Eligibility Criteria:

Those who are looking forward to studying abroad can attain the benefit of the TOEFL test. This test is extremely reliable in several ways. This Exam is favorable to those who want to study abroad. To appear in the test, you must have successfully completed class XII.

TOEFL Online Registration:

The online registration procedure of the TOEFL test is simple and quick to follow. Within four steps, the registration process will get over. Go to the official website for registration. Register for the TOEFL test by accessing the internet at any time.

Follow the given below steps to appear for TOEFL examination:

  • Go to the TOEFL website
  • Choose the TOEFL Test in which you want to appear from – TOEFL iBT or TOEFL PBT.
  • Schedule for the TOEFL examination date by selecting the day provided by ETS
  • Fill details such as Name, Address, Gender, etc. in the form as mentioned in your Passport.
  • Make payment via modes such as Debit cards, Credit cards, e-check or PayPal.

TOEFL Phone Registration Facility:

If you wish to register on the phone then you can do so by chatting with the executives of TOEFL. This sort of TOEFL registration is care-free and will be fully handled by the interactive experts at the TOEFL examination center confirming the seat for the TOEFL 2019. If you are planning to register for the TOEFL test through phone, complete the process within seven days prior to the exam day.

Given below are the steps of TOEFL Phone registration:

  1. First, visit the TOEFL website
  2. Choose the region and find the phone number given for your region
  3. Then give the required details and schedule for the TOEFL examination
  4. Then make a transaction of TOEFL registration/exam fee via Credit card or Debit card or Paypal or also via e-check

TOEFL Mail registration Facility:

Given below are the steps of TOEFL Mail registration:

  1. First download and fill the TOEFL registration form
  2. Select the method of payment
  3. Send the filled copy and payment receipt to RRC. Avail the contact details on TOEFL’s website

Toefl Exam Registration Fee:

Country Cost
US $195
Australia $300
India $180
Germany $245
South Korea $190

Details of the extra payments related to TOEFL Test 2020 Exam:

Item Fees
Registration Country-specific
Late registration $40 (USD)
Reinstatement of canceled scores $20 (USD)
Rescheduling $60 (USD)
Additional score reports (per institution or agency) $20 (USD) each
Speaking and Writing Section score review $160 (USD)
Speaking or Writing Section score review $80 (USD)

TOEFL Exam Pattern:

TOEFL iBT Exam Pattern:

TOEFL iBT is an online English proficiency examination divided into four different sections– Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking.

  • Reading section will be for 60 – 80 minutes
  • Listening section will be for 60-90 minutes
  • BREAK will be given for 10 minutes
  • The speaking section will be of 20 minutes
  • Writing section will be for 50 minutes

SECTION 1 – Reading Section:

  • This section will consist of 3 to 4 passages that will be consisted of 36 to 56 questions.
  • Each passage will be for 700 words on an average
  • Candidate needs to complete every passage in 20 minutes time duration.
  • There will be Multiple Choice Questions with one correct option out of four given options.
  • The questions, as well as passages, will be based on Academic topics
  • Candidate’s ability to read English will be measured on a scale of 0 to 30

SECTION 2 – Listening Skills:

  • In this section, the candidate will listen to the short audio comprises of classroom lectures, discussions, and conversations
  • Questions will be Multiple Choice Questions, Binary answers and Charts.
  • This section will consist of 34 to 51 questions
  • This section will help in checking the ability to listen and understand to the English based context which will be measured on a scale of 0 to 30

SECTION 3- Speaking Skills:

  • This section helps in examining the ability to speak in English on the given topic
  • Candidate needs to state the opinion on the given topic accordingly
  • The topics are based on preference, personal experience, course topics or sometimes situation based
  • The candidate will complete 6 given tasks in this section
  • This section will test your ability to speak and understand English contextual words along with phrases on a scale of 0 to 30

SECTION 4 – Writing Section:

  • The writing section is divided into two different categories – Integrated Writing as well as Independent Writing
  • In the integrated writing section, the candidate will read and listen to the lecture excerpt.
  • The candidate will listen or read the audio or context carefully and write a passage of 150 – 225 words. You will be given 20 minutes to complete the Integrated Writing section
  • The candidate will get the specific topic for putting together a piece for the Writing section
  • After assembling the needed information, write an essay of 300 words. The Independent Writing task needs to get over in 30 minutes
  • This section will help in checking the ability to understand and write English on a scale of 0 to 30

TOEFL PBT Exam Pattern:

  • Listening Section will be for 30 – 40 minutes
  • Structure and Written will be for 25 minutes
  • The reading section will be for 55 minutes
  • The writing section will be for 30 minutes

SECTION 1 – Listening:

  • This section will have 50 questions that the candidate needs to complete in 30 to 40 minutes
  • Questions asked in this section will be Multiple-Choice based.
  • The listening section will have three segments such as short conversations, long conversations, and lectures or talks.
  • All three segments comprise of 30 questions, 8 questions, and 12 questions
  • Candidate’s ability to listen and understand English context will be checked on a scale of 31 to 68

SECTION 2 – Structure and Written Expression:

  • This section will consist of structure and written expression with 40 questions to be completed in 25 minutes
  • The questions include sentence completion and identifying errors in the given phrases. This section helps in examining the understanding of English Grammar
  • This section will test your ability to understand English Grammar which will be measured on the scale of 31 to 68

SECTION 3 – Reading Section:

  • This section will consist of 50 multiple-choice questions. The candidate will read the passage and select the correct and appropriate answers from the given options.
  • The candidate will get 55 minutes to complete the Reading segment of TOEFL PBT
  • This section will check the candidate’s ability to read and understand English which will be measured on the scale of 31 to 68

SECTION 4 – The Test of Written English (TWE)

  • This section aims at testing the written English
  • The candidate will read the context and write an essay of 250 to 300 words
  • The candidate will get half an hour to complete the TWE segment of the TOEFL Paper-based test
  • This section will help in testing the ability to write English which will be measured on a scale of 0 to 5

TOEFL Scoring System:

The method to calculate scores of TOEFL iBT and TOEFL PBT is entirely different.  Both the exams have exceptional test administration ways too. You rest assured that TOEFL tests are examined by experts all over the world.  Given below are the details of the scoring system.

Scores for TOEFL iBT will be calculated section-wise.

All four sections of the TOEFL iBT test are measured on the scale of 0-30 and the total scores of the TOEFL iBT test are 120.

The Reading and Listening sections are based on performance and will be calculated on the merits of – High, Intermediate and Low. On the other hand, the Speaking and Writing sections are based on performance and will be calculated on the merits of –Good, Fair, Limited and Weak.

The Speaking and Writing section has its own set of tasks. Every task that will be performed in all these sections are measured on the scale of 0-5.

The test is examined by experts and computers

You will come across your TOEFL scores within 10 days after appearing for the test via email. You can also get printed TOEFL iBT scores within 13 days of the time period after giving the examination.

The total of the scores will be in the range of 84 – 110 which is considered to be great TOEFL score at various universities overseas

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