TPSC Recruitment 2022: Tripura Public Service Commission came into being in the year 1972 under Article 315 of the Constitution of India. TPSC is located at the old Assembly House of Tripura, at Akhaura Road, Agartala. TPSC aims at performing important functions such as conducting examinations for appointment to several services in the state make direct recruitment to the Subordinate and Ministerial Services, advice Government in making appointments, promotions and transfers from one service to another service, advice Government on all disciplinary matters affecting a person serving under the Government in a civil capacity, including memorials or petitions relating to such matters, advise on any matter related to the Commission by the Governor. TPSC Recruitment 2022 will help to enroll the eligible person on the posts such as Director (Group A), Blind Educator (Group C), and Foreman (Group B): 01, Technical Assistant (Group B).
Eligibility Criteria:
- Candidate must be the citizen of India
- Minimum age of the candidate should be 21 years and maximum should be 40 years
- There will be an upper age relaxation of five years for the candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Differently able Persons (PH) and Government servants
- Candidate must hold a degree from some recognized University.
TPSC Recruitment 2022 Application Form:
To apply for a highly competitive TPSC examination, apply via the application form. Steps for the same are mentioned below:
- First, go to the official website of TPSC
- Check the application form tab in the Official link and avail your application form
- Enter login details
- Download the application form and save it for further use.
- Check the eligibility criteria before filling the application form.
- After getting done with the registration successfully, candidates will receive the registration number for reference, which will be used for further processes. Candidate can make use of the generated Registration number for filling for the exam.
- Take a print of the application form for further use.
- Make a payment of the application fee via modes such as Debit Card/Credit Card /Net Banking. The application fee will be Rs. 100/- however Women/SC/ST/PWD/ESM candidates will be exempted from paying the application fee.
Exam Pattern:
TPSC Recruitment 2022 includes three stages:
- Preliminary Examination
- Main Examination
- Interview
Preliminary Exam: This exam will consist of one paper for 200 marks. It will be General Studies paper comprises of Objective Type questions consisting of 200 Multiple Choice Questions.
Main Exam: This exam will consist of 8 papers and all will be subjective type. There will be five papers each carrying 100 marks.
- English Essay & Précis writing
- English Composition
- Bengali Composition and Translation Or Alternative English
- General Knowledge & Current Affairs
- The Constitution of India and the Five Years Plan
Optional Paper: There will be an optional paper too and in this regard candidate will choose three papers from the list mentioned below:
- Bengali Paper I
- Bengali Paper-II
- English Paper I
- English Paper-II
- Sanskrit Paper I
- Sanskrit Paper-II
- Political Science I
- State Science-II
- Economics Paper I
- Economics Paper-II
- Philosophy Paper I
- Philosophy Paper-II
- History Paper I
- History Paper-II
- Education Paper I
- Education Paper-II
- Commerce Paper I
- Commerce Paper-II
- Mathematics Paper I
- Mathematics Paper II
- Physics Paper I
- Physics Paper II
- Chemistry Paper I
- Chemistry Paper II
- Botany Paper I
- Botany Paper II
- Zoology Paper I
- Zoology Paper-II
- Physiology Paper I
- Physiology Paper II
- Psychology Paper I
- Psychology Paper-II
- Statistics paper I
- Statistics Paper II
- Geography Paper I
- Geography Paper-II
- Agriculture Paper I
- Agriculture Paper-II
- Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science Paper I
- Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science Paper
- Civil Engineering Paper I
- Civil Engineering Paper II
- Engineering Paper I
- Engineering Paper II
- Electrical Engineering Paper I
- Electrical Engineering Paper II
- Law Paper I
- Law Paper-II
- Sociology Paper I
- Sociology Paper-II
Personality Test (Interview) and in this round there will be no Exam but candidate’s intellectual ability, social taints, interest in current affairs, critical power of judgment, variety, and depth of interest, the ability for leadership, and moral integrity will be checked by the panel of experts.
- The candidate needs to complete the Main paper in the duration of 02 hours and 30 minutes.
- The pattern of the main exam: Paper will appear in languages such as English or Bengali.
- Main Exam will be commenced on pen and paper.
- The main exam will consist of 800 marks overall. Questions will be mixed (MCQ type +short answer type + descriptive type)
- The candidate needs to complete the paper in a duration of 3 hours.
- English Composition: In this questions will appear from topics such as Synonyms, Antonyms, use of common Phrase & Idioms, use of appropriate Prepositions and Articles, Comprehension, Ordering of words in a sentence, ordering of penalties, spotting of errors, use of appropriate and qualifying words, etc.
- History of Modern India & Indian National Movement from 1857 to 1947 and in this candidate should have a broad general understanding of the subject in its Social, Economic, and Political aspects. Questions will be based on Indian National Movement will relate to the nature and character of the Nineteenth Century resurgence, growth of Nationalism and attainment of Independence.
- Geography of India related to Physical, Social & Economic Geography of the country and main features of Indian Agriculture and Natural Resources.
- Geography, History & Culture of Tripura includes the candidate’s information about natural resources in reference to its soil, forest, water, and power. It will include the period from 1857 to 1949 and questions will be based on the History of Tripura. There will be questions based on several Tribes, Languages, Customs, Festivals, Important Historic sites, etc.
- Indian Polity and Economy includes questions about Country’s Political system and Constitution of India, Panchayati Raj, Community development, Economic development during Plan periods.
- General Science and Environment will cover general appreciation and understanding of Science and Environment including matters related to everyday observation and experience along with general awareness of Information & Communication Technology.
- General Mental Ability will have Questions based on logical perception, understanding, natural conclusion, etc.
- Numerical Ability includes questions on Mathematics.
Admit Card:
Admit card for TPSC Recruitment 2022 will be released on the official website. Go to the official website tpsc.gov.in. Download the admit card. Here are the steps to download card:
- Visit the website of TPSC at www.tpsc.gov.in.
- Go to the homepage of the website, click on “E-Admit Card”
- Look for the link to download the admit card.
- The admit card will be displayed in the PDF format on the screen. Download and take a print out of the admit card.
This is an important document that the candidate should carry along to the Exam center. It contains information such as Name of the candidate; roll number, father’s name & category, Exam center and Exam, Date, and timings of the examination, instructions related to the examination. There will be a release of three admit cards separately for Main, Preliminary, and Interview.
Exam Result:
The examination result will be announced via the official website. Here are the steps to check Exam result:
- First, go to the official website of TPSC – http://www.tpsc.gov.in.
- On the homepage, click the “Written examination/Screening Tests” link mentioned under the heading “Examination results”.
- The result login page will appear.
- Enter login details in respective fields and click on the submit button.
- The result will appear on the screen.
- Check the exam result and seek the print for future reference
The result sheet will consist of information such as Name of the candidate, Candidate’s roll number, Name of post, Date of birth, Gender, Category, Father’s Name, Mother’s name, Marks object in each paper/Part, Total marks obtained, Maximum marks, Total marks percentage, and Qualifying status. First, there will be the release of the Result for Preliminary Exam and those who clear that Exam will move for Main Exam. Those who successfully clear the Main Examination will be called for Interview.
Cut Off:
Cut-off marks form the minimum marks candidate required to score for selection. Cut-off marks are fixed category-wise based on factors like the total number of candidates that appeared in the exam, the number of vacancies available, the difficulty level of exam, marking scheme, reservation rule, previous year cut-off, etc.