TS ICET 2022: Telangana State Integrated Common Entrance (TS ICET) is a state-level entrance test conducted by the Kakatiya University, Warangal on behalf of TSCHE, Hyderabad.TS ICET is conducted every year. Through this examination, candidates are provided admission to M.C.A. & M.B.A. program in various colleges or universities in the state of Telangana. The state board authorities are soon going to release the TS ICET Notification 2022. The online registration of TS ICET 2022 will start most probably from the month of March. The candidates who want to join the seek admission in Post-Graduation courses all can apply the Telangana MBA Admission 2022 from the official website. The candidates before applying for the TS ICET application form first check the admission details in the below article.
TS ICET 2022 Short Details:
- Name of the Board: Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE)
- Conducting authority: Kakatiya University, Warangal
- Name of the Entrance exam: Integrated Common Entrance Test (ICET)
- Official Website: www.icet.tsche.ac.in
TS ICET 2022 Exam Date:
The tentative exam dates are provided in the below table.
Events | Exam Dates |
Online Application form start date: | 1st week of March |
Registration form last date to submit without late fee: | 1st week of April |
Last Date to submit Application Form with Rupees 500: | 3rd week of April |
Date of Application Form to submit with late fee Rs.2000: | 4th week of April |
Last Date to submit Application Form with Rupees 5000: | April |
Last Date to submit Application Form with Rupees 10000: | May |
Hall Ticket date: | Last week of April |
TS ICET 2022 Exam Date | 3rd week of May |
Answer Key date Released: | 3rd week of May |
Final Answer Key & Result date Announcement: | Last week of May |
TS ICET Application Form 2022:
The candidates interested can apply for TS ICET Online Application form 2022 from the official portal. Given below are a few steps to fill the admission form through the state board website. Follow the steps is mentioned below to fill the form correctly.
- The application form can only be filled through online mode.
- The candidates first visit the TS ICET web page.
- Read the notification relate to the exam you want to apply for.
- Then search for the MBA MCA Admission link.
- Click on that link.
- In the application form candidates will have to enter all the personal, academic details information
- Uploaded passport size photograph and signature.
- The choice for exam center and medium of the test should also be provided into the application form
- Next, the candidate needs to pay the registration fee category wise.
- After clicking the submit button.
- Keep a print of the application form for future reference.
Eligibility Criteria:
Check below the basic eligibility criteria for TS ICET 2022:
- The candidates must be citizen of India and must satisfy Local/Non-Local status requirements laid down in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulations of Admission) Order, 2074.
- MBA: the candidates must have passed a bachelor’s degree of minimum three years duration from a recognized university.
- MCA: the candidates must have passed a bachelor’s degree of minimum three years duration with Mathematics at 10+2 level.
- The candidates appearing for their final year examination are also eligible to appear for TS ICET.
Application Fee:
- The payment of the application fee will be done through online mode.
- Candidates can make the payment through credit card/ debit card/ net banking.
- The category wise application fee is given below:
- for general/ OBC candidates will be: Rs. 650/-
- for SC/ ST candidates.: Rs. 450/-
Exam Pattern:
- Exam Mode: The examination will be conducted in Offline mode (paper-pencil based).
- Type of Questions: the questions asked will be Objective types.
- of Questions: The total number of questions asked will be 200.
- Duration: 2 ½ hours
- Marking Scheme: 1 mark will be given for every right answer.
- Negative Marking: No negative marking at all.
- of Sections: There will be 3sections in paper i.e. Analytical Ability, Mathematical Ability & Communication Ability.
TS ICET Syllabus:
- Data Sufficiency: Question followed by data in the form of two statements for the candidates to determine if data given are sufficient to answer the question
- Problem Solving: Data Analysis, Sequences and Series, Date, Time & Arrangement Problems and Coding & Decoding Problems
- Arithmetical Ability: Ratio & Proportion, Simple Interest, Laws of Indices, Surds, LCM and GCD, Profit & Loss, Rational Numbers, Percentages, etc.
- Algebraic & Geometrical Ability: Coordinate Geometry, Sets, Relations & Functions, Progressions, Binomial Theorem, Matrices, Statements, Trigonometry, etc.
- Statistical Ability: Probability, Mean, Median & Mode, Standard Deviation, Frequency Distributions and Correlation
- Vocabulary: Identify vocabulary used in day-to-day communication
- Business and Computer Terminology: Identify basic terminologies & concepts of computer & business contexts such as letters, reports, memoranda, agendas, etc.
- Functional Grammar: Understand the functional use of grammar in day-to-day communication as well as in business contexts
- Reading Comprehension: 3 reading passages and questions based on them
TS ICET 2022 Hall Ticket:
The board authorities will release the Telangana MBA Entrance Hall ticket 2022 on their official site. The admit card will release 15 days before the written exam. The admit card is likely to be released in the month of April/May 2022 Once the board declares the exam admit card we intimated on our web portal. To download admit card from the official website providing their registration id, date of birth and qualifying exam hall ticket number. The candidates must report to the exam center along with the admit card. The candidates not carrying admit card to the exam hall will not be allowed to write the entrance exam.
TS ICET 2022 Results will be released through the official website. The steps to check the result are below.
- Visit the official website http://icet.tsche.ac.in
- Clicking on the link “Results” appearing on the screen.
- Enter the Hall Ticket Number and click the “Submit” button
- Entry is correct results along with marks, the rank will be displayed.
- Save it, download it and print a copy.
Counselling 2022:
- The candidates after qualifying the exam will be invited for counselling round
- The candidates reporting for counseling must carry their original documents along with their photocopies
- During the counseling, the candidates will be allowed to provide the choice for course and institute and get their documents verified.
- The seats will be provided truly depends on rank acquired in the exam by applicants.
- It is very crucial to attend the counselling round in order to take admission in the respective institutions.