TS PGLCET 2022 stands for Telangana State Post Graduate Law Common Entrance Test. The announcement of the application will be done soon via Kakatiya University, Warangal on behalf of TSCHE. The application will be invited via candidates who are looking forward to seeking admission to the courses such as LL.M in university as well as affiliated colleges across the state of Telangana. Before you TS PGLCET 2022-23 apply for the examination, ensure to seek the details for sure.
TS PGLCET 2022 Notification:
- TS PGLCET 2022 Notification not released right now.
TS PGLCET 2022 Exam Date:
Events | Dates |
TS PGLCET Notification released | March 2022 |
Application form start | March 2022 |
Online Application form Starting date to Submit | June 2022 |
Last Date to Submit Online Form with a late fee – Rs 500 | June 2022 |
Last date to Submit Online Application with a late fee – Rs 1000 | June 2022 |
Last date to Submit Form with a late fee – Rs 2000 | June 2022 |
Last Date to Submit the Online Application form with a late fee – Rs 4000 | July 2022 |
Correction Window | June 2022 |
Admit card Download date | To Be Announced Later |
TS PGLCET Exam Date 2022 | To Be Announced Later |
Answer key | To Be Announced Later |
Objection against Answer Key | To Be Announced Later |
Results Announcement | To Be Announced Later |
Counseling starts | To Be Announced Later |
TS PGLCET 2022 Application Form:
- Those who are eligible for TS PGLCET 2022 Entrance Test need to apply via online mode.
- The process of registration will take place in two different phases.
- The first phase consisted of the info in which candidates need to pay the application fee.
- In the second phase, the candidate is required to fill the form in online mode and make the submission.
- Make sure to take a print out of the application form and use it further as per the requirement.
The process to Fill Online Application:
- First of all sign on the official website, http://www.tslawcet.org and go through the instructions mentioned there.
- Press the ‘Apply Online’ link.
- You will come across the registration fee payment process which will appear on the screen. Choose the registration fee payment mode such as TS Online (or) Debit / Credit card and press.
- After pressing ‘Payment verification’ you will come across the webpage.
- Fill the details in the mentioned fields and then press the ‘Proceed filling application form’.
- Fill the details such as study, academic, reservation, and personal details; ensure to upload the photo as well as signature. Press ‘save’.
- Click the submit button. Take a print out of the application form mentioned in the ‘Reference Id’.
Print of the Application:
- Press ‘Print your Application’. Enter all the details and press ‘Submit’
Get ready with the following details while filling the application form:
- The following information must be kept ready for filling the details during the Application form.
- Hall ticket number, Year of passing, the percentage for qualifying examination, and place of study.
- Study details for up to Degree/ Intermediate.
- Personal details as well as Addresses for correspondence.
- Caste certificate if belonging to SC or ST or BC category.
- PH,NCC,NSS,CAP,Sports…….etc
- Income up to 1 lakh or 2 lakhs or more than 2 lakhs.
- Residence or Study or Relevant certificate as proof of local status.
- Choice of helpline centers for certificate verification and various options during the time of admission.
Regional Centers Info: Make sure to fill the regional center where the candidate would like to appear for the examination. Some of the centers are Hyderabad, Warangal, and Nizamabad.
How to Make Payment for Application Form?:
Payment of application fee Offline:
- The candidate is required to move to the nearest TS Online, E-Seva center, or AP online.
- Ensure for providing all the crucial details such as name, date of birth info, mobile number, and other info and get done with the payment formality.
- Receive fee receipt of fee at the provided center consisted of ‘Journal number’. Then continue with application submission.
Registration Fee in Online:
- First of all sign on the official website. Press ‘’online payment’ and choose post applying for TS PGLCET 2022 as well as a district belonging to as well as personal details.
- Select the right option to make get done with the payment. Move to ‘payment of Gateway’ and choose the appropriate bank. Press “Make Payment’ and then submit.
- After completion of the banking process, you will receive ‘Journal Number’ and proceed further for submitting the application form.
Application Fee and Payment details:
- The registration fee will be Rs.1000/- for those belonging to the General category and it is Rs.800/- for those belonging to SC as well as SC category.
- The payment of the fee can be done via different modes such as E-Seva center/ AP Online/ TS Online. There are other payment modes available too such as credit card, net banking, and debit card.
TS PGLCET 2022 Eligibility Criteria:
Candidates must read the below steps before submitting the registration form. Here TS PGLCET 2022 Eligibility mention.
- Candidate must belong to India.
- The candidate is required to belong to the state of Telangana and also satisfy local / non-local status which is laid down in the state of Telangana Educational institutions or 1974 as per the amendment.
- The aspirant must satisfy the Local as well as nonlocal status needs according to the TS GO MS No 25 & 108.
Educational Qualifications:
- The candidate must hold an LL.B / B.L 3/5 year degree while filling the application form. Those who have already appeared and those who are appearing for LL.B / B.L Final year examination can also appear in the examination.
- Those who are seeking admission to the LL.M (Private Appearance) of Osmania University, Hyderabad, must have obtained minimum experience of at least 3-years as the judicial officer or 3-years for standing as an advocate on the appearing date of PGLCET exam.
Exam Pattern:
- The examination is based on the online mode.
- There will be 120 questions in the question paper.
- All these questions consisted of Multiple Choice Questions.
- The time duration will be 90 minutes.
- The question paper will be English language only.
- There will be two sections in the Exam i.e Part A & Part B.
- Every correct answer means 1 mark.
- For every unanswered question, no marks will be added.
Here is the distribution of Marks for each section:
Section | Subject | No.of questions |
Part A | Jurisprudence | 20 |
Constitutional Law | 20 |
Part B | Public International Law | 16 |
Mercantile Law | 16 |
Labour Law | 16 |
Crimes and Torts | 16 |
IPR & Other Laws | 16 |
Total | | 120 |
TS PGLCET 2022 Syllabus:
Part-A consisted of Jurisprudence:
- Schools of Jurisprudence – Sources of law, Rights and duties-Ownership and possession, Persons, Obligation, Liability, Property, Legal sanctions, Custom Precedent and Legislation,
- Constitutional Law
- Nature of the Constitution: Directive Principles of State Policy, Fundamental Rights, Executive Judiciary and Legislature, Center-State Relations Emergency Provisions, Amendments to the Constitution.
Part-B consisted of Public International Law:
- International law and Municipal Law, Subjects, State Territory, Air, Sea and Outer Space, Extradition, Asylum, Nationality and Statelessness, State Jurisdiction, United Nations.
- Mercantile Law: General principles of contract (sections 1-75,Indian contract ACT-1872).
- Labour Law: Trade Union Act 1926, Industrial Disputes ACT 1947.
- Crimes: India Penal code -General Principle and General Exceptions.
- Torts: Defences, Joint Liability, General Principles of Tort, State Liability for torts, Consumer Protection Act 1986.
- IPR and Other Laws: Copyright Act, 1957, Patents Act, 1970; Environmental Protection ACT, 1986; Human rights, The protection of human rights ACT, 1993, Salient features of Information Technology, Act, 2000 and Right to Information Act 2005.
Admit Card:
TS PGLCET 2022 Admit Card will be released by online mode so, it will not send it by any other method to the candidate. Candidate must have to download the Admit Card from the official website and take the print out of it. Admit card is a very important document to carry the Exam venue.
TS PGLCET Result 2022:
When the Result of TS PGLCET 2022 will be announced candidate will be informed from the official website. Candidate can check their result by entering their roll number and date of birth.
After the result will announce the Counselling will start. The Candidate who qualified for the exam will be invited for the counseling.