TS PGLCET 2023 or Telangana State Post Graduate Law Common Entrance Test is conducted by Osmania University, Hyderabad. This reputed exam is commenced every year on behalf of Telangana State Council of Higher Education, Hyderabad so that aspirants can seek admission to LLM courses offered in various law colleges/ universities in Telangana state. Those who are interested in TS PGLCET 2023 need to collect information such as eligibility criteria, application form and admit card, etc.
TS PGLCET 2023 Highlights:
- Name of Exam: Telangana State Post Graduate Law Entrance Test
- Exam Conducting Body: Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE)
- Official Website: lawcet.tsche.ac.in
- Mode of Application: Online
- Course Offered: LL.M
TS PGLCET 2023 Application Process:
The interested applicants start by filling the application form. This important form is the first step towards the examination. Usually, the form releases in the month of March every year. Read all the instructions carefully before filling the form to avoid all sorts of complications later. Go to the official website and fill the application form.
Steps to apply for the Exam:
- Go to the official website and get registered by entering the basic details.
- Submit the application fee using online mode. Check the payment status by clicking on the “know your payment status” link mentioned on the homepage.
- Click on ‘Proceed to fill application form’.
- On the Homepage, click on ‘Fill application form’ and enter personal as well as educational details.
- Select the exam center as per the preference. Upload the Photograph and signature in the prescribed format.
- Step 6: Finally, take out the print of the application form along with the payment receipt.
TS PGLCET 2023 Exam Date:
Events | Dates |
Released Notification TS PGLCET | March 2023 |
Available the Application form | March 2023 |
Online Application form Starting date to Submit | June 2023 |
Last Date to Submit Online Form with a late fee – Rs 500 | June 2023 |
Last date to Submit Online Application with a late fee – Rs 1000 | June 2023 |
Last date to Submit Form with a late fee – Rs 2000 | June 2023 |
Deadline to Submit the Online Application form with a late fee Rs 4000 | July 2023 |
Correction Window | June 2023 |
Download the Admit card | To Be Announced Later |
TS PGLCET 2023 Exam Date | To Be Announced Later |
Answer key released | To Be Announced Later |
Objection against Answer Key | To Be Announced Later |
Results Announcement | To Be Announced Later |
Counseling starts | To Be Announced Later |
Eligibility Criteria:
Before applying for an examination, it is mandatory to check whether you are eligible to apply or not. Applicant must have successfully completed 3 years LLB program from any recognized university with at least 50% aggregate marks. Those who are appearing in their final years are also applicable to apply. In addition to the qualification, the candidate must have experience of at least 3-years as a judicial officer or 3-years standing as an advocate on the day of the exam. Age is a bar to apply.
Admit Card:
Download the admit card from the official website. Carry your admit card at the exam center because no candidate will be permitted to appear in the exam without an admit card. Also, preserve the admit card till the admission process gets over.
Exam Pattern:
Check the examination pattern:
- Exam mode: Online
- Number of papers: One
- Exam Duration: 90 minutes
- Number of sections: Two sections (Part A and Part B)
- Type of Questions: Objective type (Multiple choice questions)
- Total Marks: 120
- Negative marking: No
- Positive Marking: I mark for every correct answer.
- Exam language: English and Telugu
- Part A: Jurisprudence and Constitutional Law, 20 Questions each
- Part B: Public International Law, Mercantile Law, Labor Law, Crimes and Torts, IPR and Other Laws, 16 questions each
TS PGLCET Syllabus:
Check the syllabus to prepare from:
Part A
- Constitutional Law: Center-State Relations, Emergency Provisions, Fundamental Rights, Amendments to the Constitution, Directive Principles of State Policy and Executive Judiciary & Legislature
- Jurisprudence: Ownership and Possession, Schools of Jurisprudence, Sources of Law, Persons, Property, Obligation, Liability, Legal Sanctions, Custom Precedent & Legislation and Rights & Duties
Part B
- Crimes and Torts: India Penal Code- General Principle and General Exceptions, Joint Liability, Consumer Protection Act 1986, General Principles of Tort, State Liability for Torts and Defenses
- Labor Law: Industrial Disputes Act 1947 and Trade Union Act 1926
- Mercantile Law: General Principles of Contract (Sections 1-75, Indian Contract Act-1872)
- Public International Law: Nationality and Statelessness, State Jurisdiction, International Law & Municipal Law, Subjects of International Law, Air, Sea and Outer Space, Extradition, Asylum, State Territory and United Nations
- IPR and Other Laws: Copyright Act 1957, Patents Act 1970, Right to Information Act 2005, Human Rights, The Protection Of Human Rights Act 1993, Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and Salient features of Information Technology Act 2000
Exam Result:
The result will be announced using online mode. Candidates are required to login in with their registered Email ID and Password to check their results. On the basis of scores achieved, there will be the release of the merit list comprised of names of the qualified candidates for the interview round.
Cut Off:
Based on the scores attained in the exam, the merit list of the shortlisted candidates will be released. Based on the merit list, applicants will be called for counselling process that will take place in the offline mode. The selection will be based on the scores attained by the candidate.
The cut off will depend on the following factors:
- The number of applicants
- The number of seats available
- Previous year cutoff marks
- The difficulty level of the entrance test.
The counseling process will start a few weeks after the result declaration. The counseling process includes document verification and final seat allotment. It must be noticed that Seat Allotment will take place on the basis of the ranks attained in the exam and availability of the seats. Submit the counselling fee during the counseling process. The fee for General Category applicants will be INR 500 and INR 250 for SC/ST Category applicants. Make sure to appear on the allotted date and time.
Documents to carry for counseling: Carry the following documents (original and photocopy)
- TS PGLCET 2023 Hall Ticket and Result printout
- Mark-sheets or passing certificate of the graduation degree
- Mark-sheet of Intermediate
- Mark-sheet of SSC or equivalent
- Caste certificate issued by an authorized competent authority