Bachelor Degree 2023

TSRJC CET 2023 Application Form, Eligibility, Exam Date, Syllabus

TSRJC CET 2023: Telangana Residential Junior Colleges Common Entrance Test (TSRJC CET) is conducted by the Telangana Residential Educational Institution Society (TERI) Telangana. The official notification for the entrance test will be to be soon announced. As per the officials, there are 35 TSRJC institutions across Telangana state. In these 15 girls colleges are separate and the rest 20 for boys. They offer admission for various courses like CEC- (Civics, Economics, and Commerce) MEC- (Mathematics, Economics, Commerce) BPC- (Biology, Physics, Chemistry) MPC- (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry). Candidates can check official notification regarding examination online and here in this article you will get to know about all details regarding the examination tentative dates, exam results, exam eligibility criteria, exam pattern, syllabus, etc, Official website:

TSRJC CET 2023 Application Form:

TSRJC CET releases notification for admission in intermediate courses in MPC/ BPC/ MECCEC in junior colleges. Eligible candidates can apply online for the entrance test online. In April month form will be released and it can be filled online. It has the following steps:

  1. On the official website go through the Recruitment option
  2. In that option, you will get an instruction brochure and application form.
  3. Download brochure read it carefully and fill-up the form
  4. In the application form fill all required details about personal information, guardian details, category, gender, etc.
  5. Pay application fees online by using the online mediums.
  6. Submit the duly filled credential application form.
  7. Keep print out of the application form and slip for further reference.

Application Fee:

Application form fees can be paid online by using credit card/debit card/ net banking. By paying the application fee you will get the application form.

For all category application fee is Rs. 200/-

TSRJC CET 2023 Exam Date:

Events Exam Dates
Online Payment start to submit To Be Announced
End to submit the online payment To Be Announced
Application form opening date To Be Announced
Closing the online application form To Be Announced
Admit Card available To Be Announced
TSRJC CET 2023 Exam Date To Be Announced
Answer key released date To Be Announced
Result date To Be Announced
Counselling To Be Announced

TSRJC CET 2023 Eligibility Criteria:

Before applying candidates must have to check eligibility criteria which are as follows:

  • Candidates who are seeking admission in TSRJC must have a residence of Telangana state and have a domicile certificate as well.
  • The 10 and 11th class certificate is must possess from the Telangana state.
  • Candidates who must have passed 10th class on the first attempt are only eligible for the CET.
  • Minimum qualification marks required for the general category will be 6 CGPA overall.
  • Minimum qualification marks required for the SC/ST/PWD/ Minority category will be 5 CGPA overall.
  • All candidates must have possessed 4 CGPA in English subject is mandatory.

Exam Pattern:

The examination pattern is as follows:

  • The examination will be held in offline mode
  • It is pen or paper mode
  • There are three sections divided into the question paper
  • Every section consists of 50 marks
  • The language of the question paper will be English and Telugu
  • Questions will be Multiple Choice
  • The total time duration will be 2 hours 30 minutes.
  • First section will be consists of the following subjects English, Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry (150marks)
  • The second section will be consists of the following subjects English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry(150marks)
  • The third section will be consists of the following subjects English, Mathematics, Social Studies. (150marks)

Examination Syllabus:

Candidates can check the syllabus here for the TSRJC CET examination. Subject wise following topics will be included:

  • Mathematics: Statistic, Polynomial, Arithmetic Progression, Real number.
  • Physics and Chemistry: Acids and Base, Chemical Reaction, Atomic Mass and Atomic Number, Balancing Reaction, Structure of Atom, Heat and Kinetics, Base and Salts.
  • Biology: Transportation, Neurons and Control system, Respiratory system, Plant Anatomy, Nutrition, Reproduction, Circulatory System, Animal Anatomy.
  • English: Tenses, Sentence correction, Reading Comprehension, Letter Writing, Direct and Indirect Speech, Grammar and Vocabulary.
  • Social Studies: Employment and unemployment, Ideas for Development, Indian Culture, Heritage of India, Per Capita Income, Climate of India.

Admit Card:

  1. Once the application process has been completed the official will release admit card within a month. Candidates are requested to download their admit card by using their credentials like name and application number and date of birth as a password. It has details like Roll number, Examination center, date and time of reporting, etc.
  2. Candidates are suggested to keep their admit card with them till the admission process completed. At the time of counseling you will have to take it along with all required documents.


 Examination results will be released after 10-15 days after the test. Students can check and download online by using registration numbers and dates of birth as passwords. You can check your status of qualifying for the examination.

Selection and Counseling Process:

After the examination candidates will call for the admission process. Selected candidates call for the counseling procedure. Counseling session schedule will be displayed on the website and according to that student will call for further process. They are called to the counseling centre they have applied for admission. Students are suggested to bring all required documents like Mark sheets, Domicile Certificate, Birth Certificate, Application form, Hall ticket, Scorecard with them to complete the admission process.


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