Medical Exam 2023

UPCPMT 2023 Application Form, Exam Date, Eligibility, Exam Pattern, Result

UPCPMT 2023: UPCPMT or Uttar Pradesh Combined Pre-Medical is a much talked about examination conducted every year. Now, this exam is replaced by the NEET exam. Get a little deeper into the subject; it is state level examination which is commenced to find out the most deserving candidates in the Under Graduate medical courses. Those who will pass the examination successfully will get admission into a reputed private college or Government College. Here complete information is provided which is closely connected to the exam such as UPCPMT 2023 Application Form, Exam Dates, Eligibility, Paper Pattern, Result, Admit Card, etc.

UPCPMT 2023 Application Form:

  • Use the online mode for applying for the UPCPMT 2023 examination as no other mode will be considered valid.
  • Move onto the official website for applying for the UPCPMT. Download the OMR sheet and for this, you need to register yourself by filling in some mandatory details available there.
  • Once the registration is done, pay the application fee for sure
  • After payment is done, upload your latest photo and signature as prescribed there.
  • Before the form submission, ensure to confirm the details at least once.

UPCPMT 2023 Exam Date:

There is all information about UPCPMT 2023 Exam Dates. If we get any official announcement, we will soon update here.

Events Exam Date
Download date for the application form: March 2023
Deadline to fill the application form: April 2023
Uploading of the admit cards– May 2023
UPCPMT 2023 Examination Date May 2023
Result Availability: June 2023
Counseling will date begin: June 2023

UPCPMT 2023 Eligibility Criteria:

Are you applying for UPCPMT? Do you want to know the eligibility conditions? Here are the details:

  • Applicant’s age should be 17 years as of December 31 at the year of the examination.
  • Candidates must be permanent residents of Uttar Pradesh or else they should have a domicile.
  • You must have cleared high school as well as the intermediate from the UP Education board but have not appeared in the state and can also apply for the exam.
  • In addition to this, the applicant must have successfully cleared the intermediate with subjects such as PCB and PCMB

Application Fee:

  • Make a payment of Rs 1400/- in the application form if belonging to the general or OBC category. However, those who belong to ST and SC need to submit Rs. 700
  • Mode of payment would be challan via any branch of SBI. Otherwise, the other two options are also for making payment formality. It is a credit card or Debit card.

Exam Pattern:

  • There will be overall 200 questions
  • These 2000 questions are divided into four different sections such as Botany, Botany, Physics, and Zoology. Each category carries 50 marks.
  • The examination paper will be divided into two different parts-one having questions related to subjects such as Chemistry and Physics and the other one will be containing questions from subjects such as Zoology and Botany.
  • Every correct answer will be given with 1 mark and every incorrect answer or if not attempted will lead to a deduction of 1 mark from each
  • The exam will be commenced in two languages Hindi or English

Admit Card:

After the application form submission, download the admit from the official website. The admit card will be available on the official website in the first week of May 2023. Make sure to download it on time because you are required to carry it for entering the examination hall. Through Admit Card, the examiner will be able to check details such as Examination Centre name, subjects name, Roll Number, candidate’s name, enrollment number and many more details.


The most important process is to check the result of the examination which will appear in the third week of June 2023 via the official website. Use the site for collecting the outcome of the examination and if you are done successfully then counseling etc will be done shortly.


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