Jobs 2023

UPPSC RO ARO 2023 Application Form, Exam Dates, Eligibility, Pattern, Selection Process

UPPSC RO ARO 2023: The UPPSC or the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission has released the notification for UPPSC RO ARO Samiksha Adhikari/Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari. Those who are looking for this opportunity may now take advantage. The article describes all about UPPSC RO ARO 2023 application process, eligibility criteria, salary scale, exam pattern, etc.

UPPSC RO ARO 2023: Highlights

Name of the Post UPPSC RO/ARO 2023
Exam Conducts By Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC)
Exam Purpose Recruitment of Review Officer and Assistant Review Officer
RO/ARO General Recruitment To be announced
RO/ARO Special Recruitment To be announced
Mode of application Online
Selection Process Preliminary, mains exam, Typing test
Official Website

UPPSC RO ARO 2023 Exam Dates:

Events Exam Date
Application Form Release Date 2nd week of March 2023
Last Date To Apply To be announced
Admit Card To be announced
Exam Date To be announced
Result To be announced
Counseling To be announced

UPPSC RO ARO 2023 Application Form:

Here is the application process to apply for UPPSC RO ARO 2023:

  • First, go to the official website of UPPSC
  • Now, find the apply online link/notification for Samiksha Adhikari/Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari Etc., (General/ Recruitment) Examination-2023
  • You will find that the application form will open in a window. Click on the “Apply” button
  • Fill out the application form with the important details to complete the registration.
  • Upload the scanned copy of the latest photograph and signature in JPEG/JPG format.
  • Submit the application fee to complete the UPPSC RO ARO apply online procedure.
  • Once the process gets over, save the copy of the filled application form for further reference.


Here is the list of vacancies under UPUSC RO & ARO:

  • UP. Public Service Commission: Samiksha Adhikari
  • Board of Revenue, U.P.: Samiksha Adhikari
  • Office of Chief Election Officer, U.P.: Samiksha Adhikari
  • UP. Secretariat: Samiksha Adhikari (Account)
  • UP. Secretariat: Samiksha Adhikari (Hindi)
  • UP. Secretariat: Samiksha Adhikari (Urdu)
  • UP. Secretariat: Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari (Account)
  • UP. Public Service Commission: Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari (Account)
  • UP. Secretariat: Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari
  • Board of Revenue, U.P.: Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari
  • Office of Chief Election Officer, U.P.: Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari
  • UP. Public Service Commission: Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari

Salary Structure:

The salary scale of UPPSC RO ARO is between Rs. 44900-142400 Level 7 to 47600-151100 level-8. In addition to this, there are other components and allowances provided to the eligible person sitting on the post.

UPPSC RO ARO 2023 Eligibility Criteria:

The eligibility criteria to apply for UPPSC RO ARO 2023 include age limit, education qualification, and many more. Here are the details about the same are as follows:

Age Limit:

  • The age limit to apply for RO & ARO Recruitment examination is 21 years and must not reach beyond 40 years. However, applicants belonging to SC, ST, and other categories will get age relaxation.

Educational Qualification:

  • Applicant must be a graduate from the recognized University or equivalent qualification up to the last date for receipt of On-Line application. There is a requirement for special educational qualifications for several posts.

To apply for the post of Samiksha Adhikari (Account) in the U.P. Secretariat, check the eligibility mentioned below:

  • Candidate must have completed graduation in Commerce with Accountancy from a University established by law in India or a qualification recognized by the Government as equivalent thereto.
  • Candidate must be possessed with the ‘O’ Level certificate in Computer Application from the Government recognized Institute.
  • It is a must to have knowledge of Hindi written in Devnagari Script.

Samiksha Adhikari (Hindi) in U.P. Secretariat:

  • Candidate must be possessed with the degree of graduation with Hindi Literature or Sanskrit Literature as one of the subjects from the University established by law in India or a qualification recognized by the Government as equivalent thereto.

Samiksha Adhikari (Urdu) under U.P. Secretariat:

  • Applicant must have completed graduation in Arabic Literature or Persian Literature or Urdu Literature as one of the subjects from a University established by law in India or a qualification recognized by the Government as equivalent thereto.
  • In addition to this, the requirement of having taken Urdu Literature or Persian Literature, or Arabic Literature is not necessary in the case of a candidate who has passed the Adib-e-Kamil Examination of Jamia Urdu-Aligarh.

Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari (Account) under U.P. Secretariat/U.P. Public Service Commission

  • Applicant must be possessed with the degree of graduation in commerce with Accountancy from a University established by law in India or a qualification recognized by the Government as equivalent thereto.
  • Candidate must have ‘O’ Level certificate in Computer Application from an Institute recognized by the Government
  • Candidate must have knowledge of Hindi Hindi written in Devnagari Script. U.P. Public Service Commission Graduate degree in commerce with Accountancy from a University recognized by law in India.

Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari under U.P. Secretariat/Board of Revenue, U.P./ Office of Chief Election Officer, U.P./ U.P. Public Service Commission

  • Candidate must have a degree of graduation from the University established by law in India or a qualification recognized by the Government as equivalent thereto.
  • Besides this, the applicant must have “O” Level certificate awarded by the DOEACC Society or a qualification equivalent thereto.
  • The candidate must have the skills to type twenty-five words per minute in Hindi typewriting.

Note: Preference shall be given to a candidate knowing English Typewriting also.

Selection Process:

The UPPSC RO ARO 2023 selection process consisted of three stages. Check the stages below:

  • UPPSC RO/ARO Prelims Exam
  • UPPSC RO/ARO Mains Exam
  • UPPSC RO/ARO Typing Test

Exam Pattern:

The examination pattern of three stages is given below:

Prelims: The prelims exam of UPPSC RO ARO consisted of two papers – Paper I and Paper II i.e. General Hindi for a two-hour time duration and 200 marks.

  • Paper 1: General Studies will consist of 140 questions for 140 marks. The candidate will get 2 hours to complete the paper 1
  • Paper 2: General Hindi will consist of 60 questions for 60 marks. The candidate will get 1 hour to complete the paper 2

Mains: The main examination consisted of three papers. Here are the details:

  • Paper 2: General Studies (Like Preliminary Exam) consisted of 120 marks for 2 hours duration.
  • Paper 2: General Hindi and Drafting Part 1 (Conventional, consisted of 100 questions for 100 marks for 2 and half hours) and Part 2 (General Vocabulary consisted of 60 questions for 60 marks and 30 minutes)
  • Paper 3: Hindi Essay consisted of 120 questions for 120 marks and the candidate will get 3 hours to complete the paper.


To perform best in every stage, candidates are required to have thorough information about the exam syllabus. The details are as follows:

Prelims Syllabus:

Paper 1General Studies (Objective Type)

  • General Science
  • History of India
  • Indian National Movement
  • Indian Polity, Economy and Culture
  • Indian Agriculture, Commerce and Trade
  • Population, Ecology, and Urbanization (in Indian Context)
  • Geography and Natural resources of India & World Geography
  • Current Events of National and International importance
  • General intelligentsia
  • Special Knowledge regarding Education, Culture, Agriculture industry, Trade, Living & Social Traditions of Uttar Pradesh

Prelims Syllabus:

Paper 2 General Hindi (Objective Type)

  • Opposites (10 words)
  • Sentence and Correction in framing (10 sentences)
  • One word for several words (10 words)
  • Same usage and same nature words (10 words)
  • Adjective (10 words)
  • Synonymous words (10 words)

Main Exam Syllabus:

The topics covered in Main Exam are as follows:

Paper I. General Hindi and Drafting

  • Heading of a given passage, precis, and explanation of the underlined parts
  • Precis in Tabular form of any given Govt Letter
  • Correspondence-Official/Demi Official Letter, Office Memo/Memo/Circular, Communique/Annotation & Reports/Reminder
  • Definition Vocabulary (Administrative and Commercial)-English to Hindi (five words), Hindi to English (five words), Idioms and Phrases (Five)
  • Computer Knowledge

Part 2 General Vocabulary (Objective Type)

  • Opposites (Six words)
  • Sentence and Correction in framing (Six sentences)
  • One word for several words (Six words)
  • Same usage and same nature words (Six words)
  • Derived by a noun & adjective (Six words)

Hindi Essay:

  • Literature and Culture
  • Social Field
  • Political Field
  • Science Ecology and Technology
  • Economic Field
  • Agriculture and Commerce
  • National and International Events
  • Natural Calamities- Earth stumbling, Cyclone, Earthquake, Flood, Drought, etc.
  • National Department Plans


After clearing the Main Exam, applicants will appear for a personal interview.

Note: Fill out the form released by the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission for each stage.

Admit Card:

UPPSC RO ARO Admit card will release on its official website a few days before the exam date. The admit card for the Prelims and the Main exams will release separately. Candidates are required to download the admit card and carry its print to the examination center. It is the most important document to carry along. Here are the steps to download the admit card:

  • Go to the UPPSC official website
  • A new window will open to download the Admit Card for Exam
  • Fill in the details such as Candidate’s Registration Number, Date of Birth, Gender, and Verification Code
  • After this, click on “Download Admit Card” and save.

Exam Result:

The result will be declared according to the selection procedure. To check UPPSC RO ARO Prelims Results will have their names on the official website. After clearing the Prelims, the candidate will appear in the Main examination. Those who clear the Main Exam will move to the Personal Interview stage.


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