BEd 2023

UPRTOU B.Ed 2023 Admission, Application Form, Exam Date, Syllabus

UPRTOU-B.Ed-Admission-2023UPRTOU-B.Ed-Admission-2023UPRTOU B.Ed 2023: It stands for UP Rajarshi Tandon Open University which offers an entrance examination for attaining admission to its Bachelor of Education (B.E.d) Programme. The UPRTOU B.Ed 2023 exam will be conducted by the officials of the U.P. Rajarshi Tandon Open University. The aim of providing such a course is to make candidates pursue their careers in teaching in several schools located in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Given below are the details before you apply for the course.

About UPRTOU in Brief:

UP Rajarshi Tandon Open University is a well-known public university located in Allahabad. The university provides access to higher education for large segments of the population and to disadvantaged groups like those who are staying in remote and rural areas such as working people, homemakers. Even those who want to upgrade or want to in at knowledge through studies also prefer choosing this University. The aim of the university is to increase knowledge, provide training, and enhance skills via various courses.

UPRTOU B.Ed 2023 Notification:

  • UPRTOU B.Ed 2023 Admit Card has been released on August 2023.

UPRTOU B.Ed 2023: Highlights

Name Of The Exam UPRTOU B.Ed 2023
Conducted By UP Rajarshi Tandon Open University (UPRTOU)
Exam Level State Level
Exam Purpose Admissions into B. Ed & B.Ed( Special Education)
Mode of the Application Form Online
Exam Mode Offline
Official Site

UPRTOU B.Ed Entrance Test 2023 Date:

Events Exam Dates
Available the application form April 2023
End to submit the application form June 2023
Last Date To Submit Application Form with late fee of Rs. 200 July 2023
Admit Card Announced August 2023
UPRTOU B.Ed 2023 Exam Date August 2023
Result date July 2023
B.Ed. Counseling August 2023

UPRTOU B.Ed 2023 Application Form:

To attain admission into program, candidates are required to fill the application form. There will be the availability of a link to apply at the official website. Find the link “B.Ed./B.Ed.SE Entrance Exam Application Form” on the home page. Click on that and proceed to complete the filling of all the details.

Application Fee:

Candidates can pay the application fee online via Credit/ Debit Cards or Net Banking. General/ OBC category candidates will make a payment of Rs. 1000/- and those who belong to SC/ST category will pay Rs. 550/-

Steps to Apply online for UPRTOU B.Ed 2023:

  • Visit the official website of UPRTOU i.e,
  • On the home page, click on the Admissions icon.
  • Click on the UPRTOU B.Ed 2023 Entrance Exam Application Form.
  • Then the Registration page will open, fill in the Registration details.
  • Click on Register, a login Id & Password will be sent to your Email.
  • Then fill the UPRTOU B.Ed application form.
  • Upload the documents.
  • Then pay the Application Fee.
  • After paying click on the submit button
  • Take a printout of the application.

Eligibility Criteria:

For B.Ed:

  • Candidates who have attained a minimum of 50 % marks in Bachelor / Master of Science / Social Sciences / Humanities degree may also apply for seeking admission to the B.Ed program.
  • Candidate must have acquired a minimum of 55 % marks in Engineering or Technical with specialization in Science and Mathematics may also apply. Those who have acquired a minimum of 55 % marks or any other qualification equivalent thereto may also apply.
  • Those who have successfully completed graduation with at least two subjects from some recognized university or only one of the following subjects at the level of graduation and one subject at an intern level from Zoology, Botany, Mathematics, Political Science, Psychology Science, Home Science, Hindi, English, Physics, Chemistry, History, Geography, sociology, economics, and commerce may also apply.
  • After completing your teacher education program recognized by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) you can avail of the job.
  • NCTE recognized Courses include (DECEd, DPSE, D.EL.Ed / BTC, B.EL.Ed, B.Ed, M.Ed, DPEd, BPEd, MPEd, D.Ed., Diploma in Arts Education (Visual Arts), Diploma in Arts Education (Performing Arts), BABEd./B.Sc.B.Ed. 4 Years Integrated programme, B.Ed. M.Ed. 3 years integrated program and any other NCTE recognized face to face mode Teacher’s Training Course may also apply for the entrance test.

For B.Ed (Special Education):

  • B.Ed. Candidates with at least 50 percent marks in Science / Social Science / Humanities / Agriculture / Commerce Graduation or Masters or equivalent degree will be eligible for admission in (Special Education) program. In addition, candidates with at least 55 percent marks in engineering or technical, who have specialization in Science and Mathematics, Bachelors or Masters or any other qualification equivalent thereto, will be eligible for admission.
  • B.Ed. For admission in (Special Education) program, only those candidates who have passed the Graduate Examination with two subjects from a recognized university, or one of the following subjects at graduation and one subject at intermediate level – Hindi, English, Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Mathematics, Home Science, History, Geography, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Economics, and Commerce.


  • The candidate’s qualification must have finished off on 01.07.2023. The mark sheet/certificate and other desired certificates need to be submitted in the prescribed format.
  • Those who belong to economically weaker sections and another special category of Other Backward Classes / Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes / General Classes of Uttar Pradesh will also able o seek reservation and relaxation according to the Government of Uttar Pradesh.
  • Backward Class / Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe candidates belonging to other states other than Uttar Pradesh may also seek admission under the unreserved category.

Exam Pattern:

  • The exam will be conducted through Offline Mode i.e, Pen and Paper-based
  • There will be objective types of questions will be asked.
  • The total number of questions will be 100.
  • The Exam duration will be 180 minutes.

The candidate needs to go through two papers:

  • Part- A– General Mental Ability (50% Weightage)
  • General Awareness (50% Weightage)

Exam Syllabus:

  • The syllabus of Part A will appear from subjects such as Literature, Culture, Education, History, Science, Politics, Geography, etc.
  • The part will be consisted of Teaching Aptitude (40% Weightage) and Understanding in at least two teaching Subjects (30 % Weightage will be given to each Subject)
  • Syllabus for Part B: Those who have selected two topics from Science, Hindi, English, Mathematics, and Social Science will receive questions from those two subjects.
  • Each section will consist of 100 Objective type questions and the candidate needs to complete in 3 hours of time duration.
  • It is equally important that candidates must be available in their seats 20 minutes prior to the exam starts.
  • Carry a BLACK BALLPOINT PEN at the exam center.

Admit card:

Admit card/hall ticket for UPRTOU B.Ed 2023entrance examination will consist of test center details/ time/ date. Upload the admit card from the official website. Download the admit card according to the schedule.

Exam Result:

The result will be visible on the official website at The result will be announced in the form of a merit list consisted of the applicant’s Serial Number, Name of the candidate, Roll Number, and Merit allotted.

UPRTOU B.Ed Admission Procedure:

  • The admission will be provided to the applicant on the basis of the marks acquired in the entrance exam.
  • They will also seek admission on the basis of the reservation of the category.
  • Send the hard copy to the exam conducting authority.
  • Those who have clear the exam and secured a place in the merit list will be called for counseling.

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