Events | Exam Date |
Official Notification Publication Date | 1st February 2023 |
Application Form Available | 1st February 2023 |
Application form last date to submit | 21st February 2023 |
Preliminary Examinations Admit Card issue date | May 2023 |
UPSC CSE 2023 Exam Date (Preliminary) | 28th May 2023 (1 Day) |
Preliminary Exam 2023 Results date declaration | August 2023 |
UPSC Main Exam 2023 Admit Card | September 2023 |
UPSC Exam Date 2023 (Main) | 15th September 2023 (5 Days) |
UPSC Main Exam Results declaration | January 2022 |
For the CSE (Civil Service Exam) Exam application form visit the official website of UPSC and go through all the instructions carefully mentioned. Brief Instructions for filling up the ‘Online Application Form’. It is crucial to fill in all the details asked in the application form.
All details such as personal info, academic info, etc should be correctly filled in because a form filled with incorrect info may lead to cancellation. Select the center for Examination while filling out the application form. Fill in the information such as the detail of the Centre and the medium of Examination. Submit the certificate for Age verification, Educational Qualifications, and Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled caste certificates.
Educational Qualification- A candidate must hold a graduate degree or equivalent qualification from a recognized university/ institution.
Nationality– The candidate must be a citizen of India for the post of IAS& IPS. For all the posts a candidate must be
Age Limit- A candidate must be 21 yrs-32 yrs.
Age Relaxation
CSE(Civil Service Exam) Preliminary Exam consists of two paper of 200 marks each questions objective type question. The questions are Bilingual. Paper 2 of the CSE Prelim exam will be a qualifying paper with 33% is minimum qualifying marks.
Paper | Question | Marks |
General Studies Paper1 | 100 | 200 |
General Studies Paper2 | 80 | 200 |
Negative Marking:
There is negative marking of 1/3rd marks for the wrong answer
CSE Mains Exam:
Mains exam consists of two types of paper. One will be qualifying nature and others will be merit purpose.
Paper | Subject | Total Marks | Duration |
Paper A | One of the Indian language mentioned in 8th schedule | 300 | 3 Hour |
Paper B | English | 300 | 3 Hour |
Paper1 | Essay | 250 | 3 Hour |
Paper 2 | General Studies 1 | 250 | 3 Hour |
Paper 3 | General Studies 2 | 250 | 3 Hour |
Paper 4 | General Studies 3 | 250 | 3 Hour |
Paper 5 | General Studies 4 | 250 | 3 Hour |
Paper 6 | Optional subject Paper1 | 250 | 3 Hour |
Paper 7 | Optional subject Paper2 | 250 | 3 Hour |
CSE Interview:
This is the final process of UPSC CSE 2023 (Civil Service Exam). Aboard of recruiters sit together and ask candidates questions related to his/her field of interest and his/her past experience to check the compatibility for the selected post offered through CSE (Civil Service Exam).
CSE (Civil Service Exam) Prelims Syllabus
CSE (Civil Service Exam) Exam Admit card available on
The answer key is released officially by the organization. Every aspirant should check the answer key for self-assessment.
CSE Exam Result is also available on and
The cut-off is something that is not constant and changes every year. But remember cut off does not vary drastically. Check and compare the cut-off of the last 10 years to get an idea where you should stand safe.