UPTET 2022 Application Form, Exam Date, Eligibility, Syllabus, Pattern

UPTET 2022UPTET 2022: The Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board (UPBEB) is the concerned authority which conducts Teacher Eligibility Test in the State of Uttar Pradesh. The UPTET is a state-level entrance test, basically a screening test for the aspirants willing to teach at primary or junior high school level. The Competent authority every year pushes these notifications out for the recruitment of teachers in the schools.

UPTET 2022 Application Form:

  • The UPTET 2022 Application form would be available on the official website i.e. upbasiceduboard.gov.in.
  • Aspirants can submit application form through online mode at the official website.
  • The aspirants need to provide all the necessary information regarding personal and academic qualifications etc.
  • Aspirants also need to upload a scanned photograph and signature at the space provided.
  • The applicants need to pay the requisite application fee of Rs.400/-. One can make payment through net banking and debit/credit card.
  • There would be relaxation in fee for reserved category aspirants and they need to make payment of Rs.200/- only.
  • Submit your application form at the end after following all the necessary steps and take at least one printout of the same for future reference.

UPTET 2022 Exam Date:

Event Tentative Date
UPTET Notification Date Released August
Availability the Online Application Form 4th Week of August
correction window open for an Application form September
Admit Card Issue October
UPTET 2022 Exam Date October
Availability Answer Key January
UPTET Result announced April

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must ensure their eligibility before applying online for UPTET. Aspirants should know that the eligibility criteria for both primary and upper primary level are different which are as below:

Primary Level (Class I-V):

  • Aspirants who possess a bachelor’s degree in any stream from a recognized university or college are eligible to apply. OR
  • Applicants should have passed National Teacher Education Parishad from a recognized educational Institution OR
  • Should have completed BTCT from the Institute recognized by the National Teacher Education Council, Uttar Pradesh OR
  • Aspirants having two years diploma in education from the Indian Rehabilitation Parishad. OR
  • B.Tech. degree holder from a recognized University affiliated by UGC/Uttar Pradesh Rashtriya Teacher Education Office OR
  • A graduate degree holder from the recognized university and completed the training in BTC Urdu from Uttar Pradesh.
See also  WB TET 2022 Application Form, Eligibility, Exam Date, Syllabus, Pattern

Junior High School Level (Class VI-VIII):

  • Aspirants who possess a Bachelor or Master degree from a recognized University/institute affiliated with UGC or NCTE OR
  • One who has completed senior secondary school level examination (intermediate) with a minimum of 50% marks can also apply. OR
  • Aspirants who have completed 4 years degree in Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.), BA/B.Sc. Ed. or B.A.Ed./ B.Sc.Ed. from NCTE recognized institute are also eligible. OR
  • Graduate or Postgraduates from any UGC recognized university/college with at least 45% marks can also apply.

Exam Pattern:

The aspirants should prepare as per the prescribed syllabus and examination scheme. Exam pattern for both Paper I (Primary Teacher-Class 1 to 5) and Paper-II (Upper Primary-Class 6 to 8) are different. Check the following information with regard to the UPTET exam pattern:

Exam Pattern for Class (I-V)

Subject No. of Questions Marks
Child Development and Pedagogy 30 30
Language I (Hindi) 30 30
Language II (English/Urdu/ Sanskrit) 30 30
Mathematics 30 30
Environmental Studies 30 30
Total 150 150

Exam Pattern for Class (VI-VIII)

Subject No. of Question Marks
Child Development & Pedagogy 30 30
Language I (compulsory) 30 30
Language II (compulsory) 30 30
Mathematics/ Science/ Social Studies /Anyone for other teachers 60 60
Total 150 150
  • Time Duration would be 02:30 hours (150 minutes) for each paper.
  • The question paper would be set in both Hindi and English language.

Minimum Qualifying Marks –

  • General (Unreserved) Category – 60% (90 Marks out of 150 Marks)
  • SC/ST/OBC/Ex-Serviceman/PWD Aspirants – 55% (80 Marks out of 150 Marks)


Paper-I (For classes I to V):-

  1. Child Development & Pedagogy:- The test items on Child Development and Pedagogy would focus on educational psychology of teaching and learning relevant to the age group of 6-11 years for Paper-I. They would focus on understanding the characteristics, needs, and psychology of diverse learners, interaction with learners and the attributes and qualities of a good facilitator of learning.
  2. The language I:- Questions in Language 1 would focus on skills related to instruction.
  3. Language II:- Questions in Language 2 would focus on language elements, communication and comprehension abilities.
  4. Questions in mathematics and environmental studies would focus on the concepts of these subjects, problem-solving abilities, and understanding of teaching methods. Questions in these subject areas would be distributed equally in the various sections of the result of those subjects prescribed by the Basic Education Council for classes 1 to 5.
  5. The examination questions for Paper 1 would be based on the topics set in the Basic Education Council syllabus for classes 1 to 5, but their difficulty level and the combination would be intermediate level.
See also  JTET 2022 Jharkhand TET Application Form, Exam Date, Syllabus, Pattern

Paper-II (For classes VI to VIII):-

  1. Child Development & Pedagogy: – The test items on Child Development and Pedagogy would focus on educational psychology of teaching and learning, relevant to the age group of 11-14 years for Paper-II. They would focus on understanding the characteristics, needs, and psychology of diverse learners, interaction with learners and the attributes and qualities of a good facilitator of learning
  2. The language I:- Questions in Language 1 would focus on skills related to instruction.
  3. Language II:- Questions in Language 2 would focus on language elements, communication and comprehension abilities.
  4. Questions in mathematics and science / social studies would focus on the concepts of these subjects, problem-solving abilities, and understanding of teaching methods. 30-30 questions in Mathematics and Science would be of 01-01 marks. The questions would be distributed equally in the various sections of the result of those subjects prescribed by the Basic Education Council for classes 6 to 8
  5. The examination questions for Paper-II would be based on the topics prescribed in the Basic Education Council syllabus for classes 6 to 8, but their difficulty level and the combination would be intermediate level.
See also  OTET 2022 Application Form, Syllabus, Exam Date, Pattern, Eligibility

Admit Card:

  • The competent authority would release Uttar Pradesh TET admit card on the official website.
  • Admit card would be issued to only those aspirants who have submitted their application form successfully.
  • After downloading the admit card, aspirants should take the print out of the same.
  • Keep admit card safe and must bring the same on the day of exam other the competent authority at the examination centre would not allow you to enter the exam center.

UPTET 2022 Answer Key:

  • Visit the official website of UP  Basic Education Board
  • The aspirants would get a link related to the downloading of the Answer Key of the written examination.
  • After clicking on the link, the aspirants need to enter their Registration Number and Date of Birth and Captcha Code and then submit all the details.
  • The aspirants would be able to download the Answer Key.

Cut Off:

The aspirants need to obtain minimum qualifying marks in the UPTET 2022 exam in order to qualify the test. The minimum marks for qualifying the UPTET should be at least 60% in the case of general aspirants. The reserved category aspirants are relaxed and they need to score a minimum of 55% marks to qualify the test. Aspirants after qualifying the UPTET would be eligible to apply for the teaching job at Government/Private Schools as per their recruitment drive.


The competent authority would announce the UPTET result on its official website in due course of time after conducting the exam. Aspirants can check their results online on the official website of Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board. Access the official website and find the concerned link for UPTET Result 2022, click on the same. Enter your roll number and date of birth in the respective field for obtaining the result. Aspirants are recommended to take the printout of the result for future use.

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