The application form for the Uttarakhand M.Tech Admission 2024 will get released in both online and offline mode. The Online form can be procured from the official website of Uttarakhand university official website. And for the offline application forms, aspirants can be procured from the designated post offices by paying Rs 1500. Following is the list of designated post offices –
It is highly advisable for the students to always go to the official website of Uttarakhand technical university and follow the link which leads you to the main page. Candidates have to fill in all the authentic particulars and information in the form. To complete the submission process, pay the fee of Rs 1500 via DD. This amount of DD for the SC/ST students will be Rs 800. The fees must be made in the favour of “Finance controller” Uttarakhand technical University, payable at Dehradun.
The eligibility conditions to apply for Uttarakhand M.Tech are decided by the exam conducting authority. Find out the details below:
The exam pattern of the Uttarakhand M.Tech Entrance examination will be the same as the previous years. The whole duration of the exam is 2 hours and the total marks will be 500. Candidates will be awarded 5 marks for every right answer and all the questions will be segmented into two separate sections. The total number of questions will be 100 and the section first is comprised of 30 multiple choice questions of general engineering science and 70 questions in the second section will be comprised of 70 questions from your specialization in the graduation.
The syllabus for Uttarakhand M.Tech 2024 entrance exam can be different as per the course applied for. Or as per the latest information, it will be the same as GATE 2024. The entrance test will have the question based on the topics and concepts studied by the candidates in their graduation. It is highly advisable for the students to keenly study all the important and trivial topics as well before appearing for the exam.
Uttarakhand M.Tech 2024 exam will be held in the districts of the Uttarakhand only, as this is the state exam. By seeing a heavy enrollment from other states as well, Delhi has been included in the centers of the exam. Here is the list of centers, any changes in the list will be reflected here soon —
The admit card for Uttarakhand M.Tech will be released on the official website of the Uttarakhand technical university after a while of the submission of the application forms. Applicants should check the official website frequently. The admit card is only available online, there is no provision for sending it by post. To download it from the official website, all the candidates have to enter their credentials, such as – Date of birth, Registration, and the password of the registration id.
All the details in the admit card must be reflected the same when you entered those while submitting the application form. If a candidate got married meanwhile after the submission of the application form, then they have to submit their marriage certificate for the reflection of the latest development. Candidates also have submitted desired certificates for a divorce decree, Legal name change, or any other required documents. If the changes are not reflected on the admit card, then it can also lead to disqualification. It is necessary to carry admit card to appear in the entrance exam, candidates without an admit card can be barred from entering.
The result of the Uttarakhand M.Tech entrance exam will be released online on the official website of Uttarakhand technical university for all the candidates. There is no provision for sending results offline or by post. Candidates can see overall and the sectional score in their results. You can find the link on this page to download the results. All the candidates will be able to download it by entering their credentials like – Registration number, Date of birth, and password.
After the declaration of the entrance result, the Uttarakhand technical university will release the UKSEE Advanced merit list. It will get released online in PDF format. It will be properly segmented in – Name, Father’s Name, Gender, Category, Sub-Category, Domicile, and the Rank. This is the final list, where candidates get to know about their selection, as this list only mentions the candidates who get qualified.
First counseling will be held for the Gate 2024 qualifiers, as they also have a quota of the total seats, then the counseling for the UKSEE Advanced qualifiers will be held. All the candidates will have to pay counseling fees of Rs 1000. The whole fees will be payable in the favour of “Finance controller” at Uttarakhand Technical University. Apart from this, all the candidates will also have to pay Rs 10,000 as admission fee, through Demand Draft; this fee will also go in the favour of “finance controller” Uttarakhand technical university, Dehradun.
All the candidates have to attend the counseling physically and fulfill all the official formalities. The amount of the admission fee you paid will be adjusted at the time of admission.