Western Railway Recruitment 2023: Railway Recruitment Board has delivered a notice with respect to the Western Railway JE, DMS, Senior Clerk Jobs. Intrigued up-and-comers can enlist for the RRC Western Railway 2023 Exam Notification. The RRC Board has intended to direct the Western Railway Exam for different posts in the forthcoming months. So we have accumulated and rattled off the Western Railway Syllabus and Railway Recruitment Cell Exam Pattern relevant information here. In addition, competitors could locate the total Western Railway Exam 2023 Details here.
Intrigued up-and-comers can apply to the posts through the online mode at the latest 6 February 2020. Competitors can take a printout of the at long last submitted online application for future reference and check the authority warning for reference.
NAME OF THE SUBJECT | No of Questions | Marks |
Mathematics | 30 | 30 |
General Intelligence & Reasoning Ability | 25 | 25 |
General Science | 30 | 30 |
General Awareness | 15 | 15 |
Total | 100 | 100 |
Wannabes to score the best grades in the Written Examination ought to plan well. For that reason, we had given the subject-wise WR Technician Grade 3 Syllabus 2023 PDF and WR Assistant Loco Pilot Syllabus 2023 PDF in the underneath area. Additionally, applicants can download the PDF of the Syllabus and the Exam Pattern gave on this page. Since it will assist you with getting qualifying marks in your assessment!
For General science:
For Mathematics:
For Computer Application:
For General Awareness:
For Environment and Pollution Control:
For General Intelligence:
For Technical Abilities:
Admit card for western railway recruitment 2023 will be updated automatically on the official website. However, as soon as you submit the application form for the test, you’ll be informed with a tentative date on which the admit card happens to come. Even if not immediately, but within the stipulated time frame, you’ll get all the relevant information on the official website.
The result is proclaimed online independently for various phases of the enrollment test. Competitors can get to the result from the authority site. The result will be accessible in PDF design. The scorecard can be downloaded by entering the necessary accreditations.
The answer key for this test is ought to come online on the official website within the scheduled time frame from the date of the result. In addition to this, you do not have to worry or bother yourself for the same since you always have the option to visit the official website of Indian railways.
The cut-off for this exam is likely to be delivered online on the official site and on the entire authoritative site from which you will be submitting your application form. Again, before submitting the form be informed about the cut-off in advance so that you know how much hard you need to 3work for his recruitment test.